Alright guys, I'm studying at a technical University in Karlshamn, Sweden...

Alright guys, I'm studying at a technical University in Karlshamn, Sweden. This week we're doing an event called "Creative Coast" and one of the guest speakers is Anita "Bitch Please" Sarkeesian. She's staying in our small town and is attending parties and events while she's here beyond doing a lecture.

Well I was just heading back home from school when I saw her on the way, she seemed upset at her friend/assistant about something. I had intended to walk up and ask her things about why she sucks major dick, but when I heard them talking I decided to just stand idly by, turned away, and listen in. This is what I heard.

She was looking at this girl next to her furiously, nagging her saying:
> "And my weed, right? Cause I'm gonna need my weed if I am to deal with this shit."

The "shit" she was referring to was hanging out with students at the school during an evening party.

Her friend/assistant responded
> "Yeah, yeah, I got it here somewhere I think."

And Anita fired back

> "Well you better, I swear if you lost it you're gonna have to find someone in this shithole who's willing to sell your stupid ass something."

Then they started walking away and I couldn't hear much else or continue following them without making it obvious.

Can I use this information somehow? Weed is still illegal here so I could just contact the cops, but that seems petty considering I'm a smoker myself.

I do hate the bitch, though, maybe I could do something else. Suggestions?

Attached: screen-shot-2015-04-21-at-10-26-34-am1.png (1280x886, 1.1M)


Both posts are equally abhorrent.

yes, email this information back to 2013 when somebody might have cared

This Armenian bitch is still around, though. She might be working outside of the limelight but she's still spreading her poison.


>Well Jow Forums, I know she is a mortal enemy of everything I stand for and will destroy everything that is good in the world and I hold dear, but reporting her would just be mean guys, come on.

Karlshamn. Damn it it's the first sentence.

If real, get her arrested obviously. It would be a lark.

obviously report her