why is nobody talking about this?

>Italy's populists promise to kick out half a million migrants as they edge towards forming new government

Italy’s populist parties, which are expected to form a new government within days, have pledged to deport up to half a million migrants.

An aggressive stepping-up of repatriations was a long-held promise of the hard-Right League, which is poised to form a coalition government with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement.

The parties presented their policy programme on Friday, in what was widely seen as the biggest challenge to the authority and cohesion of the EU since Brexit.

The 58-page manifesto called for a review of governance and spending rules imposed by Brussels.

It called for the recruitment of more police, the building of new prisons and the clearing of illegal gypsy settlements in Italian towns and cities.

>pic not very much related

Attached: 1523741986186.jpg (2448x3264, 1.05M)

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anymire pic like that?

That's all good but I hope they have proper plans for the economy as well, because that will require some spending.

Came for the pic. Stayed for the pic. Didn't read what you said.

Attached: sniff-o-matic.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

No, this is the only picture of a woman showing her ass in panties on the internet, sorry mate

Attached: how kikes manipulate you.jpg (718x1362, 314K)

Italy will be the next Greece.

Attached: world-debt-gdp.png (1280x1291, 44K)

I hope they succeed.

Attached: 3ac1423b92568063bbd96f72b02b1dc9.jpg (443x604, 43K)

That might be a dude...