Texas school shooting

Alright Jow Forums I smell a PSYOP here. Why, you might ask? Consider the following:

>white male, or so it seems at least
>fishy facebook posts with retrowave/synthwave images
>"Single" in his profile
>"born to kill" T-shirt
>coat with symbol buttons
>comi cazi

Do you see the narrative?
>inb4 commie because of comi cazi
He might be, however you know how they will focus their narrative.

And why the fuck there is still no sticky? I hate seeing so many threads about this.

Attached: 1526662392271.jpg (540x960, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>two guys did this and used explosives
>/ouractor/ comes in after getting black balled by the feds and cops hours before
>pops off a few shots while exmilitary free masons come in and kill students with trained soldier efficiency
>Jewish Crisis Actor comes in dressed as a typical Trump Supporter
>police scanners were dead and did not follow the narrative as it happened


Attached: furnacefiller.jpg (117x120, 5K)

where did you get that from? I genuinely want to know.

This is what happens when you get lost in too many layers of irony

>shooter is white so it's a false flag
every time. do you realize you're being dindu nuffins or does that go over your head?

it's unironically quite likely this. Up to the free mason part, at least.

Attached: 1526662009945.png (861x674, 538K)

Attached: 1526662428380.png (900x765, 866K)

That's probably an Italian/Slav Jew

Did you see this?

Attached: 1526668201660m.jpg (1024x731, 64K)

what is that?

So the FBI is killing kids so they can give their social security numbers to illegals?

they would never fake something as terrible as a shoo-

go fuck yourself subhuman. this is a larping >"based cuckbol" bitch boy faggot. part of your subhuman ilk

He's a Gr*ekoid, aka 90% Turk

Some (((Mason))) they interviewed right after flag dude.

>you have to be 18+ years old to post on this website.


>So the FBI is killing kids so they can give their social security numbers to illegals?

They hired a Music major as the Chief Security Officer?

This is what happens when you are emotionaly abondend by your family and are raised on entertainment and media.
Insecure, anxious, narcissistic, no emphatic capabilitys, confused, self hate turning to outward aggresion.
Probably single mother'd and pharma.
Believe me I went through this hell. Thank god for shrooms.

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There is no plot here. Only the loss of another white American male in the cultural war.

This is a leadership failure. This is a failure to mentor and guide our children, our Sons and Daughters. We must stop blaming others and looking for monsters in the shadows. Take ownership of our failures, and actively stop the pointless self sacrifice our youth.

My honor is my loyalty.

how many of these white males are from the prominent white stock of germany and england in which most whites in america get their heritage.

this guy as well as the other shooters all seem to be of fringe white identity. which is what these shootings may really be organized to attack

you do know people have lives outside of internet right

>white stock
>germany and england
are you drunk user? these are not white places

Man, you white people are a special type of crazy.

Is that a bisexual pin on his cap

I feel like every school shooting or shooting is a psyops. Which ones are not psyops?

>unironically liking japan
disgusting weeb

either confused as fuck, or a boomer back room op since they dont know shit either

He's a retro throwback to the time when school shooters were just social outcasts with no political motives.
That's so 80's my dude.

Yes it is.

Attached: IMG_-6042su.jpg (139x78, 4K)

Obviously the genius masons are obvious about it...

I am skeptical about how obvious that was too, but honestly what the fuck is with that?

found it


hitler could've prevented this

He used to hang out in the AWD discord. Not sure if he made it to initiation.

Crisis actors

>it's another "fearful brainlets are unable to cope with the tragedy of life and seek to find elaborate conspiracies to make sense of the world" episode

Attached: asking girls out.jpg (460x383, 39K)

>exmilitary free masons come in and kill students with trained soldier efficiency
Possible movie plot