Does anyone not feel outraged/angry over this?

Does anyone not feel outraged/angry over this?

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lol nope.

I hope some got shot.

I reached the meh-stage with these things.

>Protest school shootings
And look where that got them. They should have invested in better security and they shouldn't have bullied that kid.
Talk about irony.

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Gee, it's almost like the walk out didn't really accomplish anything...

Maybe instead of protest, they should have bought weapons to defend themselves instead.

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>*blocks your path
wat do Jow Forums?

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naw that's actually pretty funny.

You need to be patient. I give it about 4 or 5 mass shootings, particularly at elementary schools, before serious congressional thought is applied to abolishing the 2nd Amendment, followed by serious consequences if found with semi-automatic weapons. I think they'll save single shot, or very limited capacity mags, but I think some change is coming.

They are surely ok with being shot because the guy didn't use an assault weapon

This one was a shotgun and a revolver, literally the two types of guns liberals say it's ok for us to have if they aren't for outright gun bans

>getting unironically angry or upset by pictures and words

graduations are coming up all across the country. pretty sure students getting gunned down going up to accept their diplomas will probably get some shit changed

Lol on the contrary, this made me feel better today. Have a nice day OP :D.

The shootings is only gonna push for more armed teachers. Still a fact where teachers are allowed to have guns have not been shot yet.

I know, and I agree. Just thinking down the road...
There will be more of these for sure, and it seems to be more critical when younger children are gunned down.

No, I'm dead inside. I feel nothing. Why? Jews have surrounded me with so many quick dopamine opportunities that I have no feelings anymore.

Not in the least too bad more didn’t meet their end

i wonder if the shooter saw all of the coverage shit like this has gotten previously and did this because he knew that it was the easiest way to get famous


If nothing happened after Sandy Hook, what do you think this cause anything?

Bet they were too fat to run

Trump changed the views of Republicans on most things, he could easily change gun laws to stop MS-13 or whatever.

they got the #neveragain part right, as in never again breathing.

>all these edgy replies ITT
Are you faggots actually serious about this shit? It's one thing to be anti-gun control but being all like
>lol nope, I laughed at this!
Is fucking disgusting. I'm not saying you should be sad or cry about this but show a little fucking respect at least and shut up.

I feel outraged he didn't get every single person in this photo

>>all these edgy replies ITT

Seriously, it's like summer arrived early this year.

I've been visiting Jow Forums since 2011 if that's what you're getting at. I know what I'm getting into when I come here and I love most of it, but that doesn't mean I like and agree with everything, and this edge just pisses me off.

All I'm saying is that if you want everyone else to stop treating you like the manchildren that you are then stop behaving like that.

>if you want everyone else to stop treating you like the manchildren that you are then stop behaving like that.

Golden words my friend.

the walkout sure helped...

The students in that photo look pretty normal. I think they were just trying to show support for the victims, and not support for the circus acts that swooped in and paraded in front of the cameras. I hope I'm not wrong about this.

>pretty normal
no sorry
9 out of 12 are obese

Holy shit kid you have not been here since 2011 or youd be as heartless as me. Young brown liberals dying is a win

About another false flag psyop
Yes, I am very angry about it

You are the false flag chaos agent. Fuck off.

This whole hoplophobic fake movement is strictly feminine. The OPs pic is the same as every other pic on this. 8 overweight and/or very ugly females, with 4 incel beta orbiters.

We should let the women screech about guns. But we should make fun of them. The betas should be physically abused. And if you are anti-gun you fall into that camp.


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i got you some serious consequences right here bitch go on violate your oath of office and pass that traitorous shit give me a cause give me a reason

Shows you that the deep state doesn't give a shit about your politics you're still getting the rope

How can teenagers be this fat? I fully support gunning down fatties in the streets.

>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Show your flag jew faggot.
20 sheckles its a white and blue
With a queer ass star on it.

This is actually how most of Santa Fe looks. A really gross place.

>Seriously, it's like summer arrived early this year.
Nah, it's an eternal September.

Waiting kike.
Lets see it. Otherwise take your dirty jew rat lying ass out of here.

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Is there anyway we get rid of the fucking
Im sick of these kikes thinking they can hide now.
The thing most cockroaches fear is the light.
We need to take back pol

And now the kike runs away after being called out
Typical fucking cowards.

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I feel quite the opposite actually. A bunch of liberal students were murdered by a literal liberal faggot cos-player. Today is a good day!

And they still decided to push the weird autistic kid too far. This is natural selection at its best.

Why are all these faggots fat?

nope. enjoyed their suffering.

its just like it seems that the protesting of school shootings didnt stop, what a stupmer

shut up you ugly beaner.

Why are they all so fat?
I actually go outside sometimes, and sometimes I see fat people, but it's not very often and they aren't usually as fat as this.

Samefag Rabbi, fuck off!

They sure seem happy to be grasping for attention standing on dead kids

>be american
>get shot

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Nope, I long since learned hashtags don't do shit.

>Does anyone not feel outraged/angry over this?
Yes, it is outrageous that all but 1 or 2 of those children is overweight and several of them are obese.

Like every high school had some dumb protest so it'd be impossible for a school shooting not to happen at a school that protested.

God damn modern day kids look so weird facially and physically

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>n-no you!


My basic math skills tell me not all of them pictured died, so yeah, I am a little angry.

That's not a school shooting. That's an accidental discharge by some Cali cucklord teacher which resulted in a scratch on someone's neck.

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The jew cries..etc etc. Fuck isreal fuck the torah fuck the talmud.
Praise Hitler.
And the Holocaust never happened.
Youre just a slimy disgusting ratfaced miserable faggot jew coward who refuses to show his flag

look at how ugly they all are, jesus christ

How does nearly all of them look less attractive than the average?

> Now we get to be famous for hashtags too!

These kids probably

Completely outraged, I've never seen so many mustaches in a single photo!

So many victims, so little time...


They can go about gnashing their teeth as much as they like, they're just being used as golems by kikes and glowies performing the same operations that kill them.

>The shootings is only gonna push for more armed teachers.
The average teacher is an out of shape, middle-aged woman who has never fired a gun in her life. I wouldn't trust them with a gun

2/3 of all recent concealed carry are women

No one cares what you do or do not "trust" you fucking worthless trash person. Go suck big daddy govt's nigger cock and fuck off

>2/3 of all recent concealed carry are women

And those are not the type of people who are currently teaching our children, you fucking retard. Let me guess: you got triggered by the fact I said something mean about a group of women (not even all women), so your white knight instincts kicked in?

>No one cares what you do or do not "trust"
You care enough to respond, and will respond to this comment too. Stay obsessed.

oh no that sucks