>*sniff sniff* >"I just can't believe" >*Sniff sniff* >"That people are allowed to have guns in this country" >*Wipes away tear* >"How can... How can... How can Blumpf and those evil bastards at the NRA dare say that people have a right to arm themselves after this tragedy!" >*Audience cheers and claps" >"It's time for the constitution to be ripped apart and a new constitution not built around old white men but by the women, the children, and the minorities of this country!" >Audience is ecstatically cheering
What do you say to this genuine soul who cares so much about the children of this country user?
this new meme has made me chuckle out loud numerous times now!
Charles Garcia
Pardon me, good sir, but I do believe the one who is obsessed is you. I'm not the one who spends his time crying on Jow Forums about people who are mean to me; no, I, myself, much prefer having sex with attractive females. For the record, I have more sex than you could even imagine having, both hot roleplaying sessions and in real life. Try not to strain your little mind with thinking too much, okay sweetie?