This is a 10/10 in Ausfailia

>this is a 10/10 in Ausfailia

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They have terrible, mannish women down there. That's why they're always shitposting

is that a man or woman

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Post the video so we can all see the pinnacle of female humor

Good music though

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thats a faggot.

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The show is in the same format as “Last Week Tonight”, to give you an idea about the overall quality of humour.

I used to enjoy watching John Stewart’s show, but one was enough, I don’t need 10 different facsimiles of his show telling me what to think.

wrong, thats an actual woman.


>Fitzroy feminist group + UN plan international
>somehow these mentally ill kikes managed to take over the ABC and influencing the government

ive never lasted more than 25 seconds

healthy strong women breed healthy strong men.

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>ywn hold hands with prime Demi

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Ken Lay is a literal poofta male feminist police commissioner in Vic, LMAO

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Dads google history!
White women sex

Genetic hold over of the white nigger Irish convicts the Brits dumped there?

>ABC (((comedy)))

It's story time!
>flicking through channels
>stand up comedy on ABC
>it's a dike making jokes about being a lesbian
>it's a faggot making jokes about being gay
>it's a feminist making jokes about men
>it's a faggot making jokes about being gay
>it's a gook making jokes about being a gook
>it's a nigger making jokes about politically correct madness (only got away with it because he's a nigger)
>it's a white male
>"Wait what? Doesn't look or sound gay..."
>camera zooms out
>he's in a wheel chair
>starts making jokes about being disabled

I saw a while straight male once.... ONCE!!! And it was the act that was any good.

Unironically would fuck.

10/10 what?

I don't even know what gender that is

jesus f. christ
this is torture

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Jesus Christ, you know, at least some Jews are good at comedy. Women... just Jesus Christ it’s horrible.

Female comedians should be fucking OUTLAWED.

Fuck, miss piggy is better than that shit. That girl watched way too much Tim and Eric growing up.

Stop watching television. Honestly it will be the best thing you do In your life.

>10/10 in Ausfailia
no such thing as 10/10 in Australia chang.

[ Raucous laughter]

I’m not mad at the Jews anymore,I want women to be the ones gassed now

its like one of those retards from the american idol auditions somehow accidentally made it on television and no one was there to tell them no

No it's Australian.

Pure cancer.

>flicking through channels
>(((comedy))) on ABC called "Librarians"
>watch about 10 seconds of one scene
>doesn't even have any meaningful dialogue
>can already tell just by the camera angles and actor facial expressions that it's anti-white propaganda
>it's the end of the episode
>really curious to see just how anti-white it is
>another episode is on right afterwards
>watch it

The gist of the story from what I could tell is that there's a stupid racist white woman who's head Librarian - but she doesn't really deserve that position, she only got it because she's white.
Then there's a super smart, kind, generous muslim librarian, who really runs the library, but the white woman takes all the credit for her hard work.
Then all the other white characters are dumb retarded bogans and all the ethnic characters are smart, kind and extremely competent.

We need to defund this shit already....

Australian stand-up is cancer. This is legitimately above-average. Aussie humour does not translate onto the stage.

This one's even better (peak dude weed lmao):

i made it through the whole thing and ive never felt more suicidal

I don't even own a television, I just flick through the channels sometimes when I'm at my girlfriends house to see how bad things have become.

fuck off kike, all of those hookednose gremlins go into the oven.

A couple of weekends back they had a Saturday night special of all female comedians. Fucking atrocious.

Fuck off.

Not bad, just a bit random, T.B.H.

It... it actually gets worse

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I honestly can't tell what gender this thing is either.

Holu shit, this is the least funny thing I've seen in years.This is like what Tina Fey was doing in the 90s only somehow even LESS funny.

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Could be worse. Could be a burger or bong muttess.

And you guys still wonder why we date the gook

At least we got this out of it.

Was that that one where some woman in leopard print tights came out on stage and just started acting like a fucking retard and everyone was like "Yeah that's comedy!"?

Cut the cord around 11 years ago. Every time I'm somewhere people have a TV on I'm appalled and amazed by what passes for programming these days. It's like coming out of cryosleep or some Van Winkle shit.

Pro Tip: you can't

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Yeah righto...

Not bad actually, pretty funny

I turned it off at 26 seconds just to say I lasted longer than 25 seconds.

Honestly though, that legit made me actually cringe and not much does that. What the actual fuck is that?

i fucked her in school

12 seconds fuck, i woodberry but need a bottle of bourbon to get me through it

Feminists are sick creatures that will never reproduce.

