>Dumb Jow Forumstard: school shootings don't matter, dey iz statistically insignificant n sheet! Hail Drump, heil the white race! >Don't understand that the moral and social costs of a school shooting on a society are far greater than criminals
Dumb Jow Forumstard: school shootings don't matter, dey iz statistically insignificant n sheet! Hail Drump...
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Control and suppression are top-tier strategy and tactics respectively. Defeating a group that has achieved both is only possible here because it mitigates the risk of political instability as fucked up as that sounds.
They can always bring the website down, of course. What I am always marveling over is how you can use extraordinarily powerful suggestion and persuasion technology repeatedly to stir a pot of human refuse and always get back the same pot of human refuse and maybe a little more. I really do love you guys, even the CIAniggers, assorted other spooks, and Jews. Hours of entertainment man.
maybe if you accept the fact that there are no 'bots' and they're just people with different/stupid/sarcastic opinions you can grow out of making dumb shit threads like this
khlorthax shan't've bobbledetuk.
>there are no bo-
>he hasn't considered the possibility that people intentionally do the opposite of what the op says because it's funny to them
>he hasn't noticed the extremely unusual lack of replies to text hidden in the images in those threads which always elicit standard replies
wow let me guess, when your threads get deleted it's because the mods have a vendetta against you, not because nobody gives a shit about what you have to say
sometimes people don't respond to shit
that's how life works