Is he /ourguy/ now?

Is he /ourguy/ now?

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Do you just automatically love anyone that pretends to be on your side or are you just pretending to be a typical supergoy of the JewSA?

((((our guy))))

Do you just automatically make baseless assumptions about people or are you just pretending to be a retard?

He’s desperately trying to regain his relevance

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Glenn beck is the most low down con man rodent to ever appear on the American political scene, all he does is follow were the money is like a fucking prostitute.

At least kikes have conviction

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Asking questions does not make an assumption, my defensive friend.

he still has a show? Haven't heard about him since the election

no, just desperate for shekels

This nigga tryna dodge that Trump curse.

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Glenn beck is the only radio personality wortb listening to. Hes miles ahead of alex jones

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>gather your family
>astride the sacred hearth
>and play Apples to Apples, a game that let's you know exactly what your children are thinking and feeling on a range of topics

Oh god how did he ever continue existing after the cheeto thing?

LOL. The fatass wants to be relevant again.

>supporting (((trump))) after what he has done

He is lower than a kike. Kikes can't help their subversive nature. He's a kike wanna-be that never came close. He thought boiling frogs and rubbing his face in cheetos would make him the next Jon Stewart

just because his opinion has changed doesn't make it anymore valuable than before

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No, he's a pussy cuck cornflake eating Israel firster

and he's mentally unstable.

I have no doubt he's "on the trump train" only because of his recent Israel rimjob. same with shekelpiro, they'll both be off next time he doesn't do exactly as they want.

>Is he /ourguy/ now?
He's just trying to position himself to make some money next election cycle. He can never be trusted.