>17 year old male
>Dimitrios Pagourtzis
>Wore a trench coat every day
>Coat had USSR, iron cross and other symbols
>Used a shotgun and .38 revolved which were legally owned by his father
>Shirt saying "born to kill"
>Attended a greek church group
>Wanted to join the US Marines
>Played football for his school
>Planted explosives around the school and surrounding area

Attached: 426df35a-4f90-4dec-b0a2-34c21cb4b8d2-large16x9_DimitriosPagourtzis.jpg (986x554, 293K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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He is also HIV positive

Did any of the explosives go off? Seems like they never do

False flag with terrible script writing

>Attended a greek church group

Attached: obstaclechristianity.jpg (720x317, 54K)

More white trash with guns. Ban guns, ban white trash, problem solved.

This, did the IG report finally get released?

Please if Jow Forums still has any gumption of which we saw during the 2016 election push this out and make it the focal point of his rage

The important thing is that he cleaned his room before going on a murder spree

Nope, not eat atleast. They probably found them all because they hid them themselves.

This sounds fun.

Attached: 1523131709054.jpg (365x346, 16K)

are greeks white?

Are you HIV positive about that?

Is he really?
If so we could use that in an operation dealing with

Attached: 1522962531690.jpg (522x499, 84K)

Absolutely, I checked. I have many years experience detecting HIV in faggots. I have some bad news by the way.

reports of controlled explosions in the fisting area of Dimitri’s favorite bathhouse

Is this picture really from his account? READ COMMENTS

Attached: Screenshot (98).png (1013x745, 417K)

Fpbp as always.

family's residence was visited by the FBI prior to the shooting

>>Attended a greek church group

Can't wait to hear the bantz on the next Young Huwhites podcast.

another shooting
for fucks sake

top kek

>Wanted to join the US Marines
>Played football for his school

Toxic masculinity strikes again

Exactly! All are plants.

legend has it he gets a new badge for every successful kill

Attached: pins.png (900x675, 544K)


Clean your jail cell

I wonder if he's made any new glow in the dark friends lately

They took sound out of video?

he's greek. of course he is.

White people always shootin up schools

no because they’re inert and given to the puppet by (((agents))) attempting to set up either stings or stage high casualty shootings in order to take our guns

In the case of the latter they don’t give them real explosives because if they did they’d demonstrate exactly why gun control is ineffective at stopping lunatics bent on killing.

Oh, I'm so sorry for you. I hope you're on your medication.


i'll give you credit. i laughed

I fucking hate this race baiting FUCK so much!

> OP
> White people always shootin up schools

Do your homework faggot it's usually jews

>Played football for his school
>Planted explosives around the school and surrounding area
>The virgin shotting

ahhahaha his name is 100% greek. get some americunts

That's only because black shooters do go to school.

Attached: 1521855116905.jpg (482x446, 65K)

>do go
don't go*

Our country is so fucked, people get raging hard ons when the shooter is White which is pretty much always.

If not it gets buried FAST

>he like V A P O R W A V E

>"edgy" gay commie steals guns from father after boasting a desire to murder
Homosexuals, pinkos, and immigrants should be prosecuted as much as they claim to be. We have the same problem here. Let me tell you something, I'm from Buenos Aires...

how can niggers shoot up a school when niggers don’t go to school

>giving a shit about what a nigger thinks
hello newfag

>Did any of the explosives go off? Seems like they never do

FBI rarely cooks up real bombs for these patsies. OKC bombing being a noteable exception.

Attached: FBI.jpg (600x458, 193K)

>shooting other criminals in the hood is the same as murdering innocent students and concert goers
try again idiot

It's antifa Forumsres/2269373.html#2269373

We found out he was part of a gun club and had pro Palestinian sympathies

Attached: Antifa-gun_club.jpg (960x540, 125K)

>are greeks white?

Whiter than you, Mohammed.

thank trump that school shooting season is coming to a close so we can stop watching these crisis actors do hockey pokey false flag ravioli

“Did you get that medal for killing Jews”

>how can niggers shoot up a school when niggers don’t go to school

And of course majority black schools have had metal detectors at the doors since the 1970s.

