Today is the worst day to be posting this (happenings and all) but


Pic related. Interesting to see that Australia surge in April 2017, that Spain out of nowhere in October 2017 and Sweden all but dropping out of the rankings after being #6 for a long time.

Source is the 4plebs dump, there will be more charts but for now there are only two (next post will have the other)

Attached: 4chan-posts-country_rankings.png (1890x945, 667K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Alright, good to know what countries need to be nuked

LOL at half Germany joining in under proper flag

Too many anglos on pol.


>meme flag introduced
>pathetic Europeans all adopt it
>american's don't
Do we need any more evidence that the memeflag solely exists because of embarrassed Euros who can't take the heat?

Attached: MEMEFLAG TRUTH.jpg (99x929, 25K)

Here is the number of posts per day, annotated. Election day had to be clipped because it was too huge, here are the landmarks

> 03/03/2014: Russia takes over Crimea (53764 posts)
> 25/05/2014: Eliot Rodger (55507)
> 17/07/2014: Malaysia airlines shot down over Ukraine (63835)
> 19/08/2014: Ferguson riots Michael Brown (71988)
> 18/09/2014: Mods crackdown on Gamergate (69726)
> 05/11/2014: US Midterm election (57842)
> 25/11/2014: No charges for Ferguson cop (81656)
> 07/12/2014: Jow Forums harbor (127228)
> 09/01/2015: Charlie Hebdo attack (40221)
> 28/04/2015: Baltimore Riots (69815)
> 07/05/2015: UK general election (60890)
> 18/06/2015: Dylan Roof Charleston shooting (58651)
> 26/06/2015: Tunisia Attack Lyon factory beheading SCOTUS gay marriage ruling (65878)
> 06/08/2015: 1st GOP debate (67468)
> 26/08/2015: Virginia live TV black shooter (85295)
> 02/09/2015: Jow Forums outage (47018)
> 16/09/2015: 2nd GOP debate (91112)
> 01/10/2015: Russia enters Syrian war Jow Forums birthday (71627)
> 13/10/2015: First Dem. debate (75857)
> 28/10/2015: 3rd GOP debate (76126)
> 10/11/2015: 4th GOP debate (69724)
> 14/11/2015: French terror attacks (Bataclan) (120373)
> 24/11/2015: Turkey shoots Russian Jet (112004)
> 02/12/2015: San Bernardino (112915)
> 08/12/2015: Trump's Muslim Shutdown Comment (98859)
> 15/12/2015: 5th GOP debate (104219)
> 14/01/2016: 6th GOP debate (109333)
> 28/01/2016: 7th GOP debate (115514)
> 01/02/2016: Iowa caucus (126792)
> 06/02/2016: 8th GOP debate (108778)
> 09/02/2016: NH Primaries (121430)
> 13/02/2016: 9th GOP debate (110084)
> 25/02/2016: 10th GOP debate (116211)
> 01/03/2016: Super Tuesday (137732)
> 03/03/2016: 11th GOP debate (126442)
> 11/03/2016: Final GOP debate (113582)
> 15/03/2016: Super Tuesday II (147923)
> 22/03/2016: Brussels attack (157658)
> 01/04/2016: April fools (118771)
> 20/04/2016: NY Primaries (104366)
> 04/05/2016: Indiana Primaries (120360)
> 12/06/2016: Orlando Shooting (154826)
> 24/06/2016: Brexit (213286)

Attached: 4chan-posts-per-day-cutoff.png (4536x1512, 1.05M)

Let's not jump to conclusions user, I can measure exactly which countries ditched their flags to take on memeflags and I will.
Actually I did that a month or so after the flags were introduced (see [1] and pic related) and now, more than a year after, I can have a much better view of that.

[1] archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/130028557/#130028557

Attached: largest_ditchers.png (1890x945, 389K)

Look at how much all the euuro's adopted meme flags and never looked back, what a fucking embarrassment lmfao

Also of note is Russia is never present on the entire graph as far as i can tell. Pretty shocking for a "russian troll website" lol.

Attached: memeball truth2.jpg (1890x945, 449K)

What kind of logic is that? How do you know meme flags are not US?

See , I'll measure which countries ditched their flags later

Here is the unclipped chart, election day was madness in this board.

> 08/07/2016: Dallas Police shooting (165829)
> 14/07/2016: Nice truck attack (143441)
> 15/07/2016: Turkey coup (188735)
> 18/07/2016: GOP Convention (160058)
> 22/07/2016: Munich shooting (169076)
> 25/07/2016: DNC Convention (184806)
> 04/08/2016: Trump plummets at polls (129213)
> 25/08/2016: Hillary's alt-right speech (138811)
> 11/09/2016: HIllary faints at 9/11 (137703)
> 14/09/2016: 88888888 GET (150719)
> 26/09/2016: debate (182675)
> 07/10/2016: podesta leaks (130080)
> 08/10/2016: pussytape (141896)
> 09/10/2016: debate (177493)
> 19/10/2016: debate (188447)
> 28/10/2016: comey letter (154718)
> 08/11/2016: Trump wins (431808)
> 23/11/2016: (166502)
> 19/12/2016: Electoral college votes (175235)
> 11/01/2017: Buzzfeed publishes pee tape dossier (169198)
> 20/01/2017: innauguration (230585)
> 28/01/2017: Travel ban (221640)
> 30/01/2017: Canada Mosque shooting (218898)
> 20/02/2017: Milo tape controversy (159539)
> 15/03/2017: Maddow Trump Taxes (175104)
> 22/03/2017: London Bridge attack (166805)
> 01/04/2017: Jow Forums + /mlpol/ (156026)
> 06/04/2017: syrian gas attack (164440)
> 07/04/2017: airfield bombing sweden truck attack (215264)
> 07/05/2017: French runoff election (170244)
> 16/05/2017: Seth Rich (148054)
> 22/05/2017: Trump visits Israel (157629)
> 23/05/2017: Manchester attack (169559)
> 04/06/2017: London Bridge attack II (158919)
> 08/06/2017: UK Election (175187)
> 14/06/2017: meme flags added (154907)
> 13/08/2017: Charlottesville (165123)
> 02/10/2017: Las Vegas shooting (181881)
> 05/11/2017: Texas church shooting (171872)
> 15/11/2017: Roy Moore controversy (146312)
> 12/12/2017: Alabama Special Election (142942)
> 14/12/2017: Net Neutrality vote (132009)
> 25/12/2017: Christmas 2017 (92188)
> 30/01/2018: State of the Union (147384)
> 14/02/2018: Parkland Shooting (130672)
> 21/02/2018: Gun grabbing Don episode (137930)

