Why are you still supporting Trump?

Why are you still supporting Trump?

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Because the retarded redditfags on this board absolutely refuse to listen to any sort of reason.

epic meme XD
quick burn the constitution
bernie still has a chance
my trans and LGBT brothers and sisters are dying across the world
I am a mindless drone incapable of any critical thought and I can only regurgitate slogans and chants
communism is TOTALLY a viable system! people won't starve to death! I have an IQ of 23

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No one president is safe from their clutches, did you really believe (((they))) would relinquish any real power to someone through democracy? lol.
>"Oh yes Goy you got me so good oh woah as me!"

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Because he's still not part of the Clinton Royal Family Dynasty that nepotistic American entrenched wealth interests are trying to set up?

Shit dood, I can agree that he's a fat cheeto coloured buffoon that is a mockery of the position, and it still wouldn't make him a dynastic nepotistic pro-immigration pro-war corrupt candidate like Her.

The fact that he's so terrible to you is funny, because the President can barely do a fucking thing, and you're acting like he's satan.

If you hate him for being old white and male, its you that has the problems with racism and sexism, not us.

THIS! smash crapitalism XD COMMUNISM IS LEGIT YO

For the Kek of it, why else?

Despite his many flaw's, he's as right-wing a president we'll likely get in a long time. Plus, he drives the left utterly batshit.

Why do people think Trump is a bigger threat than the left?

Cause he says mean things?

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Your fucking breaking the fucking rulz again user.

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