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>valid to 28/2/2010
Sounds about right.

fuck I was lilke 'ok this is unfunny' but then I got to when she starts singing at 2:30 and this is even worse

>0:30 second mark

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Check this out for some true female comedy greatness:

I'd like to fuck her, but I won't want to stick around to have to listen to her jokes, because they're just not funny. She's not funny. Who's laughing at her? Are the Aussies in the crowd lit on VB and laughing ironically?


Lol. Is this one of those routines where it is so awful it is funny?


Right guys?

Please tell me it is

God I fucking hate rave shaves.

>that pic.
What's the suicide rate of Italians, anyhow?

>There were 3 minutes, 29 seconds of this.
Made it 28 seconds.
Repeal the 19th Amendment and re-legalize beating women, holy shit.

Sounds familiar. The one I remember was this retarded bitch running the beep test as some sort of commentary on growing up. Dumbest shit I've seen

melborne is not australia its a Californian cuck colony, we only let them be as a warning to the rest of the cuntry

I can't understand a singe joke.

Maybe I'm not trying hard enough.

Here's the joke:

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Of course, lad. Sometimes things are what they appear to be. Still wouldn't want to sit through the other fake comedians surrounding that one person for the sake of watching her act though. Such is the tragedy of the commons anymore.

How have you faggots not teamed up with the emus to personally have this cunt put up on a tree? I wanted to kill myself watching the first 30 seconds the rest isn't so bad.

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how did you come to that conclusion. nobody here says that. barely anyone except retards think she's funny or attractive.

we have smoking women all over the place, but she ain't one of them. Our 10/10's surpass any 10/10 america or canada would possess.

Got a few chuckles out of me till the bit after the phone call. Pure cancer after that, still would fuck the life out of those thighs though.

its 2018
nice #btw

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this is melbourne socialist humour personified

Should have gassed the prisoners instead of sending them to an island. Now look what you did.

Who takes a picture like this? Why do people do this shit?

I beg to differ

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Australian humour is exquisite.

Godless cunts. The devil will need all the trash he can get.
Now this is an 10/10

The originals were cuter though
I bet the specs is into some really dirty things

Such comedy is only funny to metally retarded subhumans.
Almost like a accidental forced selective breeding process happened at the beginning of their countries creation with the most sub human of a parent nation which produced after generations these under niggers.

The lead up is always funny, but then I just feel bad for them.

Are fanny packs still a thing over there

Muslim worship Baal/Allah which is a demon that is the duke of hell second to Lucifer. Obelisks pay homage to Baal, and are suppose to represent and translate to Baal's Shaft. Catholicism, Paganism, and Islam were created by Lucifer to pay homage to devils and demons. Lucifer went by the name Nero on Earth, and he killed millions of Christians. Devils are confused for demons. Behemoth and Beezlebug; not Beezlebub, are most commonly confused as demons. The devils took different names and flipped their angelic sigil over. Behemoth/Baphomet's angelic sigil was an inverted star, so his devlin sigil was a right side up star. Lucifer's angelic sigil was a right side up star, so his devlin sigil was a inverted star. So people confuse Lucifer/Jupiter with Behemoth/Baphomet. Emanuel Macron is the antichrist who was brought up by the Rothchilds to be "prince of Earth". Please read Revalations. The Illuminati and the Freemasons are two groups that work together. Originally the Freemasons were a group of Moroccan and Israelite slaves. That were enslaved perticulary because of their genius skill in architecture. It was a somewhat poor christian fellowship. The pyramids were made by using giant sliders that were pushed against the sand. They would stack the first few bricks, and when they couldnt reach they push that sand up into a hill to the layers. For support they slid giant wooden plank to support the weight of the sand when they pushed the sand up against the already finished layers. Lucifer/ Emperor Nero killed the original Freemasons. And took It over. Most members have fathers and grandfathers that are Freemasons, so they have a push. To low level members of Freemasonry the fraternity comes off as normal people who refer to God and Jesus, but they vow by men. And they start to teach that the Bible ,torah, and quran are all true. They believe Lucifer is the First and last angel, they believe he is god, The Grand Architect Of The Universe.

It's part of her act to appear le quirky and funny xD like the pulled up striped socks.

They're cool in the hipster and gutterpunk scene.


This is fucking good.

>Muslims worship Satan but are living is a shithole all while being genocided
Hmmm I think you got the wrong Semites, friend

Question everything. Especially yourself.

What now?

Muslims don't worship Satan. They worship Baal the demon.


Rothchilds are Jews anyway.

The Rothchilds are not jews.

Incoming missiles: Target - Israel

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