Ireland Abortion Referendum

Threats of violence from Yes side feminist SJWs if we don’t vote the ‘right’ way.
What can we do to this twitter account?

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Why do ugly feminists care if abortion is legal or not, it's not like their custy ass will ever get any dick.

>Irish slut rampage brutally suppressed by police
Pls happen

Look at her for god sake nobody is gonna fuck her anyway

comedy gold OP.

So if they can't kill their kids they might try to kill others & cause property damage in the process.
This people really are mentally unstable.

Police have no powers here they let protests do what they want

Got my voting card, everyone in my family is voting no.

I was going to say that they won't do shit other than complain on social media, but then I realised that they probably already have a big celebratory event planned for Dublin that they'll just turn into a protest if they lose.

>a-at least abortion is good though!

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So what are the chances of No winning.

I know Ireland voted huge majority on Yes for gay marriage so it's probably going to be similar for Abortion right?

Not great in my opinion. Probably 55-45 to Yes next Friday, and we won't find out until Saturday evening because they won't start counting until Saturday morning.

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I’d say the yes are slightly ahead.The media is so on the Yes side it’s unreal and there’s a big group of silent no voters.The last poll on the marriage ref had the yes miles ahead but there was much less of a winning margin in the final tally.If the same were to happen here the No would win.This is a much more divisive issue than than gay marriage.

what the fuck are the IRA doing about all this? You'd think a Catholic militia might at least do some good in this particular scenario, or have they cucked out on stuff like faggotry and whoring so they can "modernize"?

Very small sample sizes though.
Could there be an effect similar to the ‘shy tory’ effect here in the UK? People quietly hold right wing views but don’t express it to the pollsters for fear of being judged.

She's like an 8/10 on the Irish scale.

Legal abortion mean less niggers reproducing (look at US stats).

>Catholic Militia
Kek. The members have only ever been nominally Catholic. They espouse a secular Marxist-Nationalist doctrine. Sinn Fein are pro gay marriage these days.

......they aren't a Catholic militia, Jesus Christ. We werent shooting British people because ye guys dont have the pope as head of the church. We were shooting you guys because you are British and in Ireland. Political not religious. Also Sinn Fein have supported yes due to their disgusting progressive and socialist policies.

>Small sample size
There is an element of that, which would be the undecideds. However, there'd be a sizeable amount of undecided-leaning-yes in that bracket too who could be swayed by poor Amanda who had to have an abortion so she could go to Canada for the summer.

The best hope is for a low turnout from the young, the majority of which have wholehearted drank the media propaganda.

Sinn Fein the IRA political wing are actually supporting abortion

This. Not sure what she's so concerned about given the circumstances.

Nah the Muslims will procreate no bother.They’ll outnumber us soon enough cause we are happy to kill ourselves off.

She wouldn’t even be raped.

The IRA are Marxists, sensei

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No, in Ireland it will be used to further reduce the Irish birthrate.
Leo already wants to import a million thirdworlders by 2040

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They are massive shitlibs. Micks talk a lot, but everywhere they have go and have any power they turn it into shitlibtopia.

Source: Dublin, Boston

Unfortunately in NI even the once pro-life SDLP are discussing whether to drop their pro-life stance at a meeting tomorrow.
Leaving only the DUP and TUV as officially pro-life parties in NI.

I'm voting no

>Catholic militia


We've been over this a bazillion times. The IRA are Marxist cucks. Always have been.

>Anything but wannabe commie scum
user I....

>tfw you laugh but then remember most of your relatives are Irish

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Trust the experts, they've never been wrong!

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Referendums and democracy will literally never solve anything. 'The people' are too fucking apathetic and stupid to make the right decisions, and even if they do make the right decision, the elites will do nothing to act upon the results of the referendum, or will simply crash its purpose with no survivors, like Theresa May has done. Prove me wrong.

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HOLY FUCK! I just remembered I have dual citizenship. Can I vote in this thing?

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being edgy on twitter is a far cry from committing atrocities in real life. Do you really think she will carry her nasty lazy ass in to the street and and torch shit and riot? She got her (((likes))) and her (((retweets)))


Did you register before the 8th?

No. Fuck.

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The young women of Ireland aren't going to do fuck all, seeing as most of them are too fucking lazy to take a short ass flight to the UK for their so-called "routine procedures".

It's okay. You can always bomb a clinic with me

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This picture is misleading, abortions aren't carried out on babies who have developed as far as in the pic.

You dun goofed user, I hope you like gifs of aborted foetuses moving round

I've seen them yeah, they aren't that developed as far as I remember

Jow Forums is magic.

Lets do this

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I don't think she should be all that concerned on whether abortion is legalized or not considering her looks.

Jow Forums is a board of peace!

Question, are abortions allowed in Ireland right now in the case of potential harm to the mother?

There's a spirit of madness that has taken hold of a lot of young people in Ireland today. They are devoted to abortion on demand just like they voted in their droves for sodomite marriage. Many of them haven't thought about what an abortion entails, but just know they want the law to change because they think it will make Ireland a more modern country. They repudiate the past, because they have been brought up, drip-fed to distrust, laugh at, and finally, to hate the Church. And since the Church is against abortion, abortion we must have.
The demons, once driven from Ireland by St. Patrick, are returning, sensing that the flame of Christian faith in Ireland no longer burns hot enough to harm them.
The young tell themselves they will be safe, despite rejecting Christ in the stubbornness of their hearts. The Lord will deal with them harshly, and send upon them calamity. He will sent pestilence and plague upon the land. He will cause them to be defeated before their enemies. They will be betrothed to a woman, but another man shall lie with her. They will build a house, but shall not dwell in it. They will plant crops, but another will enjoy the harvest. Their sons and daughters shall be given to other people, while their eyes look on and fail with longing for them, but they shall be helpless. The foreigner who lives among them shall rise higher and higher above them, and they shall become lower and lower. Whereas once they were fruitful and as numerous as the stars in heaven, they shall be left few in number, because they did not obey the voice of the Lord their God.

