Why is Trump so fucking stupid?

Why is Trump so fucking stupid?

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both are degenerate diseases that only degenerates get

because he is the president of retarded fat mongrels?

He baits people so they'll lose their shit and go full retard.
It's pretty funny!
But seriously, you shills need better material.

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It's not the president's job to be an expert on faggotry.

good morning achmed

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To be fair, I don't know the difference between the two lul

This just in: Trump is not a pathologist. News at 11

kill yourself shill rat

The hell is hpv?

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>INB4 45D underwater mahjong lel

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Does your grandpa know what hpv is?

They are both stds, who gives a fuck what the difference is?

Why should he know about those faggot diseases? What is hpv?

are you a racist?

damn, makes me sad to know our president doesnt know the most trivial thing you could ask someone

How the fuck is this conversation supposed to have taken place? Why the fuck would POTUS be talking to the founder of Microsoft about STDs?

of course bill well versed in the topic since he fucked all those loli african girls

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I'm ashamed.

Lol what is an hpv

fake news.

Why are you such a faggot?

Obviously he knows that difference these viruses have on humans. Trump's question was about specific molecular differences in relation to absorbtion by the blood brain barrier. It went completely over Bill's head and he still doesn't get it today it appears

>not knowing the difference between two STDs
Unless he's curing the gonorrhea that your uncle gave you at the age of nine, what the fuck does he need to know that shit for, nigger?

The "Gorilla Channel" one of these was funnier

100% how it went down
>bill gates: see we are doing our part to eradicate hpv
>trump: do you mean hiv
>bill gates: no hpv
>trump: what's that

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Can some faggot enlighten the rest of us as to the difference between the two? I always thought hpv was just some newspeak way of saying hiv.

HPV is a virus that increases cancer rates in women dramatically

I don't know the difference either, and I have a 130 IQ and own my own engineering business.

The only people who need to know that are fucking degenerates and doctors.

I don't know what HPV is either. Ain't gonna google it, hopefully its aids related

its something roasties get from thoting around too much

Because they used to call it warts, until the vast majority of skanks contracted it.

>highly successful in real estate
>highly successful in marketing
>highly successful TV producer/actor
>highly successful politician

Not a lot of the skills are transferable between such vastly different careers, you don't become successful across so many different categories unless you are HIGHLY INTELLIGENT.
(meanwhile I doubt you are successful at anything Mr posts on Jow Forums)

wait they are actual warts, kind of like herpes?
i thought it was some kind of bacteria or infection or some shit

>Bill Gates said...
Who gives a shit? This is the same dumbass helping literally retarded Africans reproduce at insane levels helping to destroy our world ecosystem. He might be a very intelligent software engineer but he's so far removed from practicality that he might as well be a nigger when it comes to planning.

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So it's God's solution to the thot problem? Of course shabbat goyim Bill would want to stop the good Lord's work.

Or warts.

You'd hope someone known for sleeping with literal whores would at least have a middle school grasp of sex ed. Sad. Many such cases.

It seems that's exactly what they are.

Oh, sweetie...

You probably have it paco, I'd go get checked.

FPBP. CLEARLY. That’s peasant disease

I didn't know what HPV was before this thread. It seems kind of petty to shit on the president for not knowing the differences between diseases he probably doesn't have.


This globalist faggot has been propping up Africa's populations so they could overtake Europe and soon probably the US.

Bill Gates is a pedophile

bumps that chicks get. If you get it in your throat you get cancer.

Gates created common core, he should be killed for that

actually he's aiming to curb population growth in Africa

Yes old as fuck and was old before hiv and hpv became a thing
He was done having to worry about STDs

>Gates created common core, he should be killed for that
fucking gross
I knew that the P stood for papillo-something and the v for virus, but I just figured it was some shit that stayed in your system, not that it was actual legit warts
Fucking roasties, man. Glad I married a virgin

>literally flailing
Honestly he's stupid and you know it. It's just that you're invested in it to give you something to be contrarian about cause screw those people who made you feel bad about stuff you'll show them. This is why Trump won! Cause a bunch of depressed losers couldn't find a way to express themselves aside from passive aggression.

HIV-HPV= Yanny-Laurel

rich white people tend to not concern themselves with the diseases of black roasties

Then you too are a moron. An estimated 75-80% of reproductive age people carry HPV. Seems like a thing even brainlets should know about.

Herpes is blisters warts are HPV they look like little cauliflowers

So stupid he managed to become a billionaire then the President of the United States when he had the whole Establishment and the Media against him and in spite of all of that his numbers keep getting better and America is doing better now than it has since the 80s
What a fucking retard if only he had a huge brain like Hillary

I'm religious, I never slept around and I married a virgin so I never had to know the difference between what degenerates get when they sleep around

>Bill Gates

Came here to post this, If you don't run in circles that would risk you to catching it why would you need to learn all of the degenerate diseases.

