Would something as simple as uniforms solve the mutt school shooting crisis?

Would something as simple as uniforms solve the mutt school shooting crisis?

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Only if kikes sell them.

It wouldnt hurt as long as they were from goy supplier

You're also asking for girls in school to be even more desirable to fuck which would lead to more rape
Also I went to a magnet middle school and the gun and knife instances didn't different story all from public schools because you can't change niggers and spics

>Would something as simple as uniforms solve the mutt school shooting crisis?
unless gay edgy clothes were somehow the cause of school shootings, why would it? you sound like a dumb liberal blaming inanimate and superficial objects instead of facing the fundamental causes of a problem.

Uniforms provide order and identity so they will probably be illegal on the federal level within the decade.

Two defenders of the materialistic jew culture that judges kids based on the brands their parents can afford. Bravo, here's your hw for this weekend

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No? Why the fuck would they help?

>Uniforms provide order and identity
(Source: )

Soooo uniforms and resegregation?


Here is a question: has there ever been a school shooting at a uniformed school?

yes because that's exactly what i was doing and saying in my post brainlet.

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Mick here. We all wore uniforms, I think it really helps. It stops a lot of the utter retardation goy consumerism being forced on kids

>Uniforms provide order and identity

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Catholic school legitimately caused me to develop a skirt fetish. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnng

Main argument against it is that it takes away "individuality" and "freedom of expression." How am I even supposed to source something that is so implicit.

Heck naw. You can still tuck a beretta in that them trousers. Two if you get a size larger than what you usually wear.

Try secure entrances with metal detectors.

Do you hear of such events in Japan?

>Uniforms provide order and identity
oh shit totally works, no mass shooting here again. thanks uniforms! again you sound as stupid as the libtards that want to ban guns.

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No. Becuase then they’ll pick on the kid with dirty hair. Or stick out ears. Or the way their head is shaped.
Kids will destroy others, it’s their nature.

>M. Sue Stanley, "School Uniforms and Safety," Education and Urban Society, Aug. 1996
>"In Long Beach, CA, after two years of a district-wide K-8 mandatory uniform policy, reports of assault and battery in the district's schools decreased by 34%, assault with a deadly weapon dropped by 50%, fighting incidents went down by 51%, sex offenses were cut by 74%, robbery dropped by 65%, possession of weapons (or weapon "look-alikes") decreased by 52%, possession of drugs went down by 69%, and vandalism was lowered by 18%."

>Claudene Wharton, "College of Education Researchers Conduct Study on Impacts of School Uniforms," unr.edu, Apr. 23, 2013
>"One year after Sparks Middle School in Nevada instituted a uniform policy, school police data showed a 63% drop in police log reports, and decreases were also noted in gang activity, student fights, graffiti, property damage, and battery."

>Seunghee Han, "A Mandatory Uniform Policy in Urban Schools: Findings from the School Survey on Crime and Safety: 2003-04," International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 2010
>"A peer-reviewed study found that schools with uniform policies had 12% fewer firearm-related incidents and 15% fewer drug-related incidents than schools without uniforms."

>J. Scott Granberg-Rademacker, Jeffrey Bumgarner, and Avra Johnson, "Do School Violence Policies Matter? An Empirical Analysis of Four Approaches to Reduce School Violence," Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice, Spring 2007
>"Another peer-reviewed study found that, in schools with historically higher rates of sexual violence, sexual attacks were less likely if uniform policies were in place."


>Comparing adults in armed forces to children in public schools
No more replies please

No, they just get stabbed to death instead

He was a mudslime you moron. Mudslime identity > any other identities.

So why are public schools pushed towards full inclusion classrooms? Isnt that just setting up the special needs students to experience a daily hell?

teen girls in skirts are always a good idea

Not really representative given in the US it's mainly private schools full of rich kids that mandate uniforms

>comparing glorious nippon masterrace to inferiour western scum
What did he mean by this?

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The thread

>b-but it's different!
it's the same rhetoric and rationale.
>He was a mudslime you moron. Mudslime identity > any other identities.
it's two different people you fucking retard. and the two Fort Hood shootings are far from the only base shootings.


For Argument: There is evidence that a school uniform policy reduces crime in schools and improves academic performance.

Against Argument: 14 second clip from a cartoon

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Uniforms are shit. I actually had to wear them being from the UK and there's nothing redeemable about them. It doesn't change anyones behaviour, if they're a cunt they'll still be a cunt in a uniform.

