Why did we invade Iraq in 2003?
Why did we invade Iraq in 2003?
To please us.
Saudis wanted their oil off the market.
Jews wanted to kill 'em, I forget why and they don't need a reason.
To destabilize the entire region so the MIC can sell more guns and tanks.
Madass was going to switch to another currency
Mossad said Iraqi Officials met Mohammed Ata in prague and exchanged Anthrax. This is a lie.
Iraq was a threat to Israel and thats why U.S invaded.
that's a jew infested hell hole, more truth can be found here among the piles of shit than in any of their threads
This. Same reason you went into Afghanistan, Libya, Syria etc and soon Iran. Like a good goy.
Rushed intelligence. Intelligence agents who wanted to give their boss what he wanted, and in doing so ignored some things that shouldn't have been ignored. Bush was certain that Iraq had something to do with 9/11. He wanted intelligence that he could take to the UN which showed Iraq wasn't compliant with various resolutions. Initially, Iraq refused to cooperate. Hans Blix's last report from Iraq was that the Iraqis were starting to cooperate, but were a long way from full compliance. By this time Bush had already set a deadline to comply. The options were: be weak and take the "starting to comply" as a good sign, or "show America's strong" by making that deadline a hard deadline. He did the latter.