Why are millennials losing faith in capitalism?

Why are millennials losing faith in capitalism?

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kys data miner

they should have more sex

sex is good for you

Because they're being brainwashed into thinking that all of their problems are due to capitalism.

It's the economy, stupid!

Because capitalism is failing them bigly.

Because they have no idea what capitalism is. Or what socialism is. Or how to tie their shoes.

>losing faith in capitalism
>the goodest consumerist goy generation ever

Because their parents got them the black iphone, not the white one. Duh.

lazy as fuck and want free shit and be taken care of

Capitalism and Marxism are the same thing
>both globalist
>both materialist
>both funnel wealth to international Jews
>both dependent upon constant expansion
It’s the illusion of choice

Because they have been raised to think that everything should be free. They don't want to work for what they want; this is a byproduct of growing up without struggle, fighting for their freedom, given everything growing up and unlimited technology.
In other words, the jewish brainwashing through the public schools.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt, fierce competition for jobs unless you graduate with a good gpa/professional degree

Because it's failing, honestly they are more redpilled than boomers but they simply aren't connecting the dots.

Because capitalism doesn't favor people who consistently make naive life choices and who lack dedication

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It's been corrupted and ruined. It was good when people weren't pieces of shit or when it had a rival like communism but now its a free fall and its shit.

Because capitalism makes jews and big corporations who support mass immigration and globalism and big pharma who’s injecting disease and autism into us richer. no offense to people who have autism here

Because they suck at playing the game.
>t. Successful millennial

cuz your a squashslobber

nice meme-flag JDIF

There was never a pure or uncorrupted era of capitalism
It is based on greed and individualism and it always has been
That's why its great, is because we don't need to depend on "good people" for it to raise the standard of living for more people than any other known economic system

Also, having blind faith in any economic system or even ideology is the most retarded shit you can do, and capitalists are guilty of it the most

the weaker the moral compass of the population the faster the capitalist country implodes into something else.

yea if there's one thing I know about millenials, its that their opposition of jews, mass immigration, and globalism supersede all the rest of their concerns
Soon their strategy of partying, having meaningless sex without kids, and playing video games will crush their enemies

>tfw out of that capitalist rat race

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Because it's so perfect you only see the flaws. They should go live under another system and try again.

Because of Obama and the "Sassy Socialist Memes" Facebook page.

they get told progressivism is moral, equal and for the youth, while conservatism is amoral, racist and only for boomers.

In my lifetime, I've seen capitalism continuously enrich leftists and people who want to destroy my race in my own country, often lavishly, often with billions or tens of billions of dollars. I've seen corporations turn hard-left and "deplatform" people with views similar to my own. And I've seen pro-capitalists and libertarians defend this because the people doing the banning were a part of private companies - as though that should be some ultimate shield against criticism.

Now, why the hell would I put "faith" in a system which is doing all that? This is an honest question. My observation is that the glorification of "capitalism" has led to materialism and social disaster for my country. The greedy fucks who undercut wages by hiring illegals may be acting unethically, but they are most certainly acting like capitalists...

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It's almost as if we need some sort of a third option.
Like some sort of Socialist Nationalist society.

Proper answer right here.
The institutions have spent the past 7 decades telling the youth that they are poor because rich people are stealing all their money.

They're not, it is liberal lies.

Its not capitalism. Its not capital if it can be printed into existence. Fiat currency is not capital. You cannot bail out the banking system and tell a generation who is on the internet without them losing faith in the currency. Only boomers think this is capitalism and everything is fine.

You cannot have "free market capitalism" and "bank bailout interventionism" at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive.

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I suppose it depends on what you consider a failure of morality
The failing nations seem to be filled with a growing population of people who want to save every animal, protect every tree, and allow every human to be follow their unproductive dreams without being criticized
Is that morality or immorality?
Meanwhile when times were good nobody gave a fuck about that stuff, and it was essentially survival of the fittest economically
Is that morality or immorality?

>the people doing the banning were a part of private companies
when a private company tries to ban niggers, it isnt capitalists that stop them

I'm afraid to say, when times were tough the rich got their heads cut off.