Damn this anecdotal evidence totally destroys the studies that have been done

Only if girls must wear skirts
who are we fooling here


I went to a school with uniforms. Those kids were just as fucked up or even more than the public school kids a couple of streets down. We had everything: guns, alcohol, drugs, prostitution, extortion, gambling.. the only difference is that since this was a catholic school, the 30% of girls that got knocked up before graduating dropped out to raise kids rather than get an abortion. Abortions aren't a means to an end by any means, but the catholics really, really hate contraception and discouraged it.

You liberals have to stop thiking about "solving problems". There are no solutions to the problems.

There are only trade-offs.

If you spend money on school uniforms, will behavior in schools improve? Yes. Is it worth the money? Yes. Will it stop school shootings? No. Nothing will.

Studies prove having your rights violated and being shoved into a costume making you a glorified, certified and branded slave of an institution without consent eventually leads to suicide. Not to mention it's a complete waste of money and time.

So, like cops?

>Elisabetta Gentile and Scott A. Imberman, "Dressed for Success? The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior," utdallas.edu, Jan. 15, 2010
>A study by the University of Houston found that elementary school students' language test scores increased by about three percentile points after uniforms were introduced.

>Laura Clark, "School Uniform Improves Pupils' Behaviour Both in and out of School," dailymail.co.uk, July 10, 2007
>A study from Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom found that uniforms "often directly contributed to a feeling of school pride."

>Linda Abel Fosseen, "School Uniforms in Middle Schools: Enhancing Identity and Security," Uniforms in Public Schools: A Decade of Research and Debate, Ed. David L. Brunsma, 2006
>A study of over 1,000 Texas middle school students found that students in uniform "reported significantly more positive perceptions of belonging in their school community than reported by students in the standard dress group."

>Linda Lumsden and Gabriel Miller, "Dress Codes and Uniforms," Research Roundup: National Association of Elementary School Principals, Summer 2002
>During the first semester of a mandatory uniform program at John Adams Middle School in Albuquerque, NM, discipline referrals dropped from 1,565 during the first semester of the year prior to 405, a 74% decrease.

So if you don't have to wear a uniform then you're not a slave? Your Pink Floyd t-shirt is the only thing between you and slavery?

Allow kids to fight, argue and stop putting so much pressure on acceptance.

My nigga here is the harsh truth: if you want your kids to be less degenerate and not be at risk of being shot at, your only option is private schools. This is what is implied when studies lean in favor of uniforms. They're conducted in environments where they are far from all this shit. That's why they are so expensive; you get what you pay for. Success in a public school is and always will be a crapshoot.

What, would any uniform do it for you you sick fuck?

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The studies that I posted are all explicitly about public schools so there isn't any implication about private schools therein, however I don't disagree that private schools are way better than public schools.

Placebo effect at the very most. There is no redemption for the public school system. Well there is, but it's a loophole. A "public school" in a rich neighborhood is way better than a public school anywhere else. It's essentially a private school lite.

best thing about school uniforms is when they went on thot patrol and literally measured girls skirts from their knees in assembly and sent them to one side to be slut shamed and later dealt with

What does it matter if it is a placebo effect? All that matters is that there is an effect. Again, I agree that the public school system is shit, I am not defending the public school system.

It means that it's temporary. Since they're kids, any sort of change, no matter how insignificant, to their routine will always yield some sort of a result. But once that change becomes a permanent part of their routine, then it'll be the same thing all over again except in uniforms.

That would introduce new issues regarding dress codes and (((gender identity))), not to mention pricing poor people out of schools (though I wonder how much of a negative that really would be).

How does it being a placebo mean that it is temporary? Do you have anything to back that up? A placebo works because people believe that it will work. Are you saying that school kids do better with uniforms because they believe that uniforms will help them do better? Most school students hate the idea so the belief isn't even there in the first place. Even if that weren't the case and it was somehow a placebo, ask yourself how many other things in society function according to belief and whether or not we ought to get rid of those things just because they operate according to belief.

meant for

I suppose if you had urban camouflage patterns and first aid kits built into the designs, the shooter uniforms could have magazine pouches built in to hold the extra clips.

