How to win a culture war

You're up against smug, retarded hipsters and entitled 'minorities', not against thinkers.

You don't win by argument, reasoning, or violence. You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that is more appealing.

This might be news to you, since you're all the sort of kids who were outcasts on the playground, but the only way to get these people to change is by making it COOL to NOT be like them.

They aren't pro-BLM, pro-feminist and anti-white because they care about POLITICAL issues. They didn't REASON themselves into it. They adopted these topics because it fills a social need for them.

They're overwhelmingly university students and children, because they're lacking in a sense of purpose and self-importance. They all aspire to be the next Rosa Parks because it justifies their insecurities and feelings of unimportance, and to get their next hit of self esteem they'll go out of their way to instigate a situation where they can publicly display their adherence to ideology.

Your goal isn't to deconstruct the 'woke' ideologies themselves, but to remove the SOCIAL benefit to doing so. These people are sheep and followers, masquerading as political activists because it's sexy and self-important.

You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that takes away this sense of self importance. Make music videos, comics, short stories, memes, livestreams, whatever, where you don't bother ARGUING about their idiot beliefs. Make culture where they're just the butt of the joke. Make culture where branding yourself as a socio-political martyr for baseless causes and inventing new systems of oppression makes you LOOK UNCOOL.

The only way to topple these self important hipsters is to give them the next new thing to follow, and have it provide them a feeling of importance without posturing about the plight of Rwandan dirt farmers.

Kill their ideology by making it outmoded in the new, fun, cooler culture that you create. Make social justice be the most embarrassing thing in the world.

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Nice blog post, OP.

>You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that is more appealing.

True.But (((they))) are sadly awere of that.Thats why censurship is enforced.

THEY listen to YOU- they have talent scouts, marketing experts, jews of all sorts, constantly with their ear to the ground.

ALL POPULAR MEDIA comes from garage bands, indie youtubers, lunchtime comic book doodlers. The professional media production comes AFTER.

You change what's cool at the fundamental level by just making good, entertaining culture. If it gives voice to the smothered opinions of people, they'll give you bonus points even if the quality isn't that great.

It doesn't take as much as you're thinking. It just takes CONTENT

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>So how do we do that? Social media is how you reach the masses, and social media is censoring voices that disagree with the sjw fags.

Keep the overtly political stuff out of it. Point out that their entire personality revolves around larping as Ramona Flowers and being outraged

Don't pull the rug out, provide an alternative. Provide a way to laugh it off and say "haha remember when you complained about Halloween costumes? That was so 2016" or some dumb shit.

Leave a cultural escape trapdoor in there sure, but we need to DEVALUE their self important coolness and show a NEW idea of what's socially cool to do. How they mentally gymnastify their way from A to B is their problem- if we give enough incentive, they'll find a way.

Make it COOL to be pro-free-speech. Make it COOL to not be easily offended. Make it COOL to shrug off a halloween costume.

There are stacks of options there for scenarios in comics, stories, music videos

Our goal here is to cook up NEW-PUNK. With songs, styles, comics, stories, videos, streamers all about LAUGHING AT THE BLUE HAIRS or laughing at IDIOTS WHO CRY OVER HALLOWEEN COSTUMES.

Keep it SIMPLE. Keep it LIGHT. Keep it DIGESTIBLE.

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Dang, handcuffs too?

Yes you need arguments, reasoning and intellect. We don’t need trend chasers to temporarily join us, we need committed members.

What's the appeal behind your fetish for casts. I don't get it

Bitch in casts cant exactly flee now can she?

>We don’t need trend chasers to temporarily join us, we need committed members.

To get one you need the other.

hey this is a retarded post I just came here to say nice feet

I'm gonna jack off now. Have fun writing the next Elliot Rodger manifesto or whatever the fuck.

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Alea iacta est.

Conservatives tend to indoctrinate from a logical perspective. Liberals do so from a emotional one. They've been ahead of the curve in using humor, satire and exaggeration to appeal to millenials for years.

We have Memes, but we need more than that. Liberals have a fucking machine.

There is strength in numbers and who cares how committed these people are, if it opens the door. The point here is many of these lefties have no convictions of their own or they know it's bullshit, and simply pretend yo agree and be outraged for fear of isolation from their piers.

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University students will quickly learn the error of their ways as soon as they step into society without the safe space of the professors and the group hugbox they were so valiant within. There may be a few outliers who cling to their ideologies, but their paradigm is not robust enough to withstand social dynamics outside of the universities. Children may learn leftist ideas, but will ultimately shun them by the time they reach puberty.
The idea of their "culture" having precedence over that which they rail against is a failure on their part. Anything they present as part of our culture has been accepted by the same tiny percentage of leftists, and refused by the larger majority. You must remember that the post modernist movement is just a tiny voice trying to sound very loud.

