>white nationalist leader
>uneducated and terrible public speaker
>lives in third world asian shithole and caught fucking around with underage asian girls
>looks like an albino nigger
Why do people take this man seriously?
>white nationalist leader
>uneducated and terrible public speaker
>lives in third world asian shithole and caught fucking around with underage asian girls
>looks like an albino nigger
Why do people take this man seriously?
>the Virgin Anglin vs the Chad Patrick Little
> That shirt
> Implying Greeks are White
Normal look for people of his background.
Most stormfags aren't really stable people lol
Well, we are . What you gonna do, black us ?
Kekn, fuck off kike.
I don’t think anyone does, he just happens to be in the same communities as more intelligent people. The eternal white nationalist problem, you always get these dipshits who don’t understand the true problem coming in because they are white and can finally be part of a group (they have no friends)
Greeks are genetically close to (((them))).
Pic related.
We been through this in last thread, it's all jew fucking crap . Get on with your charade already. Are kikes cursed to only utter untruths out of their mouth or what ?
>a literal mutt
>calling someone else non white
I always knew amerimutts are all nigger tier educated.
That map literally shows Jews have Greek admixture not the opposite you imbecile nigger
literally who
There's an incredible amount of mobility in the white nationalism scene.
Show us the way, be productive, become a leader we can follow.
That graph literally show Greeks bumped right up against Jews.
Southern Italians overlap.
Also I haven’t been online in like 12 hours. These are my first comments of the day
Looks like a smelly Slav. Definitely not a follower of that.
>Why do people take this man seriously?
who takes him seriously?
No they dont "bump" are you BLIND ? fuck sake
>too Jewish
That's too good.
>looks like an albino nigger
That's because he is.
I don't think anyone takes Anglin, seriously. Not even himself.
He's still a nice guy.
>looks like an albino nigger
He really does, doesn't he.
Why the fuck did I ever sign up to his site ?
Also why the fuck do you have to sign up to his site, and it can never be cancelled?
i wish you the best of luck, Andrew. but the best of anything ain't here. gtfo. cure the world.
OMG it's fucking uncanny, I think I can literally see stars swirling within.
It's glorious user.
Bump for patrick
tell me about Romania. where does it stand?
he makes silly posts
Inside the red is white, outside is non-white.