Should Spaniards, Castizos, and Mayans be in the same group or be split up racially?
Is Hispanic too broad to racialize?
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They are in the same group. A Spic is a spic, and they don't belong in the US
Well I'm talking like should a spanish american that's had ancestors in the south west for centuries be in the same group with a chicano mayan mestizo from mexico?
The term "hispanic" doesn't make any sense. It would be like calling American half-blacks "anglos" because they speak english. It's ridiculous and it's unclear to me why it's still done.
I would break down "hispanics" as:
are you black?
Hispanic isnt a race, it's an ethnicity.
latino is a porn term
Agree, whites (spanish) don´t belong to a mongrel country like the modern usa.
I agree with this
>Puerto Ricans
just call them Mexicans
None should be allowed in America.
After we revoke Hayek's and Vargara's citizenship, they may continue to act on an Acting Visa until they get ugly, then back they go.
Does it matter?
>They are in the same group
That's like saying every American is a mixed race mu-
Oh wait, that's also true, huh.
Yes, although the only important question is whether or not Castizos are white.
They should be split up.
Mestiza goblinas and tall beautiful Castizas are not the same thing.
Aztecs and mayans are only two of many native american groups. And many of them are not spaniard but german/italianportuguese in ancestry
Split it into
White (95%+ european)
Castizo (at least 75% european)
Mestizo (at least 50% european)
Native american
A word for the mixture of negroes and native americans
A word for the mixture of all three
It's not an ethnicity, it's a linguistic group
You think you're standing up for justice, posting from your posh upper-class white neighborhood. You and your bros will stand up for the black man and they will accept you in their little Black Panther party.
I don't give a fuck about that. You don't know me bitch, I'm just here to shitpost. I'd you call your mom a nigger and fuck her raw in the same breath.
>mom insults
Reported for underage posting.
This is an 18+ board.
>go do your homework.
calm down edgelord
It actually is properly a meta-ethnicity. The word you're looking for is Hispanophone. Hispanic can only fairly be used in reference to ethnic Iberians.
ow the edge
Hispanic: spaniards and latinos
All latinos are mixed, even the so called "white" ones
>white mexican
nice one you filthy chicano
>t.jealous mestizo midget
She doesn't have a very prominent vagina bone.
t. deluded mestizo midget who had to escape from his beheading shithole
the 'linguistic group/ethnic group' distinctions of what's a hispanic, what's a latino, what's an amerindian, are completely lost on white people and we frankly don't give a fuck, even after it's explained. We know that there are South Americans with lots of European blood, but you're linguistically cut off and in your own bloc, separated both from white americans and from Europe. Your average castizo has nothing in common with a white person in New England, nevermind England. To outside eyes it looks like your perfectly content to remain demographically minuscule parts of gigantic mutt supernations like Brazil and Argentina.
>A word for the mixture of all three
That's what mulato is to the best of my knowledge.
There's a huge variation of European admixture of Hispanics.
We get most of the shitty 0% admixed ones
I'm german/italian
I am just listening to my penis
If u brown and u speak Spanish u Hispanic, simple as that
this. If your name is "Emilo Hernandez Gonzalez" you aren't fucking white and never will be. Dosen't matter how much you cope.
>White (95%+ european)
>Castizo (at least 75% european)
>Mestizo (at least 50% european)
>Native american
>A word for the mixture of negroes and native americans
>A word for the mixture of all three
Jesus what a fucking mess. The Americas need to be fucking nuked off the planet, theyre a disgusting mutant hive of goblins.
This. People generalize hispanics as being all Mestizos, but that is just a reflection of having to deal with the most violent elements of that group.
We really should just be doing full genetic testing of people and do it based on that but obviously Democrats/the current ruling ZOG class probably opposes that and it would also likely end up requiring a massive genetic database for the entire country which I don't trust at all given the country's recent history with stuff like the NSA.
"Hispanics" (which is a crappy term from the get go) should be categorized based on their proportion of European/Iberian vs. Indio/Native DNA.
See pic for a high-European phenotype and now mentally compare it to the 4'10 squatting dark brown goblin people you see and you'll know what I mean and why it could be useful.
this. Basically low-IQ amerindians.
A word for the mixture of negroes and native americans - Juçara
A word for the mixture of all three - Cafuzo
Of course YOU would know, Mr.Hue
Shiiiieeeettt, muh verga
Oh, you soon get use to it.
Calla marrano.
Tas mas prieto que nada wey! jajajaja
What do if I have chink blood along with italian/spaniard?
Sprinkle in a healthy dose of niggers and it looks like any American city.
