How is Jow Forums going to teach their daughters How to act when in a relationship?
Sex on first date?
Sex until after marriage?
How is Jow Forums going to teach their daughters How to act when in a relationship?
Sex on first date?
Sex until after marriage?
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Sex with other men after daddy's done with his little girl
I will lead by example by treating my wife lovingly when she acts right and punishing her when she doesn't.
"talking" to your kids about sex when it's unwarranted does more damage than helping them. It's only worthwhile to do if they come to you asking questions. Going out of your way to do it is preachy as shit, and no one likes a preacher.
Sex with as many black men as possible. There's no way I'm going to look like some racist who raised his daughter to only like white men.
>t. Incel
Unironically kill the social media jew.
I see, so wait until after she is pregnant?
I'll probably arrange a marriage or something I guess.
Shoot for until marriage, tell her that's the goal, but have a quiet assumption you don't tell her that, at the very least, they'll wait to give it up for a guy who is willing to do it right for her for an *extended* time. My wife and I didn't wait, but she sure made me wait a long, long time and even then it was weakness that led to it happening more than anything. Wish we waited but it didn't hurt us at all.
If my daughter takes after her mom she'll be good.
>Allowing your daughter to whore herself out before marriage while cucking your future son and law
Teach Jesus Christ early and often and it's very important that you live and walk Jesus in front of your children
Put yourself in your son and laws shoes, do you really want to be with a woman who is going to tell them to wait until marriage while they go and get rammed by Tyrone?
>How is Jow Forums going to teach their daughters How to act when in a relationship?
Just teach them about evolution, and how to look out for their best interests. Sex before or after marriage is a useless topic because that is dependent on the prevalent social norm in the youth. You encourage your daughter to have sex before marriage, she may become a slut. Discourage her from having sex before marriage, and she'll be a spinster for life. Best to leave that decision to her after giving her all the information about roasties, STDs, and the downside of getting banged by Tyrone.
so what is the name of this girl. Google only gives me reddit and reddit gives me cancer
Only if you're retarded and want to raise your kids into retards.
Raise them right and teach them to read and think for themselves and they will know on their own. Kids learn about sex without sex ed classes, you know.
>having daughters
I don't think you understand the mechanics of arrange marriages.
>be careful who you let hold your hand, sweetie. Because your hand is connected by your arm, and that's a direct line to your heart.
This is a continuation of this thread as well
What kind of gay shit is that?
Introduce them to black cock.
>producing incels who likely won't pass down their genes.
Most men in the world don't reproduce, however, most women do
oily fingers are not our friends
A nugget of wisdom you don't understand
>some random brainlet who puts his dick in her gets his name and hand on your progeny
>t. Fag
It's a nugget of something for sure
I will abort any female offspring.
>Hey. I'm insecure about myself and project that onto women and view tham all as whores and racemixers.
What a poor excuse for a human you are.
Sex with as much Black people as she can
Sex before bed
Slip her a foodie and give her a hysterectomy in her sleep.
I never said that, Jow Forums did
By never having a daughter
Women have it so bad
Did you ever raise children? You make it sound like you have it all figured out.
That picture makes you think how prostitution was in the past.
Show her the back of my hand a few times. Strong enough for a man made for a woman
You have to redpill kids into the deception that is sex, you'r biologically engineered to think that by having sex you'r doing good, but modern society isn't like that, proper relationships, good objectives in life, and other things are what will keep you fulfilled, not sex.
I had to redpill my niece, told her if she went the thot way no men will care about anything but her body, and she as a person would slowly fade away.
they should just have sex with strangers she doenst need to know. if anything it shows her power as a woman. to get pleasure from an anonymous man
I will fuck my daughters myself.
Don't care, they can do whatever they wish and then face the consequences afterwards.
typical latvian indifference