Is the free market capable of saving the bees from extinction?

Is the free market capable of saving the bees from extinction?

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yes. ban gmo.

has more to do with disease than some bullshit pesticide.

Nope. Unless the cost of losing bees outweights the benefit for any one individual to use chemical agents that damage their survival chance they'll continue using them.

Fact is that there are places in america where bees have been made extinct by the use of intensive farming but they get around the pollen problem by shipping bees in hives on trucks in to pollinate. So unless we're careful that'll just become the standard method because it costs businesses little compared to the benefits of these cheaper chemicals.

>shipping bees in hives on trucks in to pollinate.

And that causes thieves to target the bees; put multiple hives/bees at risk of diseases while they share the same space; and that they'll bring back; it's a frail system born out of necessity.

we breed bees

>this is the only thing holding back a plague of killer bees

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I keep bees OP, the free market would fix it by causing the price of honey to go up and therefore motivating people to keep bees.

You don't make money keeping bee's, well at least not for the first 2 years or so. There is A LOT that can wrong, and it is quite a lot of work, and well bees can be pretty fussy.

Right now I got 4 hives going, that cost me close to a grand to get up and running, first year you don't get any honey since you gotta let them build up. You only take honey from super (those boxes you see) above their brood chamber and their own honey reserve super.

Labor is an hour or two every week or bi weekly checking on the hives, feeding (you end up buying a lot of fucking sugar to feed them during winter etc...).

If the price of honey was about 4x what it is now you would have a lot more people keeping bees, and the problem basically solves itself.

there is no bee extinction, retards

Shipping bees to a site is common practice, regardless of overall population.
Honey bees are not native to America, they are an invasive species.
There are many other insects, birds and even fucking wind that helps pollinate.

It ain't that big of a fucking deal.

The bees you get honey from are docile as shit

more importantly though, there is no bee decline

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Go take a drive.
If you're not a newfag to life you'll notice that you have next to no dead bugs on your windshield compared to the mess you had like 10 years ago.

It's not just bees going extinct.

>is the free market capable of X
The free market is not a 3D printer or wish granter. The free market is a principle that says if there is a demand for something, someone will try to provide it. If there is a demand to save bees people will inevitably try to provide it. If the demand isn’t big enough, or a demand for something else that may incidentally contribute to the extinction of bees is greater, then Darwinism would say extinction will probably be the outcome.

If saving the bees is truly important, make it known. Convince people it’s more important than the alternative, then the free market will work it out. I’m personally not convinced that we’re in dire need of huge colonies of flying bugs with sharp pointy butts living in everyone’s front lawn, but I wouldn’t want them to go extinct forever.

stfu retard, just look it up instead of using stupid anecdotal evidence

free market has already "saved the bees" bee population is on the rise and at a 20-year high, stop falling for liberal fearmongering about saving the world through hefty donations

honey bees aren't even the main pollinators it's solitary bees that do 95% of it.

>bugs keep flying near cars
>get splattered
>unable to mate and produce anymore offspring
>bugs who don’t tend to fly near moving cars
>less splattered
>more likely to produce offspring with same behavior

a) you need more recent data
b) you need data on europe

>Solitary bees
You mean Sweat Bees? Fuck those faggot things.

Would someone really do that?

Deny that the bees are dying?

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>When you realize those bees that probe around your house every spring aren't bumble bees, but carpenter bees and that you've probably never seen an actual bumble bee in your life

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