Want to know why I'm MGTOW? Read this degeneracy from my mom

Just got back from a great year at college. I studied hard, focused on my school work, and made some good improvements to myself. I get home and what do I found out? My mother, whom my father has supported for the last 22 years, has been calling another man at weird times of day multiple times a day for hours at a time . This man happened to had been her attorney In the past. Nothing has been confirmed yet as my dad is waiting until she gets back in town to confront her. But the story finally adds up. She had been leaving to run errands and weird times in the day for the past while. Keeping her phone to herself... etc

Dad (who has literally not slept more than 6 hours in total since he found out 4 days ago) is broken. I didn’t realize it at first, in fact I thought he was just in denial, or refused to accept it. But earlier today I saw him in the light, the dark circles under his eyes stood out. His posture was slouched forwards. His eyes rotated between flickering between every sound too staring at the wall for 15 minutes. To think 22 years down the toilet. He had recently got laid off, but the calls show she had began long conversation with her attorney again less than 1 month after that. I know he has been trying to get a job.

Me. I only feel anger and disgust. If all comes to fruition like I expect I will thoroughly disown my mother, and she will forever be known to me as scum. Manipulating scum. To think that at nearly 60 years old she would do this to my father.

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In all seriousness though I’m hurting guys. I’ve almost broken down multiple times while writing this. This is wrong. So wrong. My dad literally did everything for my mom. He tutored her through nursing school, payed the bills, every thing. I want to cry and scream at the same time. I want to drink until I pass out multiple times over. Why would this happen? What causes women to do this? Why must we be cursed with affliction of loving things that are nothing but momentary pleasure? They are a parasitic sex, biologically built to gravitate towards what they think gives them the best option to survive and reproduce. Sound familiar? It’s the same damn thing that a parasite does, that a bacteria does, that a virus does. A VIRUS! Viruses are microscopic and look how they can fuck you up. Now multiply that until it gets to be 5’4 and you have my mom. She’s that much bigger and caused that much destruction.

Anyway I don’t know how to end this, and I don’t know what to think about what I just said. I know I’m tired. Been surviving on little sleep lately. Probably need to get some rest. I apologize for the rant here. I just felt like this war the best place to let it all out.

Send prayers for my family

Women having rights was the single greatest mistake we ever made.

MGTOW is a very good answer.


nice blog faggot you sound like a total bitch

at least you got your view on women straight

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I’m sorry for this man, glad you are sticking by your father 100%, he needs your support

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my parents broke up when i was 14. my only thought was 'I bet i can use this to get money from them' and i was right

Cool blog n not politics.

Kys shill/roastie. Women's rights is universally seen as a mistake by anyone half-aware of the world and for good reason. You don't have to be MGTOW to see this. Women absolutely need to lose their rights after everything they have done.

Nigga why you 22 still in college lmfao

this board sucks

Married 9 years. Have 2 daughters.

Loved my wife. She fucked someone else so I left her.

Took the girls with ease because she was "happy to start her new life."

Now I take half her income every month and slowly poison her kids against her. Everyone she ever knew rejected her.

Her existence is misery. Mine is bliss.


How? Like 98% of custody cases end in the women getting rights? How did you end up in the 2%?

did you not read the post bong
>she was "happy to start her new life."

I am so sorry to his this OP. On my behalf please give your mother a good slap to the face. You nor your father deserved this. I wish you the best.

>To think that at nearly 60 years old she would do this to my father.
This one line makes me think this isn't real .

Most courts don't care about adultery though, they have no-fault divorce law.

Ah nvm she didn't want the kids, ok got it now.

Have you went through the UK divorce courts?

>Your life is bliss after your beloved wife betrayed you to the core and abandoned your family and daughters
You're a shithead if you feel "Blissful".
I'm glad you're staging such a wondrous recovery, but you're literally psychotic if you're 'blissful' that your daughters will never know or respect their mother, and that you literally got cucked.

>mother is 60
>user is 40+ posting on an eritrean escrima forum

Yes, once, thankfully I did not have kids but I got fucked financially.

Mistakes can be corrected.

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Luckily men will be forced to take them back. Whether it comes before society collapses, and if it's done by western men or Islamic men, remains to be seen.

Be sure she knows how you feel about her, there's nothing that hurts a woman more than hate from her children.

You are a sad man

meh I disowned my mom a long time ago. It's not that big of a deal

women are cancer

>thinks shaming is gonna work on the nazi section of anime board with over a decade of NEET and neckbeard infamy

I am sad for you...
Ultimate selfishness of inhuman levels.

>literally get cucked
>my life is bliss

I can taste the onions from here mein mongrel