Attached: 4chan-posts-per-day.png (7560x3780, 1.67M)

by the fucking graph you retard. Literally every single euro country loses huge numbers with the introduction of memeball and none of them ever get the post numbers back to pre memeball days. You can literally gauge how nationalistic a nation is with this comparative graph by judging whether they gained or lost positions with memeflag introduction

fucking legendary, although the first comparative graph you posted also demonstrates the same thing, though with less detail.

user, that's not how it works. This is a ranking chart meaning when memeflags got introduced, even if the (for instance) 20% of the posters with an American flag ditched it for a meme flag (and not single european did), because Americans are such a great majority of posters the US would likely continue at #1, meme flags would become #2 and all the other countries would be pushed down one position.

Wait for the analysis of the proper data or look at the previous analysis done last year at

>although the first comparative graph you posted also demonstrates the same thing
No it doesn't, see

I did notice a decrease in svens from last year, I guess I always figured they started using memeflags.

the background is obnoxious but thanks for this chart
I made one tracking posts with certain keywords per 10,000 posts
Since Rolling Stone made that measure of hate article that didn't account for total post increase

Attached: nigger faggot kike chart.png (1248x688, 96K)

What's up with the nigger spike 2014?

Or that might be Israel.

that's Jews and Israel spiking actually
the July-August 2014 Gaza invasion

Jow Forumsharbor more likely

Yeah, noticed

no that was at the end of the year, this was summer

Why is America so fucking dominant? They make up like 50%+ of the posts even though the EU is much bigger with more people.

>Spain out of nowhere in October 2017

the fuck was that about?

>Why is America so fucking dominant? They make up like 50%+ of the posts even though the EU is much bigger with more people.

Lots of european countries have a much stronger local site ecosystem in their own languages
> Spain in spanish
> France in french
> Germany in german
Even sweden, it is very uncommon to find english content done in Sweden. This seem to indicate that locals prefer to use sites in their local language.

Language barrier
also the history of Jow Forums as an American website

also consider that Jow Forums is a thing

>the fuck was that about?
Pic related

Attached: Screenshot - 18_05_2018 , 19_52_46.png (642x237, 105K)

Sweden has flashback so you're right

>also consider that Jow Forums is a thing
What's up with Jow Forums? Are they all anti american refugees of this board when American culture and politics came to dominate it?

Well Jow Forums was always mostly american, Jow Forums is one of those boards I rather stay out off.

>meme flag introduced
"Meme flags" were around way before Moot introduced the shitty Geo locations ones.

Yeah but they went away right after Jow Forumsharbor, along with the crowd that used them (to 8ch, I assume)

containment board for people who can't speak English
I think it's the only place all foreign languages are allowed

Oh, better stay away then


updated my chart to show relative v absolute
you should get in contact with the 4plebs guys if you haven't yet

Attached: Nigger faggot kike relative v absolute.png (1368x1548, 310K)

>implying im not chinese (well im not)
>implying bongs arent pakis
>implying mutts arent hispanics
Im not anglo either kek.


Jow Forums is an ANGLO board confirmed


>you should get in contact with the 4plebs guys if you haven't yet
why? They made their dataset available, that's all I could ask from them

You should combine the plural forms. You also forgot fag and fags. But really neat chart.

>4plebs made it available for free
Kek, some group has been spending millions to over the past couple years to do a similar study and the 4plebs one is better.

Attached: Screenshot_20180515-191930.jpg (1080x1448, 419K)


They may be able to add features to the site that allow us to pull these metrics in real time instead of having to wait for a dump

new version of chart

Attached: Nigger faggot kike plurals combined.png (1316x1468, 166K)

>boomers and reddit are now hate words

I included them because I wanted to measure what kind of users are on the site more than anything. When you compare the two graphs you can really see the effect that Reddit users had. Niggerposting and kikeposting drop during most of 2016.
interesting that 'cuck' is dropping off

>user, that's not how it works
This damage control lol, most Euros on Jow Forums are just leftoids and mixed race mutts from who are only here to shitpost and be butthurt. Why does it surprise you that such people use meme flags to aboid criticism based on their flag? You think most people shitposting here about "mutts" want to show off that they live in a brown country?

Attached: Portunigger.jpg (800x530, 333K)

I love how sweden went from third to last place after memeflags were installed

That's because you can't mutt spam while everyone sees you live in a brown country.

Attached: swedemalia.jpg (933x885, 746K)

>butthurt over one of the greatest memes of all time

Attached: What parts of the world are white.png (741x649, 26K)

Because pol is for sub 80 IQ retards, every smart person goes to Jow Forums or their own forum. And yes I'm racist.

hi Pewds

Attached: Pewdiepie Mein Kampf.jpg (988x1500, 1.1M)