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HPV is human papilloma virus, causes genital warts. Is "self-clearing" which means it'll go away on its own but remained inactive. Causes cellular change in the cells lining the cervix and the throat (via oral sex with infected person) that increases the likelihood of cancer. People who transmit this stuff tends to be careless with protection so have higher likelihood of having HIV.

This is the link between the two.

You lucky fuck, its a horror show man.

So what? Why would anyone bother with aids infected faggots, let alone know something about them.

Just go in a desert, be gay there and die.

99% he was fucking with him
1% who give a fuck. He's not the President of STD biology.

That's the sign of a dying society. We should be more mad by the state of things and less of Trump's ignorance of the diseases of the morally repugnant.

those are all the trades of midwit sociopaths not even as cognitively demanding as doctor or lawyer

exactly, the fact he is not a nigger,gay, mexican or plain political correct to the point of retardation proves he out-stands the presidency the 2018 US population deserves.

Virus, so no real treatment via antibiotics. Only way is to prevent further infection, chemical treatment of site and wait until body clears it out.

Because when you play dumb you know your enemies.

I was at a dinner with a colored haired feminist, a relative of a friend of mind. She was complaining that if Drumpf ever got elected, he would make all contraception and abortions illegal and it would give rise to STDs and illegal abortions and tons of people would die.
I said 'Well you know, one easy to solve all of that even if he does this would be to simply teach abstinence, no sex outside of marriage and to live with the consequences of your actions, and within one generation pretty much all STDs would disappear"
Her face went three different colors and she raged harder than two scoops lol. Don't tell roasties not to fuck around if they don't want to get STDs or accidentally fall pregnant

Or couese the immigrant from Somalia would know about all STDs

Good question (Q), OP. He definitely doesn't have to be as stupid as he is. And yet he continues to be. It really makes me think.

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Not trumps fault, who else would know more about viruses than the fucking creator of windows?

>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

Trump is fat mongoloid retard.

Standard is that if you have the warts then you'll also have the ones that do not cause warts but causes cancer.

Most women will have that checked while doing a routine pap smear. Most women will also be vaccinated with the HPV vaccines but it only prevents 4 out of a multitude of strains. The four are known to be directly linked to cervical cancer.

This might also be why more and more OB suggests scheduled c-section births. Bypass the birth canal and the baby will not come in contact with whatever's lurking in there.

Pretty sure it's a fancy way of saying genital herpes.

That's his dad and the company that he set up. Donnie just won the birth lottery.

>"he would make all contraception and abortions illegal"
>faggot answer

Why dont ya answered the roastie like in a true alpha male?

"Why the fuck Drumpf would make that illegal? Like a real man he fucks a lot of hookers, and dont want want to have children with them"

Racist doesn’t mean anything anymore, sweetie...

If 80% of the population has it, and it can cause cancer leading to massive healthcare costs, and your administration seems hellbent on defunding things like Planned Parenthood, then fuck yeah, excuse me for thinking it is an issue that he should have a rudimentary understanding of.

>those are all the trades of midwit sociopaths

Even if that were true, it doesn't disprove my point that in order to be HIGHLY successful at one of those trades - let alone ALL of those trades - you would need to be highly intelligent.

>implying niggers and white niggers don't win millions of dollars of string-free money and blow it effortlessly




>seems hellbent
>i would really like to believe he's hellbent to defund PP and it confirms my worldview that he would be

FTFY. Where are you faggots coming from?

You haven't met many dermatologists have you?

Perhaps you should take your his dick out of your mouth, go listen to his stump speeches, and oh, maybe Google it. It is a major story. I swear to fucking god, you people are so clueless.

Bill Gates, yeah, totally trust him as much as CNN. But hey, its in a faggot manual for faggot readers that conforms to your fagoot confirmation bias, so it must be true. :LMAO

Well he is killing niggers, so give him props for that

>faggot manual for faggot readers

But enough about Mein Kampf!

Because I'm not a degenerate loser who pretends that fucking hookers is a great thing you degenerate leaf

Lol, Bill Gates has spent hundreds of millions trying to stop aids niggers from fucking each other and dying (their natural state, like fruit flies) and it’s all been a total waste. Literally, Trump is changing the world and knows enough that some sex disease from Africa can’t be stopped by caring a lot (Gates’ approach)

Reminder: Bill Gates fucked his employee, got her pregnant and married her. That’s not a one time thing. How long before his noble, but failed, legacy of trying to stop aids in Africa will be replaced with #MeToo ?

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Bill Gates also give millions in contraceptives to Africans to lower their birthrate and it's already making a huge impact in places like Kenya.

I don't blame bill, he doesn't have a college degree

I don't really care about the differences in fag diseases either


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Wart viruses, though the term is used mainly for a specific non-wart producing form of genital warts that causes cervix cancer in women.

He's baiting you. HPV has thousands of variations, if you have warts or skin tags you have some form of HPV.

And you let this dumb fuck turn your company into a joke.

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