>picture capped from shooter's IG acct before scrubbing
What is the shooter saying in these captions and comments?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there anymore of this?
Sub: 623-18P. Conflict subjectivity.
This is the thread originally posted Pic related according to the user who posted it
Fake and gay
Counterfeit and homosexual
Now that's interesting
It looks like the OP source is saying this account had an Instagram video/story and these comments made seemingly contemporaneous with when we were told he was in police custody
Patsy confirmed?
And the fly picture would have been posted yesterday around noon or 1 pm yesterday. Which would imply he may not have been in school yesterday. see if that detail is ever revealed
Another user posted that his sister was recently removed from the santa fe middle school for basically a mental breakdown. have MSM reports talked about a younger sister at all?
bumping for input
There was a news broadcast ( sorry no sauce) earlier today were neighbors stated FBI has been to house few times over past few years. Entire hood was freaked out about FBI going there.
PREVIOUS to today.
i unironically believe that almost every major school shooting is a false flag at this point, there are too many "coincidences" every time.
Thanks user if anyone sees or has a link to this footage pls share
I saw the video but didn't have any way of saving it as I was mobile at the time.
Guy had a mask on and said something to the effect of
I just want to say to all the people who died fuck you. There is no way to stop this well there is a way but people are too stupid to stop it
Something like that. There were a number of comments on the video and I think some tagged LE and news channels
I think the radio silence from shill speaks volumes
The super quick weight gain from his Facebook photos to his mug shot pretty much reassures that he was taking antipsychotics or SSRI’s
This too, very noticeable puffy / bloated look today
Nah that's what happens to deadbeats after high school, source myself
He was still a student
Ah I thought I had read he was 19, probably confused with some other shooter.
He was in 11th grade but maybe he was putting on size for football, some reports say he played. I did something similar in 10th grade and had terrible anxiety + acne... completely destroyed my mental health, not worth it.
He looks like hes bloated like someone gets from taking ssri's
Yet again the fbi makes home visits to future school shooters
Really activates my walnut
But did cops really execute a search warrant on the kids room YESTERDAY? That's what the OP image seems to be suggesting
Yeah op's pic is quite confusing
He gets to post shit on IG after hes killed 8 people and the police raid his house
I've been asking all day multiple threads and no one has debunked so I'm inclined to say it's legit from before his social accounts got scrubbed and pretty incriminating in its implications
Yea no way he could still post or even have a phone...wtf man
If doooobs or higher Deep State involed
Bump for visibility
Remove all dual citizens from federal government
no some Jow Forums fags from a chat server earlier this afternoon decided to make it as a troll for the media along with some pics showing him with a hillary hat and claiming to be in antifa
he was in custody and engaged in a shootout with police who responded and interrupted his rampage, how the fuck could he be posting replies on instagram when his face was full of dirt and a sweaty pissed off cop was kneeing him in the back while cuffing him?
Saw the fake profile w/ antifa header and Hillary hat, but this was seen by multiple people if you read through source thread
>source posts
They use modified ssri's to prime the subject's mind for these shootings before taking control
There must be some sort of MKUltra switch that they have to hit to trigger these people to turn active. Every single fucking time this happens it turns out that someone in government had visited the family recently.
Could buy it especially if his sister recently had to be pulled out of grade school for a mental episode as was rumored in another thread earlier today.
Any MSM reports mentioning a younger sister of shooter?
A hero like this couldn't be that illiterate. obs fake news
only on JV team no wonder he's such a pussy
Sounds like a 17 yr old edge lord who may or may not have been on ssri's after having his room raided by some type of cops with a warrant
Who the fuck would correspond in writing with someone's who has just committed mass murder
He did not attend the previous 4 days of school
There ya go. Seems like he might have been tied up with the cops yesterday to explain one of the absences
So the FBI """"""""""""investigated""""""""""""" this fuckhead and also """"""""""""""""""investigated""""""""""""""" the faggot that shot up the school in parkland and did nothing? How many others have they """"""""""""""""investigated""""""""""""""" over the past year/decade/whatever?! How much of my tax money is going to pay for these bloated salaries for agents that don't do shit to stop any of this? Thousands of dollars every 2 weeks to the fucking federal government that doesn't do shit and I'm supposed to sit here with a smile on my face like everything is ok?
fake as hell
Bigly if truthfully otherwise artificial and queer
Highly self centered people
What does the fly have to do with this?
It's spelled recruited.
Subtle shill
Yeh theyre tiptoeing carefully around this one. Probably strategizing some shit as its a pretty crazy/incriminating post with no clear proof of it being faked
The gobbermant is sliding the fact that they knew about this guy. Note the lack of images in this thread and quick responses. Expect this incident to be memory holed.
Have to bump it
This is a Motivational, spiritual energy blast into your memetic Sphere!!!
A pep Rally!!! A call to arms!!! A return to God and a destruction of the VILE ones!!!
>feeling down?
Well get cured and watch this Panacea for your mind!!!
>God is building an army
You are not worthless Goyim Shit you are loved and appreciated and waiting for you to come home
>PRODIGAL SON is more important than the other son
Even if you dont believe in God there is alot of redpills in this video and you WILL FEEL BETTER !!!
>THE enemy wants you down and defeated!
Dont be!!! RISE UP!
False flag
>unironically believe that almost every major school shooting is a false flag at this point
you'd be stupid to believe otherwise. it's obvious now.