Harry and Meghan's baby

How would Jow Forums feel if the baby came out looking white?

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Why the fuck do you even care about foreign parasites?

Not a single fuck is given

How would Jow Forums feel if the baby came out looking ginger?

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would his nipples be pink?

Anyone have a source on the high end escort rumor?

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Kids get darker with time. Especially mixed raced.

Oh no nonoo

>a nigger
>a nigger ginger

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I'm still a Republican. I was a Republican before this and I will be a Republic after. Monarchists can't be nationalists, they support a foreign system of government which supplanted the English (Anglo-Saxon) system of Monarchy by election, not by hereditary. William the Bastard (who was a Jew through his mother) was not given ascent by the Witengenmot and was not given ascent by Saint-King Edward the Confessor, from who's heir he usurped the throne. All Kings after Harold Godwinson are illegitimate.


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Nothing ? Have I been bamboozled?

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literally EVERY hot failed actress in hollywood is a prostitute (and saudi yacht girl). how tf do you think they pay bills? she didn't get that USA cable show until her mid 30s mate, and even then, it didn't pay shit

Why are Americans so obsessed with this Royal shit? 2/3 of people here don't give a fuck about the Royal wedding.

not one picture?

Who cares lets glass the fuck out of the UK

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how can there be literally no pictures of her being an escort... rumor debunked

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I had absolutely never heard of her before she was on the news every day since being engaged to harry pothead

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>35 years old
>having children
American education.

Of course it will look white, it will only be 1/4 black