Why were the Nazis so pathetic? They lost the war...

Why were the Nazis so pathetic? They lost the war, murdered 6 million innocent Jews out of envy and had some incel delusions of being the "master race". A collective Napoleon complex, perhaps? It was probably similar to Alt-Right today, angry white men lashing out due to having smaller penises than black guys.

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Wow, and I thought Finnposters were based.


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>everyone i disagree with is a commie and a jew!
lol triggered much nazi?

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>murdered 6 million innocent Jews

It's a jew using VPN

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Oh look, another newfag

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At least they didn't suck soviet cock unlike you finns after ww2.

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>I believe le epic undercover le jdif epic story by a random user because i'm a fucking retard with sub-80 IQ
jesus christ you nazi larpers are fucking dumb lol

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Communists are more sad because 10,000,00plus were starved and they think communism is better.

based strawman

>he unironically thinks nazis didn't lose because they had ace pilots (lol nazi logic)
*breathes in*

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Wait so why isn't that post a NatSoc faggot using a VPN to pretend to be from Israel so he can post that?....

reported for announcing sage like a newfag
this isn't reddit and sage isn't the downvote button :)

>innocent jews

hah! Nice joke

>innocent Jews
Bit of a paradox, don't you think?

Much less caps and your post'd be alright. Faggit.

5/5 setit :DDD

Germany is the size of Montana; they humiliated France if 5 weeks, Poland in 18 days, and killed 20 million JEWISH soviets. Without Lend Lease and the bitch ass JEWISH Winston Churchill bankrupting the UK and the Soviets not having a pot to piss in -- pretty fuckin' clear who the master race is. The allies didn't have DICK when it came to arms or food; FDR bailed them out. You're retarded. Go to the amime board, Kike.

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it's funny because JOOS are evil and the reason we are virgin losers my fellow Aryans

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Dåligt bete, judejävel

The worst part is knowing that Nazism is in our collective nature, especially as young men with love for our people. It's a fine line between embracing that nature (and risking becoming literal Nazis in the eyes of society) or rejecting that nature and hating ourselves.

lol good 1 op

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>i-i-it was the jews fault we lost we were superior all along
>you cheated, it was our turn to win a war!

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they lost because Hitler didnt equip his soldiers with automatic rifles and also continued to build shit tanks.

your deductive abilities are impressive

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Waiting for OP to defend this shit

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>OP suddenly stops posting

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Imagine believing this

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>Inb4 actually shill with VPN
Wonder why a supposed normie finn is doing up 3 in the morning huh?

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How many niggers have you let fuck your wife, faggot?

Where has OP gone?

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Come out and plaaaaaay OP

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OP what are your thoughts on a one state solution in Israel?

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I'd ask you the same question

Nazi germany lost. Sorry to destroy your delusions but wake up.

im on no fap, pls

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>muh dick

how does it feel watching your entire race abandon leftism in unison and you being left in the dust with a bunch of shitskin subhumans just because you think itl help you get laid with some dumb whores, all because of some kids posting memes on a fucking website for anime?

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I think there is a resurgence of anti-goy behavior from jews because at this point in time Jews has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Goyim are going to be at the centre of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Goyim will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Israel will not survive

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>Why were the Nazis so pathetic?
This thread again? Sage, plus, Germany took on a coalition of about 10+ nations and made the USSR scramble backwards for 2 years and America cry like a bitch for 1 year. Go fuck yourself. Or get Ahmed to do it for you.

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Oi, you leave my beloved Tiger out of this.

You dont see jews complaining about losing a war from 70 years ago, white cucks need to learn how to shoot

>jew finn stopped posting for some reason

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It was Just part of a plan to thin out the population. IE that got played and a few got paid you nonce.


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>be national socialist guy in the XX century
>notice that the capitalist sistem is trash
>try to change it
>schomo goldstein (father) doesnt likes this
>creates a bullshit history about jews being transformated into soap
>the west and the russkies thrusts schlomo; they had to stop the EBIL NATZEES
>based japan joins germany
>germany even lets niggers join into their armies
>japan gets nuked
>all the countries team up to beat germany
>takes some million of deaths from all the bands to finish a war started by schlomo
>schlomo needs to mark the german nationality to make them a motive of shame
>creates the "MUH 6 GORILLIONS" meme

>You dont see jews complaining about losing a war from 70 years ago
>You dont see jews complaining...
Holy fuck, it's about the only thing they DON'T complain about.
>Muh 6 million

fuggen based commie

>Jews complain about a genocide that wiped out 1/3 of them
>Jow Forums complains about not getting laid

lmao /leftypol/ board is dead so they have to come back here and shill post.


Actually, they murdered 6.5 million Jews

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they didn't throw the first punch... or the 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th... Aryan societies and cultures never seem to. They sit and tolerate, and then tolerate some more...

and then.....

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>innocent Jews
What's next? An innocent nigger?
They're guilty of not being white, which deserves death.

^ Op Reduces his entire genetic legacy and reason for even existing to "skin pigmentation" because he hasn't been taught basic biological facts about human evolution and biodiversity due to it bursting the bubble of egalitarianism. He has also been indoctrinated from a very young age in school by shock propaganda, holocaust images and KKK hangings, so now he'd rather give away the nation his forebears fought and died for over countless years of strife, than commit a fabricated postmodern infraction called "racism". Despite the fact 99% of his ancestors were "racist" too before hook nosed academics from Frankfurt told them it was bad in the 1960s.

He took up atheism in school because nobody taught him why equitable relationships between Man and Wife were more valuable to society than two faggots fucking each up the ass and spreading aids and HIV. But he loves "individualism" and denounces basic evolutionary survival behaviours like tribalism because having responsibility for something other than himself would be too much effort and small minded, and is the source of the holocaust. Collectivism is bad despite the fact each classical liberal principle he holds dear was designed by Straight White male Christian Racists for Other Straight White Male Christian Racists in a Pan European ethnostate by people who also owned negroes as subhuman slaves.

To cope with his crippling cognitive dissonance he shill-posts on Jow Forums frequently due to his previous board /leftypol/ basically being deserted due to the fact that they suck at the memes so bad they somehow allowed a crypto-racist pussy grabbing reality TV star boomer to become the 45th president of the most powerful nation on the planet who also is rightfully disgusted by mental ill "trans people" who if born in any other generation would rightfully be put in an asylum or circus. To achieve the stimulation and dopamine rushes he doesn't get in real life, he fights "nazis" from his keyboard.

TL;DR OP is a faggot.

You really want me to post pictures of my dick dont you faggot nigger?

if those filthy kikeish comedy central roasts were of this caliber, I'd watch