Is it just me or is the msm underreporting the texas shooting? Its getting about as much coverage on cnn as the cuba air crash is. And certainly less that the royal wedding.
You'd think the likes of cnn would be all over that shit especially since its a school shooting in texas.
No one cares anymore. I'm sick of it. Liverpool might win the Champions league. That will get me going. Another school shooting in America? Who cares
Tyler Powell
The story is still breaking. It's bound to get more attention than the Chilean sex abuse story.
Eli Powell
No one cares. I don't care. Do you care? People die at the hands of their government every day. Until the general public starts realizing the real evils in the world, instead of crying about the boogiemen that the real evil puts in front of them (which will never happen, because people are trained morons), I'll never care. This is all a game. Not even acknowledging it is the best play right now.
Wyatt Davis
The kid was a bisexual jew loving communist cripplechan troll who wasn't even white, but some Greek mutt.
Really fucks up the narrative
Blake Rodriguez
School shootings aren't news anymore. They're fodder for local news now.
William Evans
They're embarrassed by how bored they are of it, you can almost feel it. Next week there will be another one, repeat to fade.