"US president says North Korea's Kim Jong-un could suffer same fate as Libya's Muammar Gaddafi over nuclear weapons."
"US president says North Korea's Kim Jong-un could suffer same fate as Libya's Muammar Gaddafi over nuclear weapons."
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>think OP is full of shit
>see aljazeera link
Oh fuck, it's real
What's so bad about countries having nuclear weapons? Doesn't the US have nuclear missiles?
the third act always has to be the most dramatic
Mueller please hurry! Trump is going to cause a nuclear holocaust with his bullshit!
>al jazeera
>sandnigger news network
Q predicted this.
the us is the good guys
Yeah but we're the (((good))) guys!
>Kim has never played a poker game he hasn't won in his entire life
This is going to be the best call ever
Oh. Makes sense now.
he wants his nobel prize
thats why so desperate
but honestly bolton give kim the perfect pretext
i wonder why?
Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.
we're in the golden age of world leader banter, lads
dumbass mexican
What about mutual denuclearization?
That way neither side can do what the other is afraid of with their nukes.
What objective criteria does a country have to meet to be one of the good guys?
>Any other network
The Kike media is twisting Trump's words. Trump should just get this meeting with Kim over with. Let Kim get to know the real Trump.
......money says bolton is feeding him these lines.
Gib nukes because if you don't we'll ass bayonet.
Yeah ok here they are...
Send no less than 1% of your GDP to Israel.
Freedom liberty and pursuit of happiness (guaranteed)
The kikes are pushing for WW3 every single day since WW2. It's inevitable.
Feed people. US feeds people who don't even live here.
What's taking them so long?
North korea responds with a missle test
Usa sent navy in
Another test
Threats of war
Everything calms down again.
Rinse and repeat.
>100% of nk foreign policy is shitty cgi videos of them blowing up US cities
gee why cant we just let em have nukes?
Lol these idiots completely missed the part where he said they can be rich and have protection from us or....
China's one road will make North Korea a world player.
Spraytan brain cancer.
Our country is run by and led by Jews. It would be better for everyone if we were nuked, and Israel too.
now I want kim fat boui to fuck up
wtf I love Hillary now
LOOK OUT FOR FAKE NEWS!! Trump's own words make it seem much more sensible. He really does want a deal and his vision for NK is good.
shitty cgi videos are still better than actually blowing up cities like you guys do in middle east
>They don't know Trump and Kim have already reached an agreement and this is political theatre to strengthen their leadership positions for the coming peace treaty.
Shills still don't get it, do they?
>letting Semites tell you what’s real
fuck off sandnigger
The meeting will still occur
Don't you mean we're the good goys?
Trump fucked it all up
after Bolton fucked it all up too.
Kim should double the nukes now.
no its not faggot kys
Just nuke Israel, New York City, Miami, and Hollywood. Then reassess. We got plenty of nukes in reserve.
Giving up nuclear weapons would be the last mistake king ping pong ever makes.
Being an allied power during ww2.
aihn gahn happan brah, dey aihn gat dah oilz
haha 56D delusionists at it again
Wtf I love Russia and China now
We can't regime change them with impunity if they do. That's unacceptable.
just trust the plan
learn to read the map
all will be clear soon....
Only Jewish approved countries are allowed to have nukes. Notice how Iran and North Korea, 2 out of 3 countries without (((Rothschild owned central banks))), are constantly under fire for attempting to have nukes.
Yeah get fucked by jews bitch,jew deserves it
>y-you're not allowed nuclear weapons only US can have
>because I said
Kim cooled down and we should have kept playing along with him until we could have some influence on him to make him calm down his shit for good. This will only make him feel threatened, more dangerous and desperate