Mark Fuhrman

evil man or true american hero?

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who is he and what did he do

Classic guilty face

Mark Furhman did nothing wrong

An absolute moron of a cop who could've gotten OJ found guilty had he not have tampered with the evidence.

In 1995, Fuhrman was called to testify regarding his discovery of evidence in the Simpson case, including a bloody glove recovered at Simpson's estate. Fuhrman was known to have used a racist epithet toward African-Americans during the early 1980s but claimed on the stand that he had not used that term in the last ten years. Simpson's defense team produced recorded interviews with Fuhrman and witnesses showing that he had repeatedly used racist language during this period. Later (with the jury absent), when asked under oath whether he had planted or manufactured evidence in the case, Fuhrman invoked his Fifth Amendment right and declined to answer. According to the defense, this raised the possibility that Fuhrman had planted key evidence as part of a racially motivated plot against Simpson. The audiotape proving that Fuhrman perjured himself—thereby undermining the credibility of the prosecution—has been cited as one reason why Simpson was acquitted

>did everything he could to put an end to the joose
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

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>some dumb burger who was born well after the 80s doesn't even know what happened with the OJ trial or who even Mark Fuhrman is.
Off yourself

he tampered with evidence?

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