>be liberal
>get bullied
>complain and bitch on Twitter
>be conservative
>get bullied
>shoot up establishment
Who are the real niggers here?
>be liberal
>get bullied
>complain and bitch on Twitter
>be conservative
>get bullied
>shoot up establishment
Who are the real niggers here?
ur mom is a nigger
1/8 oh my, we need more degeneracy, change that stat to 1/100, and lower age expectation to 15. Good, good
internet pr0n
You’re prolly right. I’m not a virgin but would still rather fap these days than go out the majority of times, I most likely end up regretting one night stands
1/8 means 1/4 guys. 8/8 women are riding carousels.
But most mass shooters are left leaning.
Also, the answer is "all of them".
What are some politics about seeing the same thread posted every day for weeks?
>tfw 28 year old virgin neet
Feels good man.
Yeah no. Most are angsty conservative teens who can’t get laid
Ye it’s called getting off the internet kid
Fucking this.
I’m ashamed that it took me till 19 but these guys should just kill them selves holy shit
If you're going to play roastie, I'd suggest picking a lower age as you come across as male with "19"
>conservatives solving overpopulation AND standing up to bullies
You. You're the nigger.
I was 22. But I was in the military and has no real social life from 18 to 21.
oh so they can't stink it in the stinky huh?
How the fuck is that possible? I'm fat and been getting pussy since 16. They weren't even all uggos and landwhales, either (some where, though). Get your shit together, lads.
>>be liberal
>>get bullied
>>complain and bitch on Twitter
Not true. What they do is form into groups, bully and shame those who do not follow their beliefs, and end up changing our laws in their favor. For example - gays can now marry in churches; trannies can now use any restroom they want; Christian bakers have to make cakes for gay weddings; etc., etc. So they are the dangerous ones because they change society and laws to conform to their behavior and if you do not follow it, you suffer bigly.
You have a 10/10 face and/or the women you banged were god damn ugly
It has nothing to do with politics.
It has to do with overpopulation.
>turned off sex
Implies that all the Millenial guys stuck as virgins until their late 20s, early 30s is by choice. That's not the fucking case.
>Ooga booga muh dick!
>Get your shit together guys!
Niggers like yourself are viruses upon the white man.
Rather be a nigger than a faggot.
No, it's retarded lemmings with no convictions, a man with no beliefs or inclinations towards the righteous is but a boy that wants.
I'd say they're viruses regardless of race
I'm strong fat and people tell me I look like Elvis. I also have a biker look which some girls are pretty into.
My one ex was an ex Olympian swimmer. Body was a smoke show.
Generation I for INCEL
The ones doing the bullying obviously. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Stop projecting your faggots on us, liberalism is a mental illness.
Theres a reason why no adults are liberals, and adults over 30 that are liberals are the trash of society.
This faggot was probably a rejected and pathetic commie beaner who was pissed at the white kids having great lives.
Most normalfags love their cesspool genetics. I try to talk to them about genes and how sex and fetuses changes them on a cellular level then they chimpout and start yelling about love and how I am an asshole.
It's not about muh dick. It's about being so pathetic no one wants to procreate with you. Do you have any idea how good it feels when a woman wants you to be the one that is to give her a kid? It's pretty flattering, lad.
I do but I also don't want to be every other retard that shacks up with whatever crap genetics are in front of them.
ah, one of these days kids.
Niggers procreate while 200 IQ white geniouses don't
You are the pathetic one here since you think that banging ugly women is somewhat an accomplishment
It has nothing to do with overpopulation - the overpopulation scare is a crock of shit drummed up by globalists trying to discourage birth rates in Western nations. US population density is only about 30 people per square kilometer... that's a fraction of the density in overpopulated countries like India and China where it's an actual fucking problem.
sex is the ultimate bluepill
Niggers procreate because they don’t know what else to do.
I don't get what you're trying to say
For most it is. You have to find a top tier conservative virgin qt and raise a big family innamountains.
Of course you don't, you want to create a bunch of retarded orcs that only want base desires and material objects.
The adults are the real niggers. Teach your kid to defend itself in a scrap, teach it patience to take some shit while telling the bully to stop and informing the cuck authorities, meet with the principal and say if nothing is done your kid will handle it, then when things have reached a head after a month or so tell it to go somewhere with witnesses while being bullied and yell at the him to stop before beating the fuck out of him in front of everyone. This way the teacher/security/principal was definitely informed about an ongoing problem they did nothing about so you can press charges, the bully isn't going to fuck with anyone for a while, and your kid appears alpha from a young age.
Adults have forgotten that words are usually meaningless with kids and sometimes you need a good ass whooping to make your point. I went to a private school where they still gave paddlings and after one of those we straightened up.
>school shooters are conservative
Like always the exact opposite is true
I suppose it's flattering in the same way as when my cat delivers a bird to my front porch. Though less cute.
>1 in 8 at 26
.Jesus fucking Christ, a few hundred years ago 1 in 3 people were dead by 26... and died mostly as “virgins” or after having a few kids.
I mean I literally don't know what you were trying to convey as information. Try rewording.
Says the faggot....
the women are too goddamn fat
i would rather wank at this point then deal with women's bullshit
Sperm and fetuses JUST KEKS a woman's genes right the fuck up. Any genes from sperm or fetuses that she has in her is in her forever.
