What did he mean by saying to solve the incel problem that there should be 'enforced monogamy'?
To me, he's saying women should be essentially stripped of their choice and raped, which is absurd for obvious reasons that people on this laotian crabcake imageboard might fail to moralize
oh look it's this faggot bong posting another anti-Peterson thread right after a thread discussing Peterson rationally gains some traction >in all fields
Elijah Ortiz
What is he saying then? The solution to the 'incel' problem is 'monogamy'? How vague that? He clearly stated that women have too much of a choice and that most men aren't getting married thus women should be forced to marry them (as the solution).
Nathan Thomas
Imo he really, really shouldn't have gone down this route. A lot of conservatives do this shit, even the really intelligent variety. Talking about problems you have no control over with solutions that modern people are not willing to hear out. He was doing fine before.
>The solution to the 'incel' problem is 'monogamy'? How vague that? There is nothing vague about it. The death of monogamy and tradition in Western countries created this problem. And the only solution being pushed by journos and gender "experts" is to further shame and humiliate the lowest and poorest elements of Western society.
It's a recipe for disaster.
Jackson Rodriguez
That's not what he said. Clearly stated that to stop men not marrying, there should be ENFORCED monogamy, which is incredibly vague and it's entirely targeted at woman. He wishes to remove their autonomy in favour of beta men who can't get women, as much sympathy I have for them, rape is not the solution ... This is not being fallacious, he clearly said this...
Ethan Thompson
What a phenomenal article. Really highlights just how absurd Peterson and his groupies are.
John Price
he's saying we should shame/stone sluts and cads into monogamy shlomo
Caleb Myers
No, he's saying that women have TOO MUCH of a CHOICE and that they should be forced to marry some beta male.