Dumb Jow Forumstard: banning guns dun stop school shootings!!! Ronald Trump said and he is based and my strong leader!

>dumb Jow Forumstard: banning guns dun stop school shootings!!! Ronald Trump said and he is based and my strong leader!
>UK and every other western country in Europe bans guns
>no school shootings
Dumb Jow Forumstards

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>be france
>ban gun
>mass knifing

bin that knoife bruv

Once in a blue moon, meanwhile you have several every month

The death rate for mass shootings is higher in Norway than the US

>be bongistan
>rape children
>import shitskins
>become even more proficient at raping children

>jews keep killing children unless you ban guns, then they bring in muslims who will only rape your young children and women, so that is better

Meanwhile, knife crime is soaring in London and the homicide rate has now surpassed New York City.

Nice straw man

>Come on goyim, just starting doing what everyone else does!

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