So that which has already come-to-be and is merely in a state of alteration is okay to kill? Can you not justify killing actual children with this, or anyone who isn't dead yet for that matter, since they're not yet altered enough to reach their final form? This logic is horribly flawed.


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Can you imagine making abortion the hill you choose to die on?

This is the ultimate useless wedge issue.

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You know give them what they want, let them become infertile and suffer when they will be old and nobody wants them.I came to the conclusion people only learn trough pain and misery so lets give them that.

>So that which has already come-to-be and is merely in a state of alteration is okay to kill?
No idea dude. I guess that is a question for religion or philosophy. At which point do cells become a human?
As far as I understand it, they are allowed to travel to England for abortions at the moment, correct?

>Concedes issue after issue to the left

Catholic Church have barely been involved.They are afraid of the left/feminists/gays etc now

Yes, the right to travel was voted on back in 1993 I think.

So the issue is you think more people will have abortions if they don't have to travel?

>I'm a fuckin idiot: the post

Ever heard of partial birth abortion?

Their learning went fix anything, it will brown their country and the next generation would fuck things up worse.

Yes, as well as the impact that it would have on social morale. We're basing a lot of arguments off of the UK, where you abort 1 in 5 pregnancies, 1 in 3 women has had one and many have had one repeatedly. Not to mention keeping the right to life for the unborn probably helps prevent cases like Alfie Evans from happening here.

There is no law against second and third trimester abortions in the UK, and a baby is fully fucking aware bybthe third trimester and has the capacity for consciousness in the second.

Abortion after 12 weeks should be illegal unless the mother will die by continuing the pregnancy.

The proposed law will allow abortions up to 12 weeks in Ireland. Which I guess looks like a baby but still far from developed

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>Abortion after 12 weeks should be illegal unless the mother will die by continuing the pregnancy.
Well that is what is being proposed in Ireland as far as I can tell

The browning is inevitable as long as Europe remain democratic and under US control, so let them suffer from their decisions.

When does the heartbeat start?

>Threats of violence from abortion advocates

This is not exactly a revelation. The point of the referendum is whether you should be allowed to kill prenatal infants.

50% of women are prolife. Feminist need to stop speaking for all women.

Abortion up to 12 weeks for any reason and abortion up to 24 weeks for "mental health". Which wouldn't be abused.

Niggers will

6-7 weeks.

I don't know anyone who has gone through an abortion. Why is it so hard for SJW's to just plan for the future and use condoms like normal people, if they don't want to get pregnant?

18 days is the correct answer

No, they will allow it on the tenuous grounds of "risk to mother's mental health" after 12 weeks. As we know from England and Wales, this will be interpreted to allow it if the mother says she feels distressed at the prospect of continuing the pregnancy.

>Threats of violence from Yes side feminist SJWs if we don’t vote the ‘right’ way.
Damn you're gullible. Why would you believe a twit like that? Sorry fish-hook user, not your personal army

A heart can beat without any brain activity

Hell the pill is even better. The pill can't break.

I.e. before you even know you are pregnant

>18 days
Got a source for that?

It's literally not worth fighting over, though. The "soul at conception" people are almost as big of losers as feminists.
If Ireland has even a fraction of the US's fervor on this issue, they've wasted years on fake problems.

18 days jackass. That's when the heart starts beating. Can be googled very easy.

>Can be googled very easy.
I didn't ask. I said a heart can beat without the brain being developed

The pill is insanely unhealthy though and that shit gets into water supply and can't be filtered.

Google first thing that popped up

The pill promotes excess promiscuity, and it literally changes the hormonal balance of the woman. And some claim it's affecting our water supply.

If your condom breaks and she gets pregnant, maybe it was meant to be. Don't have sex, if you can't handle the risk of having a baby.

I agree but it will stop conception.

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Or just let them whore themselves out and in a couple of generation only the ones who dont will remain.

It's a debate people have when they have lost ground on all material issues and are just clutching at something tangential that is morally distressing, akin to crying over the burnt family photo in the wreckage of a blaze that killed your whole family.

If you're seriously arguing with each other over whether it is moral to expunge infants from the womb, you are already well on the path to a morally stunted society. Stopping abortion laws passing through is closing the gate after the horse has bolted (you're just stopping a damaged society from being more fertile).

I agree that the pill is bad. But it does stop conception. All in the woman's control. If men had that option they would use it.

Is that for pregnancy or embryonic age?

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This is people laugh at you

Look up Ireland 2040 - ((they)) .want millions of immigrants into there before 2040 for "diversity".

OF FUCKING COURSE they push abortion!! Irepand is a deeply Christian country so the jews want to destroy it.

What a faggot lol
Irish women are whores who wants kids to live on welfare
>English guy who knocked up an Irish slut

I really hope this doesn't pass as the smugness of Irish liberals and feminists will be unbearable


>Men would use it
Take a pill that messes with your sperm? Kek