Now he will be relevant again

Now he will be relevant again

Are you happy now?

Attached: Hogg_the_left_incel.jpg (789x460, 54K)

I don't think he and those like him understand how quickly they would be terminated and processed in the kind of society facilitated by mass disarmament.

Attached: hogg.png (912x488, 44K)

>Bogdanoff, Santa Fe was a succzess
... Hogg It

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I literally just saw a facebook comment about how him ffs.

How long before they rename the Brady Campaign to end gun violence the Hogg Campaign to end gun violence?

Will they go whole Hogg?

no. But he will definitely pounce on this Santa Fe thing for self promotion.

quick rundown?

Brady got shot by a loon with a pocket pistol who was trying to kill Reagan to impress a liberal lesbian actress.

> shot by 6-shot .22 LR revolver
> took headshot at close range

Brain damaged

Ends up getting "assault weapons" banned. Goddamn.

He got shot by fucking 6 shot pea shooter for Christ's sake. How did ar-15s and long rifles take the blame?

he was never relevant to begin with.