I’m actually okay with this. The west is beyond saving anyway. It will be fun to watch as the Muslims and Jews scrounge in the ashes of the civilisation we built. Once the host dies, so does the vampire.

The only thing keeping the world peaceful is white empathy. Jews and Muslims view that as our weakness when in reality it’s our greatest strength. It’s the glue that holds civilisation together. Once that’s gone, and whites are replaced by third world parasites, the world will devolve into barbarism.

We’ve already won the moral victory. No matter how much they try to demoralise us, everyone unconsciously recognises the superiority of white civilisation. The only way the Jew could even defeat us was by getting us to turn against ourselves. They managed to hoodwink us on a technicality. If Rothschild hadn’t swindled the British financiers in the 1800s and set up the federal reserve in 1913, (((they))) would still be wallowing in the ghettoes where they belong.

It’s okay lads. We’ve won the game of life already. The world secretly envies us. Jews feed off the misery of whites to assuage their own deeply held feelings of inferiority. They even had to invent a religion that calls them “God’s chosen people” just to cope with their own inferiority complex. It’s like a kid with Down syndrome wearing a superman costume and picking the wings off butterflies.

It’s all good lads. We can die happily in the full knowledge that we’re the real chosen ones. Nothing the Jew says or does can take that away from us, no matter how hard he tries.

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Nice meme flag schlomo

No, you do it by government control enforced with extreme violence. Singapore is the perfect model.

Why are you so proud of this useless comment that you're copy-pasting it?

Sam Hyde already tried this and his show was canceled and he was kicked of youtube because (((they))) noticed what he was doing.

Good post.
it's already happening.

But yeah : Stop wasting your time arguing with those retards. They are aggressors, they just wanna attack you, they couldnt care less about arguments.

Incredible how long it's taken some people to understand this. Have a bump OP

I’m actually okay with this. The west is beyond saving anyway. It will be fun to watch as the Muslims and Jews scrounge in the ashes of the civilisation we built. Once the host dies, so does the vampire.

The only thing keeping the world peaceful is white empathy. Jews and Muslims view that as our weakness when in reality it’s our greatest strength. It’s the glue that holds civilisation together. Once that’s gone, and whites are replaced by third world parasites, the world will devolve into barbarism.

We’ve already won the moral victory. No matter how much they try to demoralise us, everyone unconsciously recognises the superiority of white civilisation. The only way the Jew could even defeat us was by getting us to turn against ourselves. They managed to hoodwink us on a technicality. If Rothschild hadn’t swindled the British financiers in the 1800s and set up the federal reserve in 1913, (((they))) would still be wallowing in the ghettoes where they belong.

It’s okay lads. We’ve won the game of life already. The world secretly envies us. Jews feed off the misery of whites to assuage their own deeply held feelings of inferiority. They even had to invent a religion that calls them “God’s chosen people” just to cope with their own inferiority complex. It’s like a kid with Down syndrome wearing a superman costume and picking the wings off butterflies.

It’s all good lads. We can die happily in the full knowledge that we’re the real chosen ones. Nothing the Jew says or does can take that away from us, no matter how hard he tries.

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Make another podcast, Borzoi.

No faggot, that's where you're wrong!

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What about the old cucked fags who actually power, you can't beat globalism with goofy haha memes.

>listen to all these culture buzzwords
>only list end result, which is obvious
>doesn't describe the what properties of cultural elements are required to get the desired result, much less how to produce such elements
>doesn't even provide examples for pedagogy
>Reddit spacing
You gotta go back.

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>Jews, niggers and sand niggers overrun the west, the west dies
>the vermin try to make a move on east Asia
>China exterminates all Jews, niggers and sandniggers with ease
>the end

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Just be funny and include fascism in your jokes, its literally that simple. The left has nothing to offer anymore.

>cast toes and psyopp thread
I rebuttable with Pasta!!!!!!
This is a Motivational, spiritual energy blast into your memetic Sphere!!!
A pep Rally!!! A call to arms!!! A return to God and a destruction of the VILE ones!!!

>feeling down?

Well get cured and watch this Panacea for your mind!!!
>God loves you
You are not worthless Goyim Shit you are loved and appreciated and waiting for you to come home

>PRODIGAL SON is more important than the other son

Even if you dont believe in God there is alot of redpills in this video and you WILL FEEL BETTER !!!

>THE enemy wants you down and defeated!
Dont be!!! RISE UP!

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look at these no brain monkey niggers

>How to win a culture war
arent we already winning the culture war?



>You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that is more appealing.
and now you know why IBS was spammed nonstop by libfags leftypol crying about it.


like your stuff, Bellagio S.

haven't subscribed (have never subscribed to a youtube channel), but i do watch many of your vids. you do good work and you're good at capturing Jow Forums's spirit.


okay, OP.
challenge accepted.

user needs to get back in the swing of things. to initiate this next phase of my work, i'll compose a Jow Forums-tier short story.
dedicated to autists.

>t. world's most gifted writer