It's temporary because putting on new clothes isn't a permanent adjustment of human character, which is what's usually responsible for problems. Once you introduce a new element to their routine, they all regress to a state where they are guided by rules, since that new element just changed their routine and routine is partially responsible for their character. They put on the uniforms, they're confused, and while some will lash out the rest will just go along with it for long enough to just accept this change and then they go back to doing what they were doing. They do better because they subconsciously cling to the school's rules for guidance in a time of confusion. Realistically you should know by now that getting good grades at school has very little, if anything, to do with intelligence in and of itself. School is about following rules. You follow the rules well enough, you get good marks.

I went through approximately 8 schools before I graduated, I have seen all of it firsthand. I've seen them put uniforms on low achieving ghetto kids, I've seen them put uniforms on the middle class kids, i've seen what happens once those uniforms are abandoned, and it's all just a crock of shit.

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Even if it is only temporary, then isn't it worth it to stuff the low achieving ghetto kids into uniforms for the sake of the middle class kids who will go on to do good things regardless of their uniform? From your perspective, it should placebo the low achieving ghetto kids out of trouble for 8 years and discourage them from bringing their antics to school and damaging their middle class classmates with it. Or do you believe that "they'll go back to their true nature after 8 years of the placebo so who gives a shit." Temporary or not, there is still value in it. All things are temporary my dude.

If you want your kids to succeed, pull them out of public schools. No amount of uniforms or free breakfasts or free lunches or after school programs or new textbooks will improve anything in the long run. The problems come from trying to appease people who have no plans in taking advantage of these things, the problems come from being "inclusive" and accepting all sorts of troubled kids, who, again, have no plans to improve their lives, and the problems come from avoiding responsibility, and this applies to the problems at home AND at school. Public schools are a cesspool because they all depend on government gibs and not reputation or results, so they are willing to pay lip service and adjust stats to get more gibs for raises and stock options and more paid leave.

What the fuck this could work. Anyone who says "why would that help" literally stopped thinking at 5 years old.

By temporary I mean 1-2 months at most.

You’re on the money. They don’t want those kids there, so they’ll be socially ostracized, leaving it up to the parents to pull them out.

Metal detectors

Why murder when the person you're mad at will probably kill himself in a few days?

No. America's problems are way deeper than that.

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School uniforms, no make up for sluts, not even colored chapstick, and slot of the posturing goes away. You will have more interested school rivalry but that is better than intra school violence.

Even better if teachers have a uniform too.

The bullying is still limited.

>If you want your kids to succeed, pull them out of public schools. No amount of uniforms or free breakfasts or free lunches or after school programs or new textbooks will improve anything in the long run.
I'm not defending public schools, I am only saying that there is evidence that school uniforms reduce crime and improve performance.

That isn't what the studies show.

>No. America's problems are way deeper than that.
Also this.

I'm not saying that uniforms would be a fix-all or that it is even worth the cost to institute at this point, I am just citing the data.


No offense to you and yours, but the only way to effectively deal with special needs kids is to prepare them as much as possible for employment opportunities that don't have much significance or responsibilities. They are dead ends for the most part.

It would help out a lot.

Great suggestion!

there’s absolutely no proof at all that uniforms protect people from bullying or violence of the kind being perpetrated by school shooters

Uniforms prevent sluts from dressing like prostitutes, and edgelords from dressing like school shooters. Uniforms are a good thing and should be mandatory in every school.

Snowflakes will complain about MUH UNIQUENESS, but they are pissy faggots anyway.

>M. Sue Stanley, "School Uniforms and Safety," Education and Urban Society, Aug. 1996
>"In Long Beach, CA, after two years of a district-wide K-8 mandatory uniform policy, reports of assault and battery in the district's schools decreased by 34%, assault with a deadly weapon dropped by 50%, fighting incidents went down by 51%, sex offenses were cut by 74%, robbery dropped by 65%, possession of weapons (or weapon "look-alikes") decreased by 52%, possession of drugs went down by 69%, and vandalism was lowered by 18%."

>Boy and girl from the left with the same face
What's up with those transgender sublime suggestions you faggot?

Your studies are full of shit, I hate to say it. I'm sure if even those numbers are correct, there were other policies quietly put into effect along with the uniforms, such as zero tolerance fighting/drugs/alcohol policies. Putting all your eggs into the uniforms basket is really naive. I mean I've seen this shit firsthand, you've got the data but I actually have experience. Maybe you're right in some sense, but I'll tell you right now that this is a bad hill to choose to die on.