Why do americans write such articles

why do americans write such articles

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Some things are so retarded that you just can't use reason to understand it.

It's like OP doesn't understand that Taryn Englehart is a comedian. A pretty well off one. She writes for Jimmy Fallon.

That's what she said!

Why do you care?

sage and report

>why do americans write such articles
do you realy need to ask such a question?
watch le gendarmes de Saint-Tropez and you'll have your answer.

i love it how it's implying how it's whity's fault again and tries to wiggle any bound white people have with asians lol
this reeks so bad like gefilte fisj

C'est un compliment/blague en fait.

>be asian
>have tiny genese compared to other races
>hurr yoru white das why im tiny
>bithc lasagna

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I WOnder what her miscarriage tastes like

am*ricans are non-human. I am afraid of them, they are children of Satan.

No Asian woman in Asia would ever say this.


You are tiny because god loves me and created you as a white man's fuck dol


I'd still slam her sideways puss

posting some porn

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>I'm not stupid because i am a chink, i am stupid because you're white
we know girl, we know

Yes Asian women are only acceptable natural fidget spinner .

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>I'm not tiny, you're just huge

Koreans in America was a bad idea

Why does America corrupt every single aspect of human behavior?
Too much "freedom"?

is that the logic

This bitch has never met a tape measure before.

I’ve been wondering about this, do Europeans *really* consider her American or do you only think of whites as American. Like yes she could be an American citizen but I don’t think of pakis as English, or Algerians as french, etc. even if their passport says otherwise

probably something like ''i dont have to be judged by white height. your height isn't the standard.''

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Wow, she just discovered that norms are relative and thinks it's some amazing, insightful critique of muh white supremacy. Everyone told me I was tall when I was in South America, I didn't feel the need to write articles about how it was just their cultural preconceptions.


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whos holding the waifu though? you mad yellow boi?

This fucking satire idiots

If you go to East Asia, vast majority of the people there struggle to understand the idea of "Japanese-American", "Vietnamese-American", and the like. It just doesn't compute for theme. A kid with Korean parents who is born in the US is still a Korean in their eyes.

Because asians outnumber whites 5 to 1. Asians are the norm and whites are the exception, this will only become more true as whites refuse to breed.

It used to be that most Europeans, when they think of American, saw only whites as real Americans - my mental image was always a WASP American. Niggers were special, always seen as African-Americans, distinct and separate from true Americans.

But now when I think of America, I imagine a 56% mixed spic-looking guy, simply because the country has become so heavily mixed.

>Taryn Englehart is a comedian. A pretty well off one. She writes for Jimmy Fallon.
lol, that in no way precludes this sort of behavior. If anything it's why they hired her.

um... yeah... no sweetie

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>falling for literal bait

checks out

The "nation of immigrants" meme is pretty embedded over here I think, also it doesn't help that whenever we see "Americans" on the news, they're normally nogs or 56%ers.

>chink eyes

Pick one, bug.

Britbong here, why are your minorities so whiny and entitled. Constantly telling white people what to do, bitching about absolutely nothing and just being generally unpleasant. It happens very little here and when it does most people a vigorously disgusted.

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You really can't tell what counts as bait anymore.
Americans will write stupid shit like this and publish it without any second though

It's because they make up a larger percentage of the American population than they do the European. When blacks, Asians, Indians etc start to gain in numbers, expect their whining to become more constant and far more invidious.

The country hasn’t become so heavily mixed, more like overrun. Although, on the other hand when I’m in public I do see tons of goblins. I still don’t think of them as American though. Americans are NW euros with sprinkling of other euros in some areas, and if disappear so too does America. Just like Japan populated entirely with swedes would no longer be Japan, an American without euros is no america.
Exactly. If I moved to Asia nobody would think I’m Chinese now. Hell, if I moved to Mexico I doubt people could consider me Mexican. Why should it be any different here?

>Blacks protesting systemic racism and police killings
>Meanwhile, Asians...

You're right. I forgot how based Sweden is. Mea culpa.

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Written by a ((woman)) dumbass.
Change your title.

its a satire mag called reductress you utter doorknob, there is enough real shit going on

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Yes, sadly there are quite a few abomination over here ruining our images. The disgusting modern American diet isn’t helping either, taking the whites that are here and making them bloated and fat, ruining their natural aesthetic and morphing them into a paler, yet equally as grotesque monster

i mean fair point, and i read ppl saying that in this bread. but who would know that? never heard of her or the magazine until this second.

Part and parcel of a beautiful multicultural society.

you are not asian sweetie

Not sure why people keep posting this joke article from a joke website. It's like posting something from the Onion...

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This is why the United States should deport all of the non whites

So you’re saying whites are big guys?

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I'm 6' 7" 400lbs. Most people are fucking tiny to me. And I'd destroy her tiny asian ass.

Why is America so racial? You need to take a page out of Ol' England's book. A third of black females are being penetrated by white penis, as we speak, and vice versa is true. The path to racial harmony is coitus, and that is something you virgins will never understand. And that's why you're racist.


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i'm not huge because i'm asian, i'm huge because you're an ant. fucking morons, this country has gone full idiocracy. i hope they pay .00001 cents per word for this garbage.
off to read The National Enquirer, the voice of sanity in these times.

one asian is taller than one white guy! Averages BTFO!!!

>chino philosophy

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She's tiny because she's cute!

Say what?

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T. nigger lover

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Japanese are are honorary white tough

I never stated that we were in a good position though.
Fucking goblin

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t. phag who is scared of black men
Remember that whenever these racists talk tough online they get scared walking by black people irl.

I'd like to show her how big I am if you know what I mean

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>whites all clamour for japanese puss and dock
oh haha ok.

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Even the white Americans are mixture of many different nations and have no common gene pool or culture,so you just need to live in America to be "American'.

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For Yu

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More like they put their head down rofl. I would make you put your head down, nigger

Lol ok user sure

Why would any of them want a white woman?

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The worst part of America is all the filthy slavs moving here. You all smell like shit

If you can't stand the shart, get out of the mart! No point blaming Slavs for your poor command over your bowels.

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haHAA. I"m white now! Fucking tiny gook bitches.

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Short answer: the clicks
Long answer: m.youtube.com/watch?v=rE3j_RHkqJc and the clicks

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Why does this happen?

>Constantly telling white people what to do, bitching about absolutely nothing and just being generally unpleasant. It happens very little here and when it does most people a vigorously disgusted.

No clue based black man, I think that it's something to do with their diets? Taco Bell and Wendy's sound pretty rank.

> tfw no smol azn gf

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it's hard to tell reality from satire these days

Pretty much this. I've changed my diet this year and my guts have significantly improved, eating as little fried/unhealthy food as possible. No fibre, no goodess = yoyoing between runny shits and constipation.

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That'd be a great fishing lure

Because George (((Soros))) pays them to.

are men actually attracted to that?

You wouldn't?

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Why don't you take a seat?

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Why would you want anything bigger than 17.5 bmi on average?

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hell naaahhh

"I'd like to put my big blank in your blank until I blank my blank all over your blanks and blank."

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Blacks have bigger schlongs than whites though. Then why is the white man at fault?


yup, and you can suck my big whitr cock with that tiny mouth

>I don't blowtorch dogs because I'm Asian
>I blowtorch dogs because I'm hungry

And still the white dude has the asian whore in his arms... are you even trying ling long not so long dong