Patrick Little AMA

AMA - Patrick Little here. I'm running for US Senate in California. Ask me anything.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's me

I spoke to him on IM and said now would be a good time to do an AMA since I saw there were so many threads on Jow Forums. He doesn't have too much time but can answer any questions you have.

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oh herpa derpa derp i say good sir you are truly the only person who can deliver us from the jewish threat

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What is your favourite
How old are you?
What do you think of Mike Enoch and have you had contact with him?

If you were elected senator would you have the abilities to stop sanctuary cities or does that jurisdiction lie with the individual municipalities?

You should try to get more national media exposure

No sleep tonight?

When can we expect an IRL event? Not necessarily a stunt. Also we've been countering Erin Cruz.

Don't you think that stating you want to install the pre-1965 immigration policy (only white) will alienate all the support from non-whites?
Because let's be honest, you can't win Cali without them unfortunately. DId you consider going first explicitly counter-jew and then when in office propagating the pro-white stance?

are you getting non californians hopes up

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Alone, no. If I get 200k voters from the state with the biggest population in the US, I can wake a few hundred of thousands, perhaps millions of people up. I did this campaign with almost no money, and last poll has me in second with more than twice the support nearest opponent. If we do this right, every seat in congress and every office up for reelection in 2020 will have someone who openly names the jew running. Maybe we could take 1/3 of the government.

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Mr. Little, I'd vote for you if I could, but I'm in another state. I wish you the best of luck in the election. You are a great American.

If you were elected, which I hope you indeed are, is there anything you would do to interfere with Israel dragging us into more conflicts for their interests?

Fuck off you controlled oppo faggot.

IRL event is needed. have thots on standby.

what's with all of these shitty low production value memes coming out of the gab crowd? the majority look like they were made by boomers who just discovered the lasso tool. Cantwell posts a lot of them too. it's not a good look either put effort into them or don't bother at all.

>Portubro is missing the AMA

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you have much catching up to do

I can do that by doing what the polls project me to do, and come in top two in the primary and appear on November ballot. Anyone who opposes bills I introduce to deport foreign nationals illegally in the country would probably lose their seat in the next election. This might take two election cycles.

Florida here, anything we could do for you?

shill. fake. she isn't even running.

Are you worried that with the attention your campaign has been getting that the people in power might try to harm you?

Why are you running a political campaign on an obscure Alaskan Iditarod forum full of weeaboo autists?

Just here to let you know you gonna die in your sleep soon. wait and see

Bump for a Little Revolution.

Have you reached out to the Arab community? 500,000 Arabs in CA who are freshly pissed about Israel/Palestine


I only need four hours of sleep. I don't have the money for IRL events yet, unless I go to a public space, in which case my gathering would be attacked by antifa we would be portrayed as violent by the media. I need contributions.

Legitimate question:
Do you fear your life will potentially be in danger if you get close to winning?
Also how many times have you been interviewed by the FBI?

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Oh boy, here we go

Are you trying to push major redpills like the "Culture of Critique"?

Patrick Little > Patrick (((Klein)))

A coin has two sides

Buddy, you got HUUUUGGGGE BALLS.

God protect you in your divinely appointed task.

what do you think of anime

Mr. Little, as a Lebanese I'm happy that there is some hope left for the States. Finally some individuals in power are waking up to the ZOG and the Jewish threat. I have one question. What do you think of my country and the situation it is going through with Israel and Iran (if you have any idea)?

Also, would you mind posting a time stamp?

If this really is you, thank you so much and keep up the good work

Prove that you’re not a faggot larper

we had edwin duterte on pol last night doing an AMA.

i asked him a few questions. i understand he isnt running for senate, but does however share some views with you. what do you think of him.

I love that you spoke about the Assyrian people on JF's stream. My question to you would be, if elected into office, what would you do to help out Christians, like the Assyrians, in the Middle East from Jihadist and Zionist persecution?

What do you do about the Federal Reserve?

I can contribute some advice. Suck some black cock you racist fuck

brah...what made you go full hitler on the juden? I mean you can only pull this shit off in america becasue of the first. If I were to speak up against jewery here i would be thrown in jail at the first hearing in court.

ding ding ding

don't u have some cocks to bite rabbi?

good luck

No, people came to the USA for a reason. They don't want everyone from the third world to come and make this into a third world country. Only a few brainwashed cultural marxists support that. BTW, the way, proportionally, I am getting as many people who want jewish supremacists out of power in this country per capita from other races of man here. Jewish supremacism and zionism hurt everyone.