Estoy seguro que no sabes que es MARRANO, maldito negro isleño de mierda.
>be italian/german
>look mostly italian
My wife is from a tribe in southern mexico known as CHOCHO
Oy vey! You found me out!
the marranos had a nice fate in iberian lands dear amerindian shtiskin rotfl
Her hips are just broad enough to bleach
saw an absolutely stunning goblina yesterday lads
Describe her lad
Split up differently
Spaniards are obviously White
Criollos are White Descendants that live in Mexico or South America
Castizos are 70-80% White
Mestizos are 40-60% White
Amerindians are either 100% Amerindian or have about 10-20% White Dna that is lost forever in that pool of mud.
Criollos and Castizos are our natural allies lads.
pick only one spaghetti nigger
Anybody whose ancestors spoke Portugese or Spanish are out, O.P.
Based America
Everytime, like clockwork.
This very thread is yet another example of how Vatican-Roman "Catholics" are a 5th column in this country. That includes taigs (Southern Irish), Bavarians, Austrians, papist foreigners who have immigrated to Scandinavian countries, etc., as well as the usual 'spic ethnicities (wop, moortugese and spic).
USAmutts who say "spic" btfo
>Criollos and Castizos are our natural allies lads.
I don’t know why the fuck you haven’t tried opening their eyes
Just look at the comments when hispanic media talks about racism in Latin America and the US amongst latinos. Suddenly all those “brown and proud” gueros turn into fucking white radicals. White latinos absolutely hate being told they hold any privilege, and when they can’t play the victim they suddenly side with whites and start calling other latinos beaner and nigger.
>implying protestants aren't importing third worlders to fill their pews
There's hispanic who are genetically black, and italian, too
That's hilarious Pablo
Niggers don't go to church. Most black people are not the baptist sassy types you see in Tyler Perry movies, most niggers are fucking hoodrat retards that vehemently believe in God, but not a Christian God.
To them, God is their homie who looks out for them and supports them in everything they do. They do not pray to God to ask forgiveness for their sins, they pray to him to for help to in committing the robbery or murder they're about to do. They do not come to him with humility, they are arrogant and demand that God somehow "owes them" because they have a shitty life. Niggers are the most un-Christian beasts to walk this fucking Earth. I have met literal cattle with more respect for religion than niggers.
Still, it's a good tactic.
Funnily, radical negroes are using it already. Just search for things like "white latino" on twitter and most users spreading the word about the white hispanic boogeyman are blacks
Jesus christ this world is chaotic
I think it's pointless, gringos are too retarded to understand any of this and even if they did, they're already on their way out. If you want business with the US, it's the jews you have to make friends with, not the goyim, and the jews already are friendly towards us, if only for political reasons.
Even though I don't have a drop of indian or black blood, I would sooner side with the darkest Spanish-speaking Dominican than with the whitest WASP.
Can you guys use your autism to tell me what kind she is and what place on Earth has the highest concentration of latinas like her?
I think latinos are too retarted to understand that. I've met white latinos, even ones who are descendants from white immigrants who think white latinos (themselves) don't exist.
And no you wouldn't
fucked a laotian/mexican girl with a body like this. sucked my dick and balls on while i smoked weed on the couch for like an hour. good shit.
If both sides are too retarded to understand that, why try? Hate on browns if you want, but either way we are on our own, siding with wasps should be off the table.
Yea i've never understood this its an exclusively american thing too more or less it's just another stupid group on the census that makes no sense.
Damn son, where did you find this?
Also she looks triracial/mulatta,quite common in Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, DR, PR and Cuba.
They all act like niggers so I don't think we should really care if it is or not.
I try my best to red-pill Middle-class Hispanics. shits good made lots of friends.
>el atrocidad
>la luz extinguido
>el goblino
Just call them el americano
My half-sister looks like her and believe me, she has black ancestry from her great-grandmother
If you're black and speak english you're anglo?
no, don't be a dumbfuck.
technically hispanics are white on birth certificates so theres that loophole
Then you'd say Castizo, Criollo, Mullato, or Mayate and Negro
Mulato and negro apply to blacks, but none of those apply to Italians
Can confirm. My wife is from Panama and she look like that. She calls herself "chola" but i forgot what it means there
Yeah, you're not a race. You're mutts that are only 300yrs old.
No sabéis ni diferenciar entre los que descubrieron vuestro asqueroso continente y los nativos que lo habitaron, a los que por cierto les pertenece.
Así se hinchen a vaciaros los bolsillos a base de venderles coca a las putas de vuestras hijas e inflaros a tacos hasta que os revienten los intestinos. Payasos del mundo.
Ya deja el jerez papá