Holy fuck man it must be difficult to constantly tell yourself that you're a virgin by choice. Do you believe your own lies?
says the leaf
Seriously tho, how does it feel to have a lower IQ than dumb sissy cocksucker like me?
Why the fuck would you have sex when you turn into a wizard if you’re a Virgin at 30?
>liberals took away teacher's firearms and school firearms training
>liberals took away father figures in classrooms
>liberals took fathers away from families
>liberals put unruly kids on psychosuppressants because their decisions have consequences they can't handle
>liberals HEAVILY favouritise girls ahead of boys at all times no matter the cost
>liberals get shot by guys who're sick and tired of being treated like an undesirable fashion accessory that can be sold for subsidies
>outside liberals bitch and complain on twitter about gun control and we need mo money for dem programs
>conservatives analyse the situation while making sure their rifle's clean and serviceable for the day of the rope
>make post related
Kill yourself before we do.
if they teach tranny shit in schools I want them to start telling people about becoming a wizard
I think you are if you didn't recognize where my post was coming from which requires having women show interest in you.
Shut up, incel.
27 here, still a virgin
while I was in the military I was hyper-aware of women being "interested" in me, which actually meant that they wanted a piece of that sweet sweet army benefit package.
after I got out of the military I spent the next 5 years contracting and I was never interested in casual sex
now I'm working full time and going for a bachelor's degree. don't have the time to date.
natural human sexuality is dirty and dehumanizing and we are fully aware of it in a secular, hyper-pornographic society. it is a great spiritual die-off
>t. incel
stop projecting
>we are fully aware of it
You think so?
>Ashamed for not having sex
Peak degeneracy right here.
>now I'm working full time and going for a bachelor's degree. don't have the time to date.
Bullshit, make time. I was working 60-70hr weeks and still dated when I was 28 and a virgin... because i told myself “stop, no more”. I dated 4 women and got rejected, met a crazy girl, a Jew and ultimately... I met my wife. We are expecting our firsr kid in September.
not an incel
if I had gotten married while in the military, I could have moved off post and made more money but I knew that countless lower enlisted make the same mistake and end up getting divorced after they finish up their contract and leave.
while I was contracting I was making quite a lot of money and would have easily been able to get laid based on the $$$ in my bank account
now I just don't have the time or interest in it
good on you, user. pre-marital sex is disgusting and degenerate. that goes for both women AND men. there is nothing more wholesome and beautiful in this world than a man and woman who save themselves for marriage.
this is what the marxists want to destroy though. so they pressure young men into sleeping with whores and young women into sleeping with dead beat losers.
So, what are the sex and race distributions of these? Pretty horrific stats in any case. A woman has already reached and gone well past her prime age of reproduction at 26.
the only thing I'm really worried about is not being able to find a good woman once I'm done with my bachelor's
but then again I live in vegas so my chances of finding a good woman are probably super low anyway
maybe I'm move up north or out east to a whiter state
>always want to tell other people what to do
>call yourself a liberal anyway
the realest nigger of them all
>26 years old
"that seems like a choice i mean 26 years no sex an thats all yall"~that nigger whos married to a gypo nigger
> be you
> american
> too retarded to post a link
It’s all men, female celibacy is verging in 0%. They aren’t turned off from sex, they simply don’t see a way to compete or don’t want to participate in the current social model that glorifies whorishness from both men and women. I have had to explain this to so many people who wonder why my sexual partner count is so low while being an attractive man with a solid career. I simply never believed it was productive to society as a whole to be whores(men and women) and I wasn’t even raised Christian.
women get social media dopamine hits and males play games
My IQ was 128 in highschool. High enough for me. I also have social skills and I'm not a faggot.
> a Jew and ultimately... I met my wife. We are expecting our firsr kid in September.
Did you find a wife in this Jew? Post, Anne Frank cosplay pron pls. Come on Kraut user, deliver the Nazi-Jew fuck fetish.
young women love dating vets. not because of the benefits but they just want a beefy protector and in their minds they instantly think ex military.
but your time window is closing if you want a virgin because when you hit 30 , the only chicks age 18-22 you'll attract are going to be daddy issues.
wow.. 128! top kek. i find, in my experience, that people with a high iq don't boast about it like an attention whoring faggot.
And you are part of the problem
>be conservative
>be ignored
>turn MGTOW
>be liberal
>be a nice guy and a male feminist ally
>be ignored
>complain on twitter
my IQ is 9001
>Do you have any idea how good it feels when a woman wants you to be the one that is to give her a kid?
women don't like weak cucks with zero masculinity. this is just a fact of life.
it's alright. until you work out she's really damn serious about the kid part. that's how they trap you for eternity.
yeah, porn, media, music, it is genuinely exhausting to look at women anymore, the human body is being sold as a product daily, it is tiring.
What? People didn't just drop dead at 26, first of all the average life expectancy was higher then 26 but regardless it was so low because of infant mortality, if you lived bast being a child you had a good change to live into your 60s.
>Do you have any idea how good it feels when a woman wants you to be the one that is to give her a kid?
I came to this thread to laugh a little. Remember that, leaf.
I'm thinking Germany is back
>No one likes weak cucks with zero masculinity.
fixed user
thanks! much better.
You must be a nigger then