I've heard that just getting one giant shower and some ovens using 40s technology will be cheaper and way more effective than deportation.
What americans might refer to as a long term investment

Hey there ,schlomo
No little kids you have to gas today?
The fires rising



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the jew screeches in pain as he attacks you

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I'm Canadian but your candidacy and potentially your performance will reflect on people in my country who run similar campaigns. I can't look you up without seeing a ton of "he doesn't like da joos!!" and nothing else, so, wtf is your actual platform my guy? beyond wanting Americans to control America I mean. Link?

Hey Patrick, could you quit spamming this board with your pathetic attention whoring? Thanks, pal. Hope you die in a grease fire.

>my girlfriend is Jewish

Who is best gril?
What is your opinion on monster girls? Degenerate, or what genetic engineering should strive towards?
Have you seen Upotte!!, and if so, who is your favorite raifu?

Patricick I've been trying to do to the Patrick Little General thread everyday to promote you. Do you have any advice on what I should put on there besides the basics that are already there. I'm seriously trying to do what I can to help you save my state

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I've been on a stream with Mike Enoch, met him at Charlottesville. He is an entertainer, he helps people wake up. I think he will come around. You have to remember, satire and comedy are always first stages of political revolution. TRS and others laid the foundation for what I am doing now in many ways. I think that they think my success is too good to be true, but they are very cautious after Roy Moore, Charlottesville, the stealing of domain names, and the shuttening on social media. They will come around. They need to. We need a guy in every one of the 435 congressional districts doing something like what I am doing in 2020. We need our entertainers on board for that.

>Jewish supremacism
HAHAHA watch who speak about supremacism lol
why won't you cut the crap and say you support Israel 100%? I mean only if you really want the republican nomination. It is better than being antisemitic twat


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I got my propaganda bots firing away making thousands of contacts a day on Instagram using hash tags in Cali. Good luck pat.

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how do we contribute? how much do you think you'd need for an event?

Guy who's likely controlled opposition paid for by the DNC now posting on a site heavily linked to white nationalism by the MSM?

Yeah nothing suspicious about that.

Good. There needs to be a Pat Little, Paul Nehlen, or Art Jones running in every election in 2020, governor seats too.

show tits

Don't you think the Jew angle is damaging your image among the public and because of that, your chances of success? Why did you choose to make it such a key issue for your campaign? Thank you for your service.

I've been in a stream with your mother she said she loves it circumcised why don't you just answer me instead of ignoring me you little fuck

Good luck and fuck Zionists

What’s your opinion on circumcision? Will I ever get any form of justice?

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He didn’t answer this. Interesting. I’m starting to smell a psy-op

yeah, but he doesnt seem to give a fuck. he said dual citizens should be declared as such on ballots

ITT some dipshit talking to himself

God hates you

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Run for office in your state. I'm just a guy with allergies who read a bunch of books on the horrible tyrannies the jews ruled over in the past and how they control the mechanism of white genocide now. I woke up, and runny nose or not, I name the jew, rain, snow, sleet, or shine. I have spent less than $4,000 on this campaign I think, and I have the (((deep state and media))) scared out of their wits.

was on that thread. he has compatible ideas.

What's this Joe Phebus nonsense?

read my platform! LITTLEREVOLUTION.US

Shut up you dirty kike rat

What do you think of us BASED muslims who hate Jews?

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You goddamn right the little fag can't answer single q I've asked him lol

I'm hoping more will step up and follow your example. Brass balls my friend.

‘You are the supremacist’ - gods chosen lampshade circa 2018

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I hope this dude has a good security detail he's going to really piss these kikes off.

You are the one who's afraid from my questions I used to beat fags like you in school why won't you show your face

Semper Fi Pat! Keep fighting the good fight brother.

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if you can flyer anywhere especially in orange county or this Sunday near churches get in the /plg/ and grab the best memes and hit the street. we need to up our presence in meatspace. wear a hat or a hoodie and be safe while you're outside.


I'm married. Tell the girls to go find another guy. I need contributions to book IRL venues, antifa would make shit show of any free public venue. If I don't get the contributions, I at least need invitations to hold events at friendly businesses.

this is what im thinking.

and btw where do you live? give us your address don't be afraid

Not election related. What's your opinion of Serbia? What's your stance on 1999 nato intervention?


Shut up you jewish parasite. Your giant nose is blocking the fucking moon from way over here in SoCal, you dumb, subhuman kike. We’re going to gas every single one of you.

Mr. Little, do you love Alizée?

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Yeah, sure ya did.

bitte verlassen sie umgehend diesen Kanal , sie sind hier grundsätzlich unerwünscht ( Juden , Kommunisten , nigger und minderbemittelte Schwachköpfe haben hier nichts zu suchen ) . Gez. Reichsführer Netz

Do it faggot, i dare you. Wondering why Jesus called you all as synagogue of Satan.

Maybe if you’re more insulting he’ll respond

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