No cookie for you, transphobe
No cookie for you, transphobe
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she is right though
Say what you want about Steven Crowder, his skits are still pretty good.
I am happy that this man is seeking public office. Nothing will show pust the voters further right, while splitting the left.
I wonder if the Massachusetts papers have tried to verify Braindead's resume. "Uh, gee, Ole Miss never heard of a Brianna Wu or Flynt. Did you really go there?"
as your congresswoman, I will put an end to online hate trolls like Jow Forums forever
are you mansplaining to me shitlord?
I just can't get attracted to that. I tried to sleep with one years ago that was pretty ish and in the end I didn't even take my clothes off.
Traps are gay and I just am not attracted to men.