Threats of violence from Yes side feminist SJWs if we don’t vote the ‘right’ way.
What can we do to this twitter account?
Ireland Abortion Referendum
Why do ugly feminists care if abortion is legal or not, it's not like their custy ass will ever get any dick.
>Irish slut rampage brutally suppressed by police
Pls happen
Look at her for god sake nobody is gonna fuck her anyway
comedy gold OP.
So if they can't kill their kids they might try to kill others & cause property damage in the process.
This people really are mentally unstable.
Police have no powers here they let protests do what they want
Got my voting card, everyone in my family is voting no.
I was going to say that they won't do shit other than complain on social media, but then I realised that they probably already have a big celebratory event planned for Dublin that they'll just turn into a protest if they lose.
>a-at least abortion is good though!