>lando's a fag now >the robot in this one apparently has a quip about equal rights >the costar in this, aside from portraying a pansexual whatever, (lol, autocorrect thinks pansexual isn't a word) just shat out a super-leftist video that portrays America as a violent racist shithole because that's the thing these days
Old Star Wars had a pretty standard theme, the roguish pirate gets the princess, the farm boy rises from nothing to conquer evil, all great stuff geared towards selling toys to young boys and entertaining the masses.
Now it's about making the blue-hairs feel included or something.
Because screw making the majority happy, we have to make sure the 1% ultra-queers have several Star Wars movies because diversity or something.
I've wearily trudged to the theaters for the last several crappy SW movies and I've finally given up. The Left has hollowed out yet another cultural icon and is wearing it like a skin suit. This will be the first time I'll pass on a SW movie.
you do know that the entire idea of star wars is that fear and hate and anger are the dark side and love and acceptance and working together is the light side right?
Carter James
You are not alone. I have the originals on vhs and followed from Dark Horse. Kotor I and II. Dark Forces. Galatic Battlegrounds everything..
Fallout is my new Lore. There is a lot of realism and I can find some solace and familiarity with it and Star Wars.
Don't forget. The Empire was right. Palpatine needed to unify the Galaxy under one rule to prepare for Yuhazi Vong. The Rebels fucked that up, and paid dearly for it, with entire planets and billions of lives being erased.
Ofc. Nu-wars got rid of the "offensive" canon.
It's like saying Caesar's Legion or the Enclave is bad for America.
Michael Jackson
looking up yuhazi vong now... seems like they were the ultimate evil?