Sesame Street

What are your thoughts on Sesame Street's degenerate left wing propaganda?

Attached: Elmo-and-Katy-Perry-elmo-21463023-450-300.jpg (450x300, 58K)

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Pedo street was taken over by Mexicans... for real. All the people working their were replaced with Mexican Leftists.

Attached: muppets pedo.jpg (1280x967, 584K)

The original Elmo actor was a full on pedo. He had many a relation with a newly double digit kid.

Attached: 1517063680686.jpg (448x513, 37K)

Why are you watching Sesame Street?

The Judge threw out 3 lawsuits because the kids didnt come forward as minors. They waited till they were adults to file a report and therefore it was too late. (((Hollywood)))

>The original Elmo actor was a full on pedo. He had many a relation with a newly double digit kid.

Attached: pedo elmo actor and katie perry.jpg (1022x2602, 1.34M)

I don't watch blatantly condescending and degenerate shows made for kids between the ages of 2 - 5 such as Sesame Street, but I do see my toddler relatives watch it occassionally. There was also coverage regarding Sesame Street mocking Donald Trump.

I assume it's just like every other children's show now, designed to corrupt the minds of the kids and indoctrinate them into a system that ultimately does not benefit their future.

But I also like Katy Perry's titties.

Your question is the equivalent of me talking about how the new Spongebob Squarepants episodes have terrible jokes and then being asked why I watch the new Spongebob Squarepants. Where exactly in my post did I say that I watched the show? I can still be informed of Spongebob's terrible jokes outside of watching the show.