TDS 295 is out!

Payfags gibs me dat!

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Other urls found in this thread:

plz gib thank kek lol

girl here, may I have it payfriends

Pls gib

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gibs me dat

Bro please just one episode bro I swear I only want one bro cmon please let me have it I need it bro please

Bump. Gibs, please. No kikery.

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Hand it over, paypigs.

show your tits with a timestamp

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do you even remember what they talked about in last episode?
it's just amorphous "muh niggers and jews" ambient noise at this point

its perfect to lift to

Still better than anything on the normie waves.

not her, or pic related, but plz gib thank

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Whens the Metokur episode?
He agreed to come on weeks ago

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what website should i upload to?

nope, you must gib your 10 shekels per premium paywall second just like the rest of us.

Hey you pay kikes post it.


Mike Peinovich

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I fucking dare you to upload it mother fucker I'll have your throat

Mike hates nazis irl

he sure hates pat little

Watcha doin, Sven?

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Fuck sven

Did Mike lose weight?

Pls post it.

Am pretty trap dickgirl, will post my feminine penis in exchange for DL

I'm a virgin and only my husband will see my naked body

Fuck TRS shills and these sweaty, fat gatekeepers. Patrick Little is /ourguy/ and we support him for actually DOING SOMETHING rather than kvetching about MUH optics. These guys never actually talk about anything substantive. Fuck em.

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Kosher white nationalism, get it while it’s hot, rabbi approved, b’bai brith blessed .

TRSodomy is never OK, user.

press f for this dude who killed himself because he got doxed by a jew


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but it makes me sleep like a baby dreaming of the ethnostade

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Those evil fucking kikes!

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shoot the jew, not yourself


may he ragequit the next life with a bowlcut

That's not how plan S is supposed to go. F regardless.

jazz and jesse too plz

The most outrageous shit about this is that leftists will celebrate it
I'm at the point where I'm just too sick and tired of the current political discourse that I see no reason to interact with leftists anymore. Everything is literally the other way around, they're literally always projecting, they're the hateful, genocidal freaks, they're the gullible footsoldiers of a totalitarian establishment, they're the opressors, they're the bigots, they're close minded and prejudiced, and I'm supposed to pretend its the other way around because they got the word in first.
I'm so sick and tired of it, its mentally draining beyond belief to accept these premises and flip the truth entirely on its head, just to hold a pointless conversation with a total close-minded doofus that wants me dead.

oh yeah thx for the episode lol

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theres a dude on youtube uploading a lot of them, not just the free ones. I tried to listen to a few but I cant really get into them. Too much trying to be funny constantly and mike rambling and yelling lol. I like the fash the nation one because the one guy actually does prep and I think he does a good job. His cohost however is fucking slow as fuck. Literally. he takes 8 years to reply to a question the other host asks him. I watched a strike and mike one too and it was aight. Better than TDS because it's only two guys and striker is pretty well read.

Only a kike would kill themselves instead of doing a murder suicide.

Andrew Dodson was a weak half-breed and Jacob Rosenberg made him his BITCH.


May he have rest and may we not have rest until we have secured our future

When will we shame women into having children? Should we start laughing at childless women?

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F. Thanks user.

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yah I saw him a few weeks ago and couldnt believe how thin he was. Usually we see him online and he looks chunky but irl hes not that big. Still kinda doughy but hes like 40 so what do we expect.

If you can't appreciate Halberstram then you just might find the log you're cutting for that white water raft is beneath your feet and it's just gonna keep on rolling.

I ran out of munni for my paycuck account, does anyone have this and Jazz & Jesse from last night?

Good for him, he's actually making some serious changes in his life, I can respect that.

Have they endorsed patrick little yet?

TRSfags are the kind of subverted useful idiots who say things like, "CNN is fake news. I watch RT for the truth"
>subscribing to the view that any1 at TRS is based
>Thinking you're redpilled
TRS is terribIe for white peopIe. theytre the worst thing to happen to WN in the last 40 years. they've literally accompIished nothing besides getting young white men to think they are pro-white while worshiping literal communist views & people(putin), getting subscribers names made pubIic, faces shown in pubIic, and a biII passed specificaIIy targetting pro-white views & people

TRS is fiIIed with jews, homos, trannies, and professionaI provacatuers. give them 5$, faggot. they wont get you doxxed, promise. enoch literally admitted to being a jew 5 times and his listeners still deny it.
you are not redpilled if you think TRS is legit
i moved away from russian because putin has turned it into a multicultural hell-hole where migrants & illegal immigrants are treated better than native russians. i start to see TRS people from america call themselves WN then praise putin, who is the most anti-white person on the planet(100x worse than merkel); he says he wants communism to return o russian & he wants international communism one day, forces russian youth into communist indoctrination camps, arrests every rich right-winger in russia(then fake WN retards from TRS praise him for it), says he carries his communist party member card with him everywhere he goes, has monthly closed door meeting with "chabad lubavitch"(jewish supremacists/loxists) where he makes most decisions, and real russians know putin is only in syria tpo stop assad from attacking israel, but TRS dipshits are so subverted, they think putin is anti-israel. trs followers are just slightly pro-white communists and they dont even know it. thats why theyre called useful idiots

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stay mad moarpheus

Nigger crackheads compose the majority of trs fanbase

link disappeared

Also would like Jazz and Jesse. No one posted it here last night.

link works just fine dumbass

Leafs working overtime. I heard they make you do community service hours for antifa to get neetbucks in leafistan these dayz

>typical subverted TRS fool
who mad? just pointing out the fact that youre all subverted snowflakes, who are exactly like the leftists you rail against. its nothing for me to be mad at; just a bit funny.
>any1 who disagrees with me is a boomer, sperg, or very very mad

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Easy there leafbro. Little is bretty lulzy though

how mad are you that you've been doing this for so long and TRS gets more pageviews than ever? Like, really. Exactly how despondent do you feel?

