Shooting every fucking week, im tired of this crap. how can i get out of here?
Why is america such a shithole?
It's fucking white people who do this shit. Once they're gone this shit will stop.
lol the crime rate and murder rate have never been lower. keep eating that shit, faggot.
Go on the internet and buy a one-way ticket
Best way to leave this place is to go to school
I love it here. That’s just me though.
You can't get out.
Thats the trick.
Technically correct, because once all the white people are gone then there won't be anyone left to maintain civilization and the entire human race will go extinct within two generations.
Money but if you had that you just stay and wall yourself from other communities and not bother going anywhere.
Just cross into canada and collect all the benefits. Just make sure to tell the guards inshallah and allhu snack bar and then let them fuck your boy puccii you'll be given canuck citizenship right there.