G`day cunts.

>>Immigration authorities 'fast-tracking' some athlete asylum applications, lawyer says

>>Chinese buyer is Brownes Dairy's 'prince'

>>'No. 1 state': The rise and rise of One Nation in Victoria

>>Major 'Moogy' Sumner to challenge Downer and Sharkie in SA seat of Mayo

>>'Dangerous times, Neil': Turnbull's two-word explanation for impingement on our liberty

>>Push to create Aboriginal jobs through government contracts

>>Is this fair? A family sleeping in their car and a couple who will soon live in a BUS after being evicted are among thousands on the waiting list for public housing - while other tenants pay just $100 a week despite driving a BMW

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getting JUST'd, as usual

who isnt getting JUST'd these days?

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i.. just... yeah im done for today

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everyone is JUST nowadays.
cunt, it is an absolute painfuck to land a job after 2 years of unemployment

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try 0 work history

Had a telephone job interview yesterday. THey said they'd let me know next week.

Lol. Why would anyone care either way about this?

Also why aren't we mad about private schools geting more money than public schools in teh budget? Or getting any money at all for that matter.

at least i have 6 months unpaid factory maintenance in 2017 and 6 months of doing retail in 2015

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You guys came up with an interesting tank design in WWII so you got that going for you.

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Public schools produce neets like you.

>>Immigration authorities 'fast-tracking' some athlete asylum applications, lawyer says
Told you cunts this would happen anyone who thought we'd deport them is a fool

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>pls hire me
>beg beg beg
>cradle your balls while i swallow, master?

why don't people work for themselves, like learn how to blow glass and sell bongs on ebay

>Or getting any money at all for that matter

christcucks and various conservative shills try and pull the poor people card and say that cutting funding to private schools will affect them the most. typical jew tactics t b h. ive even seen libertarians support this shit, which makes me think that most "libertarians" are just closet conservatives

i do handyman type shit off Gumtree to pay rent
i just want a stable income

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What's for dinner lads?

>i just want a stable income
that's what centrelink is for sweetie

dunno, nobody but me is home yet

Oi nah did any of you’s see that boomers are fuckin off over sea’s because they can’t afford to retire in this fucking mess they made?

>just welfare leech, davo, me an my missus got paid like heaps of piss money for our 3 kids

doesn't surprise me, honestly

>went to the doctor to talk about my blood test results
>took a test late last year prior to this
>said that everything that was wrong with my previous results has improved dramatically with the most recent one
>mfw had a proper diet when i was tested last year
>been eating kfc/maccas/hjs/pizza hut every day for months before i had my most recent test done
>he told me "just keep doing what you're doing"
>mfw hit up maccas drive thru straight after i left the doctors

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My little brother got deported today, probably gonna go postal

you're saying you don't get centrelink while doing odd jobs?

you should leave too, you need to look after your brother

lmao the poor attempt at a sympathy grab by that article

the absolute state of boomers

If i did that the only one remaining would be the lifelong dole bludger you brought here to have kids

they rejected me because mum and dad have too high an income, but they also have 5 kids so i dont get any support at all.

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your slut mum can fuck off too

oh good, because that would be bad and dishonest if you did

>tfw live in Hawaii

Nice butthurt, what are you going to do when i turn around and go nuts on some school kids?
You'll be out millions with nothing to show for it but 2 retirement age lifelong bludgers and wasted normies who'd have to keep living.

nah m8 we are very diverse multicultural society, every aussie is unique

we don't have many white school kids here so go ahead and kill some other shit skins

get melted, seppo poof

>I don't want to be deported from this country so I'm going to kill some schoolchildren
Where do you live, mate? I'll fill out the form to report you to the AFP.

Im the anchor baby you can't do shit and your best case scenario is what i said before.

if i took government gibs?

>Im the anchor baby you can't do shit
Can't go killing people if you die in prison, mate.

You can divert all the effort you want

just bought a new bike for a steal on gumtree, so not today. Uni exam season is coming though and thats when i'll be in full JUST

you don't belong here, that is why you want to kill a bunch of kids. you need to return to your homeland

I was born here, im anglo

No fuck you they all look the same
Get fucked by a croc Bruce


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well were the fuck did they send your brother? back to New Zealand

what state bru?

South Australia. Bit wet today

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aw man i was hoping you're our resident "sent to china" guy

Any Uni cunts here?

i meant US state

been there, done that, would rather chop my cock off than go back

>not being a gap year Chad

lel I'm not in the US

>gap year
>on aus/pol/
you're clearly taking the virgin break. unless you can produce a picture of you banging hostel sluts in a can in Chile in the next 5 minute

>tfw my tax so far this year has paid for one NEET in this thread welfare to survive

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I'll get back to you in five months

Whats a good site to sell my wears on while collecting CLink?

kek. what are you doing btw? i'm saving my gap year after i finish 3 years of this hellhole

why the fuck is aus/pol/ so slow today

based chink basher.

