Slavery was a mistake

Slavery was a mistake.

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Speak for yourself, slavery got shit done in Egypt.
Slavery should be acceptable to prisoners of war, convicts, and illegal migrants.

OP's pic related implies the U.S. iteration
>it worked surprisingly well in Rome though


Importing a race of savages to the new world was a mistake.

That's a myth, the Pyramids and other temples were built by free paid laborers, the Egyptians used slaves on plantations, much like Americans did. Working on a pyramid or temple was an honor for an Egyptian, there is no chance they would let a slave work on such a thing.

Agreed, white people have GOT to go.

>tfw a wh*Teoid gets raped and/or murdered by one of their negro pets

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No the attempt to civilize non European people was a mistake

Unironically would bargain if it means Europe returns to its ancestral inheritors

No shit. One of the reasons the North was against it was because of demographic changes. More than a few Civil war era letters from northerners talk about how some southern areas would have more blacks than whites. It's funny how CSA fags forget how the south imported hundreds of thousands of niggers then let them lose on us, and killed hundreds of thousands of whites that wanted to stop it.

Why not just round up all the black people and ship them back to Africa? They can be back in their homeland!

>actually believing the north on the topic of slavery
It was literally a fall back plan so Lincoln won’t lose face over taxing the south to high heaven then instigating a war over it

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Whites always say they are a hard-working race. Meanhwile they bring africans to America, ruining the continent

We tried, it's called Liberia and there was the Black Star Line cruises to get blacks interested in visiting Africa. Both devolved into murder, rape, and cannibalism of those involved, as 100% black activities are oft prone to do.

Agreed. We would be almost nigger free if it was not for fucking southerners and the huge plantations. My ancestors and other northerners only had a couple of slaves, the groid population would be controllable today if the southerners did the same.

They started taxing the south as a means to make slavery unprofitable. There's a long history of cause and effect that resulted in the war. Think how would you deal with it if California was shamelessly importing illegals as a cheap labor force and you didn't want whites to become a minority. You might fight them economically first.

God is nu-Jow Forums this uneducated on history

>establish slavery and import slaves instead of not doing it like the progressives of the time said
>have to deal with the repercussions

>refuse to show coloreds in the media positively for centuries and glorify white traits
>interracial becomes appealing to have whiter kids

>make it harder for coloreds to vote with bullshit tests and ID
>becomes harder to pass voter ID policies in the future

>refuse to fund and help black schools during separate but "equal"
>public schools get integrated and you have to deal with it

will policylets ever learn?

How are you posting from the equator?

Yep. But it made a few people very wealthy. Kinda like the modern immigrant influx into European nations.

"slavery was a choice"

somewhere around 50% of the slave owners in the south were Jewish too

No. They were taxing the entire south at an extremely high rate. Only super rich people owned slaves in the south. 98%of them didn’t. It makes no sense to tax an entire region when only a minority participated in slavery

>We would be almost nigger free if it was not for fucking southerners

You just knew that a (((merchant))) was behind this.

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What happened to all the European Slaves taken back to the back to the Ottoman empire?
>let's see... Outlawed thanks to European intervention and captives sent home.
Hmmm seems like a safe bet. All the benefits of slavery without any of the downside of having an alien ethnicity clumsily jammed into your cultural hierarchy. You know seems like a pretty smart idea.

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yah, it let millions of niggers in. Terrible idea.

I'm in both hemispheres at the same time Chang

True I should have said kike southerners

Undoubtedly. The US would have been spared a horrible civil war and we wouldn't have to put up with Niggers.

abolishing slavery was a mistake.

>it was an honor to labor in the hot sun for hours lifting giant stone blocks for some dead rich guy

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Religion makes you do stupid things like giving 10% of your income to your local protestant shepherd

Not only was it an honor that assured you benefits in the next life, it was also very well paid, and workers were fed an extremely lavish meat based diet.

Only mistake was too end slavery and give niggers freedom.

The muzzies had a solution for this.

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Yes. It was a very costly choice of action for us all....we brought ourselves cancer

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Slavery wasn’t a mistake, we could have literally ended slavery and sent them back to africa. The memory of slavery happening would have died in a few generations since none of them were literate. The mistake was educating them

They overstayed their slave visas.

In Atlanta today I literally saw two different coons with Kang clothes. One super fat one had a black hat the just said KING in big bold gold letters. Another had a Black Panther shirt that was black with BPs face silhouetted in gold that said ROYALTY at the top in big gold letters.

>tfw your country took nigger slaves instead of asian ones

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Why are people who shill for Asians the biggest degenerates

Yeah, why did our ancestors bitch so much about coolies?

freeing the slaves was a mistake.

Slavery wasn't a mistake, abolitionists were.