What timeline are we even in anymore?

What timeline are we even in anymore?

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wow. this is awesome. is it real?

>deep inhale
>disgusted sigh



Fuck off sand nigger.

Okay, what is this yanny and laurel shit from?

ZOG timeline where invading other countries and destabilizing regions is seen as cool.

Anyone who says it's yanny is lying to you

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yeah but they deleted it


How can you stand being such a fucking faggot? Serious question.

USA still pretending to be chasing their own mercenaries in order to establish themselves in the countries they're destroying? And the amrimongrels of pol are finding this nice? Why am I not surprised, for people who commonly use terms like liberals and cultural marxist...

The absolute state of the American Military.


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>mutt airforce shitposting about bombing hajis
we're in the kino timeline senpai

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>meme flag

Every fucking time

All you have to do to make an america think something is "badass" is to be irreverent and use emphatic language. Hitler was right when he called them negrofied.

>country is literally falling apart and Taliban is shitting on Afghan army and will probably own the country in a decade
>Y-Y-Yeah w-well muh brrrrt r-right?

>What timeline are we even in anymore?
I stopped keeping track after Pepe got on the most influential characters list on Time magazine

So fighting wars for Jews is cool now?

Faggot timeline where slaughtering muzzies in a fucking A10 Warthog isn't badass.

Are you the reason we have qinoa now? That shit just appeared from nowhere.

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Thirty five years ago they were flying shipments of guns to the Taliban

>tfw USAF is now crap posting
is Jow Forums the most powerful force in the galaxy?

Northern Alliance, actually.

Holy shit the airforce is BRAP posting now? What fucking timeline are we on?

buckle up, user, the sky is the limit

Is Jow Forums running the USAF twitter now?

>it's not even a secret the government props up terrorist groups that change spotlights whenever necessary
>people also think terrorism is a legitimate thing we're fighting

No wonder everyone here is so fucked up. It's not the fluoride, Americans just live with a massive amount of cognitive dissonance they can't even perceive.

Hey leaf, try ripping apart some brownies with a GAU - I lnow it sounds gruesome at first, but I promise it grows on you and is quite cathartic

American government can't meme so they have to imitate Russian embassy tweets. Sad!

And jewed. Don't forget jewed. He called us jewed as well. And he's right, we have the most Jews on the planet outside of Israel, and it shows

Says the Gold and Sword Beach meatshields

>what is this yanny and laurel shit from?
It's the audio equivalent of that blue/white dress thing, only this time hardly anyone gave a fuck.

Man, why did they cuck to lefty faggots? That is pretty funny.

that was my first thought

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The Talibans have been resisting for 15 years. Wait, make that 30 years. For 30 years, they have resisted soviet and American imperialism.

They'll still be there in another 30 years. Maybe they'll be kind enough to maintain memorials for the western soldiers who died there for no good reason.

Aren't we in an alliance with the taliban right now to keep ISIS out of Afghanistan?

Kill yourself fucking faggot

Why are there different factions of Muslims that all seemingly desire the same things?


about time the meme wars heat up

This question was asked before, we're on timeline 19-C. Damn shame we didn't go to 17, though. That's the one where Andrew Jackson conquered South America and created a single American Empire.

Obama's excuse for arming them.

It's yanny, you fucking laurelfag.

Yeah and 35 years before that we were nuking Japs.
Times change dipshit.

No shit dude. They have no central leadership and no central base of operations. So there’s always going to be remnants resisting. When you deal with animals who have no problem living in hell then you can’t reason or make peace with them. That’s why the nazis were better enemies. They knew when it was over and didn’t resist or keep fighting. They wanted to have a home worth living in rather than dying in a desert hell. But as always the darker your skin color the closer to beast you are.

fucking air cucks deleted the tweet, it was great

How does that surprise you?

Sure thing amerimutt

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this is why the whole world wants to kill amerifats

This a current form of an old experiment on conformity due to social pressure. Look up the Asch Experiment. It's a classic in psychology.

I thought the Air Force decomissioned A-10's?