>lso why aren't we mad about private schools geting more money than public schools in teh bud
Because if you've ever been to a public school like I have, you'd know that they produce a lot of scumbags, not even going into the leftist propaganda side of things, and it's nice to have private school to aspire to. In my experience Catholics are a bunch of lemming faggots but at least they play their lives pretty straight. Catholic girls are better too. They know their place more and are happy with it, and they put out.

I knew a guy in my previous town who got $800 a fortnight because "muh anxiety, muh assburgers". I knew him because my mate was his disability care worker. There was nothing wrong with him. He was just a lazy, spergy piece of shit. Had "panic attacks" which was just him sperging out when he didn't like something or get his own way. Never showered, wouldn't even wipe his own arse or wash his hands, stank like you wouldn't believe. He just sat on his disgusting fat arse all day, wasting his money on card game shit online, living on fast food, and complaining about how hard is life is. From what I've heard, nowadays he spends his time blocking people on facebook for saying there are only 2 genders.

I was making $400 a week packing shelves at woolies, knowing that my tax money was paying for this failed human being's comfortable lifestyle.
Fuck tax and fuck this government.

I would specifically target private school seniors because that would be more distorting than if they were 5

don't forget you're paying for his disability worker as well

Gross so far has been 69k so tax is around 17k
Im only smalltime

The fuck you talking about you sound like a curry.

yeah this type of shit pisses me off. they need a drill sgt type social worker that just yells at these people until they get their shit together

$15,000 in tax would pay for one NEET with no children

Did you come to America once?

nah but i saw it the last few times it was published

cunts have a whinge once or twice a year at how shitting where they eat turned out to be a bad idea

Welfare is nothing on what we are paying to keep the housing/population ponzi going. We'd be better off if more people were on the dole. Rather than shitting up the joint with apartments and requiring shitskins to live in them.

Cunt's fucked.

didn't he switch to some bullshit about buying a bmw?

NEETS are also smalltime though

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It's a good idea. There'd be so many countries that are alright and cheaper than Australia. Spain for example. Even in fucking Alice Springs it's still 500k+ just for a basic house.

Must be a land shortage.

Daily Reminder that boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

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yeah we need a total reform of our welfare system. I am so sick of the government taking my money to give to some other cunt. income tax alone I pay for over 1 NEET then GST, rates, alcohol tax and so on

Would you accept being paid half of what you get now in exchange for another person getting a job and also paying less tax?

>be me
>Haven't had work for a week
>Looks like it can stretch for 2 weeks

Well I sure do love being employed, especially when those employment statistics are showing the reality of things!

yeah but only if the government cut immigration to 0

Only a war would give change to Australia.
There is nothing short of that.
We are walking down a path that ends only with the greedy and rich winning.
You think the poor cunts on welfare are taking all the money?
No its the rich cunts up top that take it.
Give nothing back.
You want change? Fucking make it happen from within or by force.

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We are only small eye drops in the ocean for taxation

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I would accept getting paid double what I get now in exchange for all roasties being booted out of the workforce

Australia is a feminized nation where spoiled bitches get away with bashing paramedics and men are all castrated pussies who make nervous laughs when they joke about giving their money to their wives.

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Well yer.

>Be rich chinese
>Buys properlty
>Increases in value
>Chink sells it for 1 mil
>That 1 mil now gone overseas where it will never be circulated back into the economy

>Be boomer
>Get aged pension
>Too expensive to live in australia so live overseas
>Aussie tax dollars being sent overseas and that money also won't go back into the economy

I'm sure there are more examples.

I mean hell maybe the yellow jew had all this planned out, maybe they wanted to fuck over our economy, since they caused house prices to rise in the first place.

I do actually feel bad for you cunt's it must fucking suck trying to get full time employment. I see so many people who get a job but the company treats them like shit and expect them to be on call 24/7

No its faggot australians they are anti-social

So what happens at the end?
Only rich cunts would be able to live here. While aussies are kicked into the woods?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Imagine watching that idly then BAM your kid has their throat sliced wide open

I remember some conspiracy theory from the 90's that Australia would become the rich mans playground once the full NWO plan goes full gear

>Tank designs

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Read this and it becomes more clear, harm our economy in the most jewish way where we don't even realize = weaker military, fund things such as multiculturalism to get into the country under guise of being immigrants, push agendas to divide Australians and make us weak.

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It's the playground of the african instead

The country is completely fucked, it’s basically lawless at the moment. It doesn’t surprise me One Nation is growing rapidly in Victoria, it’s anarchy here at the moment. The Sudanese are doing as they please and small-medium sized businesses around the country that are owned by Parjeets and Chinks are importing cheap foreign labour under the oversease student visa program to enrich themselves at the expense of Australian’s and any attempt to regulate this sort of behaviour is struck down by the incompetent plodders that are presiding members of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.


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