>Still thinking the US could beat superior Canadian military technology
>literally fucking LOL
jesus fucking christ
HA! burgers dont stand a chance.
quality bread
The fake cockpit painted onto the underside is patented Canadian technology, the result of 18 years and $23B of research.
It makes the enemy think you are flying upside down.
these gay ass copy pastas
Up yours, America!
>Implying that the Jewnited Snakes government has enough men, tanks, jets, helicopters and drones to kill every armed American
You have planes?
Holy fuck where have I been?
Jesus CHRIST, the state of Leafistan. I don't know how they're not all dead from suicide. How do they go on?
Nimitz class is done for.
literally American technology
((They)) are going to keep flying these until 2030 LOL
>implying they don't and that small arms are even relevant in 2018
yeah there's 70. Next time we burn down the white house it will be with planes.
pls stop...pls...just stop...
Good thing our CF-18 are literally falling apart. Look at the rust on this piece of shit. Time to buy Gripens or Rafales.
Yeah, our pilots can't even push their birds to the limit anymore. The airframes are so weak now that pilots are banned from anything beyond a 4G manouver and they can't go above 80% thrust.
t. my gramps is a retired air force vet.
>implying that your sorry excuse for a leader Cuckstin himself would ever attack or compete against any nation that contains minorities
>implying that the 6 brazillion sandniggers in leaf land won't hijack your 'superior' technology
That's not rust. It's patina.
That's not rust --It's patina!
>Can't even pull past 4G and no A/B
Absolutely disgusting.
norge-user does it better
>teleports behind you
nothing personnel kid
Right you are, LEFtenant!