>the germs were a bunch of fucking cowards and still are for surrendering their nation for kike interests.
Fix it for ya, the same goes for the degenerate Japs, the Vietnamese faced a much stronger foe and still didn't surrender.

>I thought the Air Force decomissioned A-10's?
It's been pushed back to 2021 at the earliest. Maybe 2022. Love the video of "McCain A-10 don't insult my intelligence"

t. taliban

Funny isn't it, you leave muslims alone and you get violent religious theocracies, you invade them and you get violent religious insurgencies, you kick them out and you get violent religious terrorists, then you go home and they immediately return to violent religious theocracies. It's almost as if there's a common factor here.........
But whatever, let's throw open our borders and celebrate diversity.

I think we got to the point where we realized we couldnt control the rural areas and put down the warlords. Every western military spent over a decade putting troops in bases down there with no territory gain for the afghani government. They just want to control the farmers, and keep their drug routes open. If you lwt the farmers grow poppy and move it, the fighting stops. Fun fact, most of the heroin goes into Iran and Russia.

Love the A10

>chair force
literally the reddit of the armed forces

I mean they're the guys that fly the planes. Why wouldn't they use the BRRRT meme?


heroes was patrician af

i hear neither yanny nor laurel. it sounds like gibberish eyanuleyi or something. which annoys me that i had to listen to it to find out it was all some sort of viral marketing something or other.

they deleted it hahahahahaha fucking plebbits get the fuck out

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I thought the A-10 was decommissioned by now?


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>german dictator who got his ass kicked by america called americans mutts

Whoa that hurts my feelings so much

>What timeline are we even in anymore?
the most cu-cked timeline ever
Thank god for Trump for accelerating the world to its end

Some people want to hear Yanny, some – Laurel, I just want to hear why Americans are still in Afghanistan after 17 years of useless warfare?

That's funny as hell.
Can someone remind me what we are doing over there?

kek I didnt even realize they were talking about the Taliban

this tells you everything you need to know about the modern US military

keeping the front on the enemy doorstep so they are less likely to come to ours

Absolutely no idea at this point. Kinda curious though how they’re producing a shitton of opium and here the us is in the middle of an opiate epidemic

it's called 'blackup'


they don't like BRRAAPPP humor?

air force bombs people to death. you best take them seriously.

Its cancer.

take my dick seriously you old boomer

The Taliban are Afghan Religious Nationalists who would prefer to be left alone to do their own shit. They won't come to America. In their minds this is their 1776 fighting against a foreign ZOG invader.

fucking wow at the tweet and aftermath. 9 out of 10 want the tweet back up LOOOL


Shitposter can't meme so he has to imitate American president tweets. Sad!

make that 1500 years

you have to go back

As jews alow people to become more insane people arround those people will become more insane aswell , it's a never ending cycle.

The world is under influence of the biggest insanity wave in human history and it will only get worse. In 10 years the world will be 99% memes , even in politics , millitary and education.

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it's a dry run for 9/11x100

Why should I care if they make fun of dead terrorists?

as though Jow Forums's interest in ME politics has anything to do with preserving Muslim's lives and isn't about self validation

>when the government memes

okay guys

Back to plebbit you fucking sissy

Why does the city still stand? Why hasn't the land and survivors been auctioned off to American citizens and businesses yet? You're ancestors are watching. Why are you failing them?

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>It was made in poor taste and we are addressing it internally.
>In the US military you can be assigned shitposting duties on Twitter
I spent 10 days in freezing cold without showering

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>The native population is STILL alive
Just give them some blankets oh my god

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Afghanistan is the graveyard for empires, didn't you know?
You posted a picture of Alexander, so I am guessing you already know his empire collapsed shortly after not winning in Afghanistan

>US Air Force BRAAAP post on twitter
>Higher ups are disgusted and try to hide their shame
Least they acknowledged their degeneracy and had ti removed... Still funny tho.

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raghead faggots defending their own nation
fuck em


Morale factor is too strong. It's like a great fucking warhorn sounded by the lord himself.