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Judas Christianity is literal satanism!

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lol of course it would be christkikes subverting you know moarpheus isnt even white even fucking maldraw isn't white. its fucking hilarious

>you've been doing this for so long
2 posts by my ID(3 including this one)
hey enoch, nice trick showing ignorant shitbags an "autosomal DNA" test(according to autosomal DNA, 92% of jews have no jewish DNA)

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>who mad? just pointing out the fact that youre all subverted snowflakes

Fucking hardly cunt. The right welcomes debate, but you can't debate with lefties, they no platform, or shout down, then think 'Hey that's a debate'

Stay an emotional fuckwit, creature.

So you alternative is to worship the neoliberal ZOG machine instead?

You shills never give any alternatives because you're all kikes and leftists false-flagging.

enoch looks like a fat beady eyed kike for fucks sake...what a joke. why would anyone pay for anything on the internet now a days... pathetic the guy is a loser who just makes WN look bad... so do all the brown shirt fucking faggots... WN wont turn into a substantial movement if you keep wearing brown shirts to rallys and wearing a fucking swastika... the world has been so brainwashed to hate anything nazi... keep similar ideas and rebrand it.... like the marxists did with modern day democrats...


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senpaitachi no bully I usually pay but my cuckbux are low rn pls post Jazz & Jesse


Wrong. Mike is Serbian.

Pic related, a Serbian basketball player with similar genetics.

You're either a shill or a retard.

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But leaf... THEY support patrick little. They had him on one of their freecuck podcasts even

why isn't this dude paying for it?

They especially hate intelligent white men who break their steroetype of dumb skinhead. It's not just "trailer trash" who are in on this movement. Seeing an engineering student in there struck more fear in their heart than all the fire of those torches because they know that we have institutional power, not just LARPy power, and we are ready to fucking go

i think his mom is norwegian and he got his looks from her

is macdonald brought up in this episode?

He has more Serbian DNA than Norwegian. Peimovich is a Serbian name. I don't remember the details of his 23 and Me, but he posted it on the TRS forum somewhere.

His mom wasn't purely Norwegian.

he is brought up in every


And thanks user.

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Can i get the .moe version of this?
thanks in advance

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it works fine in my browser but for some reason won't download or play in my podcastaddict app on my phone

Who gives a fuck what kind of mutt he is or anyone else on that show if they tell the truth about (((whitegenocide))) agenda!
And that shit is real for anyone that is not some kind of shabos goy zombie!

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that is because everybody is downloading now.

I need it to work out

F Thanks user

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Mirror for TDS 295 because anonfile is slow. Keep in mind that mixtape dies within a week or two but anonfile lasts longer so don't wait to save this.

Have they talked about pregnant Anne Frank yet?

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thanks senpai

>you can't debate with lefties, they no platform, or shout down, then think 'Hey that's a debate'
>Stay an emotional fuckwit, creature
of all my posts and repliues, not a single one of you have welcomed debate. EVERY single one of you have replied with "shouts", pathetic one-liners, and projections. you're leftists 100%, you just described a leftist and as you can see, that is exactly how all of you acted toward my comments. not one of you replied with a respoonse to what i said, you just replied with generic garbage that TRS trained you to say. just like leftoists, youre all the same, cookie cutter version of a trained mind. i am the only one in this thread who has expressed an actual unique view or opinion based on the information in this thread. you all changed the subject & cried. yep,SNOWFlakes

you think TRS is right wing? in what way? cause they racyss? in no other way tho. thats a leftist view of the political spectrum, too. in what way do they welcome debate? that way my first sign that they were lefties, they cry about sperg, boomer, or cry jew any timne any1 disagrees with them. they worship putin even thought hey know nothing about him besides what they are spoon fed by pro-putin russian speakers. thats what is most concerning; they worship a literal communist who is anti-white & hates everythign they stand for. i left my homeland after my best friend got 6 years in prison for downloading TGSNT. putin has continually made anti-nativeRussian, anti-white, & pro-jew laws, but TRS weirdos suck his cock just because democrats dislike him. hes done everythying to russia, that merkel did to germany, and much much more
y u no see thru TRS, tho?

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quite a few times. IN fact, they played this on one of their last few shows... think three or so shows ago

good time try this host
>they have better servers

tank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Oh boi

don't give a fuck about that drama as long they keep telling the truth

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HAHAHAHHAHAHA, Jarics mother is jewish you ignorant fool