i work in retail
What redpilled you on niggers
Other urls found in this thread:
I live in L.A. :^(
>sitting at a stop light being bombarded by nig music 8 cars down
>the mall (no explanation needed)
>friend of a friend who is your typical (ITS CAUSE IM BLACK) for everything
>watching them shoplift in just about every store
>watching them never tip
>seeing them get government cheese but still wearing brand new jordans and driving new 300M's
all of that i was tolerant of, but the number one thing that redpilled me on niggers is
Literally just going to school as a kid and violent dumb niggers
Always dislikes em but i didn't have a real exposure to them till this week.
>go to bank
>as i step out see 3 blacks come out on early 20s another no older than 18 and a child barefoot in just daipers.
>middle one Isnt even inside and he's dancing and shouting.
>rushes to the only teller and proceeds to berrate her because he's broke
>ayy yo yall stole my money i know i got money ayy bitch hurry up and give me my cash now i need it and dont steal like last time
>he continues to run around prolonging his simple what should of been 1 minute transaction
>teller apologizing to me and being very patient. Im impressed. He calls her slow and blames her
>he finally gets his cash which he needs to pay bailbond. Admits he was arrested
>that single interaction tempted me to change who i bank with
Thing is Dont even live in the ghetto
>what redpilled you on niggers
Being around niggers
Bartend in NYC.
Want to get black pulled hard by the true stupidity and degeneracy that exists in the west, that's your ticket.
I live in Texas and most of them are fine
Don't know what you faggots are rambling about
Their skin