Attached: around 4.png (1044x1446, 218K)

Blacks utilize schools to network drug sales and find women.

It's a cultural thing.

of course not, the goal is to disarm the American people

if they gave them real bombs they would show just how useless it would be to disarm the public. it would show there are much more effective ways to kill large amounts of people in confined areas. they definitely don’t want that, it will derail their grabbing campaign very quick

My cousin knows some people from the school and apparently he was doing a bunch of adderal and stimulants.

I grew up in the hood and went to nigger school. We had metal detectors. We still had shootings and stabbings at the school. Media didn't report on them though because it was the hood doing hood.

hell no

Shut up mehmed

Nah, don't need medication. You can't infect me through the internet.

Was he wearing clean underwear though?

Are you jelly of those who do AND get commemorated for it?

Attached: gz niggers.jpg (800x600, 75K)


I don't know why this is till a thing

iphone turd



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How did the police apprehend him? Did he surrender?

top kek that pic

>be american
>get shot
it keeps happening

I don't even think they believe themselves to be white

There are too many honestly.

They look so uncomfortable, as if they know they're being exploited for Facebook likes by hypocritical liberals.

>be american
>whiter than you

Aren't football players supposed to be chads who fuck cheerleaders all the time or have i watched to much high school movies ?

I disagree. It's been more than 3 months since the last one.

Attached: Dream_number_10448_17_May_2018_7_psychic_prediction.jpg (962x1349, 314K)

Thanks media it's gonna happen again cause they plaster it everywhere

>the left nerdy qt

No. Too many Americans.

He was probably a bench warmer. Just did it to be cool.

maybe he was tired of youtube censorship=this got taken down by utub

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another white trash kid with no dad around to tell him his shits all retarded.

Ah, carry on then.

He took his dad's guns fucknut.

Generation z is based!!!
Wait nvm

Fuck zillennials i have lost all hope i you guys.
Worse then millennials and boomers combined.

ban the schools and bring back child labor. were there school shootings back when children were all working in factories? checkmate.

>Played football for his school

Possible cause of head trauma induced crazy?

I like this idea. Put them on bikes with generators and harness the electricity. I think prisoners should do this as well.

>implying there was only 128 instances in 2016 of murders in the hood
they kill thousands of each other a year im sure theres a separate statistic for that

Attached: Dimitrios Pagourtzis.jpg (480x600, 26K)

Gen Z doesn't start until 2004/2005. He is a millennial.

Looks like somebody i would have bullied desu.

>Dimitrios Pagourtzis
/our guy/

Attached: 1501628908001z.png (500x500, 24K)

>Jow Forums misidentifies the shooter yet again and blames it on a random commie
this shit has happened for the last 5 fucking shootings and if you can't see it's blatant disinfo, you are lying to yourself.

Remember Paddock and the pussy hat guy?
Charlottesville driver and the liberal from Michigan?
Nicolas Cruz and the other Nick Cruz who was a democrat?

Every fucking time.

Attached: 155947025489.jpg (450x418, 27K)

>bullied by students
>bullied by coaches
Gee I wonder why he went over the edge? Wait until the news comes out that he was taking SSRIs just like all the other shooters.

Wait he escaped and posted about the killings later?

Gen z stats at 1997 retard

Oh he's not just sure... he's HIV positive.

so he was a communist?
so this guy is basically antifa right?

I just wonder why the US government has never done anything about bullying in schools. It was clear that the school shooters of Columbine were bullied (well one of them was) and it had clear psychological effects in causing this murder spree. Why hasn't the US done anything? How can we stop bullying? They say bullying is good because it makes certain behaviors that you have that are bad for the group go away but it doesn't justify bullying kids for strength and to take away weaknesses if they are going to be killing students after they cant take it anymore and snap. I was bullied to be honest and it was hell I wanted to shoot up all my bullies and show them who is the real savage. Then there are friends that act like friends and bully you too. No wonder they did these shootings.