Can environmentalists be right winged?

I am pretty hardcore “save the forrest, save the green meddows!” and am still economically, culturally and from an immigration perspective right winged.

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I’m right wing and I support nuclear power to piss off lefty hippies. And it turns out nuclear power is acutely pretty good for the environment

Really it depends on what is considered Right or Left or whatever. If we can conceptualize Right as simply preserving things, or even as just not seeking revolution or change than environmentalism works.

Eco issues get Left Wing primarily because in America so much of America right is just servants of a handful of oligarchs, kind of like how the Democrats are just servants of a handful of oligarchs.

Environment for the right wing:
>don't pollute waters with chemicals
>don't use throw-away plastic things
>make cars and tools that last in time
>build gardens and parks
>respect each animals

Environment for the leftists:
>western industries should not produce CO2
>western people should treat their pets as if they were human
>food must be biological, but we all love the exotic ones from countries without regulations
>everyone must be vegan
>whatever happen to my old iPhone or fridge is someone else business

Conservationism is right wing

Yes, I am very pro nuclear power. Zero emissions, clean, perfect for the environment. Nuclear waste can be stored in Finland in a saltmine.

I'd be an environmentalist if it weren't so closely allied with anti white sentiment. I'd be more sympathetic to both socialism and capitalism under the same conditions. Ultimately, race is the most important thing to me. If you're willing to sacrifice race for environmentalism you are a cunt. If you're willing to sacrifice race for shekels you're also a cunt.

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Yes. The government can not fix the environment.


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you are a conservationalist. congratulations, you sit besides hunters and hikers, campers and trail runners.

voting to stop your local factory from ruining your neighborhood is a far cry from not eating meat because it will somehow save the planet.

The right-left paradigm is a fraud. I hold far right views in the sense that I'm not egalitarian or whatever, but I believe in regulations to stop pollution and strip mining and things that cause irreparable harm. The jews are the ones strip mining the earth for profit, of course we have to fucking stop them. Globalism is about shipping trinkets across oceans, polluting them the whole way, to save the elite jews a few pennies.

It's all a fucking scam. Environmentalists usually know the big corporations are garbage phonies. They just don't know that fascism is very real and the corporations and banks and police state all work together to profiteer off mother nature.

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"Environmentalism" is another control method. It doesn't make sense to support immigration and foreign aid while saying we have a population problem.

well that's because environmentalism has been framed as globalism.

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or the other way around

I am too OP. Unfortunately most environmentalists are also leftists.

environmentalism IS right wing
pushing climate change and other schemes that end in more govt control and more taxes is not environmentalism

Green conservatism, search it.

explain. I want to save the environment in Europe, not somewhere else.

I know, but I don’t understand why so many environmentalists are left wing. Restricted migration and a good free market actually helps the environment.

Fuck the tribal thought. Believe what you want. No left or right.

start sinking the ships that bring over your “unaccompanied minors”

the aggressive liberal left are parasites who will always seek out legitimate causes, as they would never have a platform on their own.
the basis of their agenda is the misconception that all people are equal in potential and deserving of reward, despite that not being the case in reality or the natural world. without genuine grievances like corporate abuse of the environment to build on, they would never have an audience.

>not wanting to preserve the glory of gods great work of nature for your children and grandchildren
You have to be some kind of monster not to want that

The issue is that alarmists and doomsday prophecies being thrown out

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On the bright side I think that conservative youth are more sympathetic to the environment than old conservatives.

Well, it's that the industrialists and financiers have infiltrated the green movement to control it for their own purposes. This is what they've done in every field. let me quote someone here:
>"The Nature Conservancy is sold to you as the greatest of environmental charities, it has about six billion in assets and is run by Mark Tercek, a former managing director at Goldman Sachs. If that doesn't raise a red flag in your head, nothing will. The Nature Conservancy** has ties to almost 2,000 corporate sponsors, and land donated by the Conservancy to the USGov is still allowed oil drilling, timbering, mining, and natural gas drilling. In fact, the Baca Wildlife Refuge—created from the Nature Conservancy donation—is a misnomer. The mineral rights, including oil and gas, on the “Wildlife Refuge”, are privately owned by Lexam Explorations."

The World Wildlife Fund and Sierra Club are also controlled opposition.

As for change, well, I'm a pessimist. I have no hope for civic life to change unless the system collapses, I'd like it to, by campaigning for actual laws that prevent corruption and pollution, or actually enforcing them, but err, that's unlikely to have an effect.

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why not both