Adam Ruins Everything

Would you consider Adam from "Adam Ruins Everything" to be a normie nu-male LARPing as a woke alpha male?

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i'd consider him a cunt pushing his reddit agenda. I watched half an episode and I wanted to waterboard his family

.>combing hair straight up
nu-male fa-sho

holy shit is that the kid from that vampire kid movie?

He's the only person I know of with a decent platform to say that circumcision is really fucking stupid so I at least respect him for that

i've never watched it because i'm not a fag hole

shit it is him

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No, he's not even a nu-male, he's a faggot and he's so gay I can't tolerate watching any videos with him

His videos are alright, i mean he ooks like an insufferable cunt, but sometimes he talks sense


I swear he looks gayer each and every time I see his fat head.

He has low testosterone. He is working to destroy us.

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hes definitely an annoying low intelligence dumbfuck

>alpha male
lol wat? absolutely nothing about that dick-lipped faggot says alpha. nothing. i mean just listen to that whiny thin-ass squeaky voice of his. and don't even get me started on those fucking glasses

A literal who e-celeb

>a normie nu-male LARPing as a woke alpha male?
sounds like every male in liberal media, like john oliver for example

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>woke alpha male
How would anyone come to the conclusion that he's a woke alpha male? He's the definition of whitesplaining, mansplaining, numale, etc.

yup absolutely. ew one time a libturb linked his shit in refutation during a debate.

ummmmmmmmm sorry sweetie alpha males don't exist

T shirt cannon

I heard some video refer to him as Cuckbob Basedpants and I think that's 700% appropriate.

Please do the world a favor and watch this video.

Oh a word filter. interesting