How can we lose faith in something we've never experienced? I genuinely can't think of a single period in our history when we had full free market capitalism. Even during the 19th century industrial boom when the industrialists were making mad profits, the state would violently intervene in the interactions between employers and employees. Not to mention the central banks, and the huge debt all the Western countries accumulated and the taxes/tarriffs they imposed to pay for it. So even that time we all consider to be "evil exploitation of the proletariat" was still not really full fledged capitalism.

>both funnel wealth to international Jews
jews make far more money from taxing whites than competing with them

Because they never got to experience Capitalism that wasn't perverted beyond repair by corporate-government cronyism.

They're living a form of Capitalism ruled by mega corps formed by decades of unchecked mergers, who have laws and regulations written up to prevent competition as they expect it from emerging, and buying out the ones they don't expect.
Where wages have been stagnating for decades because "populist" campaigns tripled the available work force by getting women into it and then migrants.
Because all their teachers and news outlets tell them their life is shit because of Capitalism, and not because of all the socialist subversion eating it from the inside.

Industrial society fucks with their minds

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Today's youth is so entitled from their boomer parents that they can't comprehend why they have to work hard in this competitive world.

Name me one Fortune 500 company which is actively trying to do that but is being prevented by the government. Do you not understand that the executives of many corporations ARE leftists? There's not some grand tensions between "the government" and "the private sector;" both are controlled by the same leftist managerial elite. I notice that libertarians tend to operate off of a really outdated paradigm when it comes to this stuff.

Boomers didn't "work hard". They created currency that hadn't been earned yet, and now theres TRILLIONS of national debt in each country.

Boomers didn't earn it - they stole it from the future.

I'm sure the folks hauling the rich to the guillotine believed they were vanquishing immoral & selfish villains
I don't think our points are actually in opposition

I meant to refer to this here:

>when a private company tries to ban niggers,

When does that ever actually happen? Which big American corporations would do that even if it were legal?

because it's 18 years past year 2000 and nothing has changed in positive direction and in fact went to shits after numerous libertard democrats in office promised us utopia

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I think I worded my post badly, I meant that kids recieved a lot of stuff from their parents, who ere boomers and thus had chance to get big houses, vacations, massive terrains and entertainmemt, and thus are used to getting shit without any effort.

To deny that our current average cost of living isn't massively higher today than when the boomers dealt with it is pure ignorance.

End of debate.

* and no it's not because of iphones and Starbucks. It's because rent / insurance / wages are all out of whack.

Anyways, you know I'm right, fuck off.

As the currency has vastly devalued since the 2008 bailouts and before, it doesnt matter how hard millennials work, they will only ever earn pocket money-tier purchasing power.

They can never own a house or afford a family

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They factually aren't. Capitalism doesn't exist, it was a word invented by Karl Marx to describe all existing systems.

Since Communism isn't real either, anything that millennials call Capitalism or Communism is just a label. It doesn't mean anything, it's content-free. There will be no significant change to the existing system and there will be no significant change to the existing power structure except through naming the Jew. That's a fact.

I am blackpilled, when the fuck is the revolution you cucks?

Well when labor is a resource and you flood the market with women and immigrants, and value of that resource is reduced
The introduction of credit-access also drives up the price for whatever is being purchased with that credit
Basically the push for equality across sexes and classes has resulted in a massive pay-cut and cost-of-goods increase at the same time

I mean they can, but they really have to work their asses off be it working, studying or even innovating.
It doesn't help that pretty much all the world has a massive problem of giving free money to old people because "they workedso hard back then"

Millennials can own a house but they have to vastly overpay an artificially inflated price for it. A price that could crash any moment with the housing bubble bursting.
They can also get educated, at a great expense and end up with a worthless degree.

Both currency and education have been devalued.

That same kid today would make about half that
Its almost as if there are twice as many people working now than before...

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Funny how its the two things everyone uses credit to pay for
Credit that has become accessible to almost anyone regardless of merit, for the sake of equal opportunity

True - but its also that theres alot more money existing after the 2008 bailouts which dilutes its value

straight up concrete cold facts right here

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Fair point but I would say when USSR fell and the hedge funds moved on Wall Street and cleaned it up was really the start of the downhill snowball..I might add a lot of same people fund progressives groups,open borders etc all in the name of more profit.