Brit/pol/ - bowden edition

>Gavin Williamson calls for hundreds more UK troops in Afghanistan

>Adams questions May's commitment to 'no hard border' as she weighs up 'backstop'

>Anti-slavery Tsar quits with swipe at government

>East Coast Rail is being 'temporarily' nationalised. Corbynites cheer

>Labour council in Tower Hamlets give themselves massive pay rise

>Parliament releases damning report on Carillion indicating Govt failure to regulate

>CMA investigating Sainos/Asda merger which could monopolise supermarkets in the UK

>Police sieze bus aiding homeless people in Windsor, all poor must hide or die

>Bercow under pressure after calling Leadsom "fucking useless, stupid woman"

>May floods Lords with sympathetic peers after Brexit defeats

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what happened to him?

what the fuck is with these twitter 'gangs' ?

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edgy memes for edgy teens xD I'm a dissident look at my flags

The eternal Griffin strikes again


High tory gang took off, and I suppose that other right wing movements are trying to get in on that action

Britain's dead isn't it lmao

mrs columbo

is there a spagbol gang for the spastic pagans?

he does look a wee bit like columbo right?
could just be me who thought that

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I always imagined columbo and his missus were like al and peggy bundy at home.

There is a chance that one part of the UK will survive (probably will be northern ireland, definitely won't be england)

if i remembr my columbo canon correctly mrs columbo does actually exists
he just uses the character of her as a communication device

*does not

>tory boy trying to get in the gangwars
made me laugh, although wouldn't that be spastic Bolsheviks?

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yes that is correct
I've got the columbo box set desu

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fucking kek

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Youd think he have been doing all those movie stars he investigated like a slightly dishevelled rat up a drainpipe in that case.

Gellman's a cuck. This is nothing new. He used to spread his cuckoldry when he was running the CLP party in the Camber.

RIP big man

not sure where i learnt that
i always liked the idea of making stories about imaginary conversation you had with someone as way to bring up any subject you fancy
it's great trick

>paganism survives for 10000 years
>christkikery comes along 2000 years ago
>yesss goy that's right forget your own beliefs and traditions and let us show you the way that's a gooood goy

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I honestly never thought about it
but I suppose you are right
it would only work with strangers though, and I don't interact with strangers that often

But in a couple of episodes he has people speaking to his wife on the phone

>shes a big fan, would you mind saying hello to her?

Did he have someone rping as her?

>fucking your sister/sacrificing newborns has survived for thousands of years, why stop now?
i know technology and civilisation is difficult for you lot but there's no need to drag your people down with you. as long as you stay in the woods and leave the rest of us alone, you can fuck as many trees as you like.

i saw the moon tonight

depends whether the people you talk to see each other
you could get in quick and have that conversation before they saw each other
or just plan it all in advance

maybe his secretary is in on it?

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I win

No sorry I originally meant that I thought she existed
but he just lied about her a lot

win what ?

A butterfly flew into my room earlier and sat on my knee for about 10 minutes. They're such lovely little things.

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i should make that 1 point scorable one per thread for first person

that's not the game
but i like it that should worth d10

neither of those has anything to do with paganism retard
don't forget to turn the other cheek when I break your jaw, christcuck

Oh, ok. Yeah, part pf his freindly bumbling detective routine.


Have you noticed how much rarer they've become? I'm not ancient, but I swear there was loads more around when I was a kid.

that first one is not sensible
everybody's results from running the game should be the same scores

is it possible to find a decent women in england? or are they all degenerate whores??

I just want a wholesome Christian family. why is that so much to ask??

aw wow that is actually quite nice desu

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it's pure luck mate
go out and meet people
it's all you can do

I found one though, so I hope you can

>destroyed paganism
i don't remember us turning the cheek much when we wiped out your silly nonsense. ill burn you at the stake and just ask for forgiveness later

The little bugger wouldn't leave the room at all and I spent about a good half hour removing him. I did read up on the specific type and they're A) migratory from Europe and B) not supposed to hatch until June-July. Poor thing probably hatched early.
The picture's a bit off, as it looked more like image related.

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why do so many of you Christian retards ask this? Maybe try going to church? Christian societies?

All the girls i've met like that have boyfriends, what did women mean by this?

did it really
that is really astonishing

I would love to see a wee butterfly that looked just like a leaf

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I’m trying, but everyone turns out to be trash with questionable morals and values in life.

Or they already have children to at least one father. When did British women turn into such trash?

Have you met any church girls user?? They’re whores like every other woman. Had one church girl give up her asshole on the second date. Another jerked me under the table as her brother said grace.

They’re disgusting, their faith is a sham.

is brexit still happening lads

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Not being funny lad, but youre not exactly coming over as a paragon of christian virtue yourself...

I met mine at uni
she was 18, a virgin and kind of nerdy and chubby (not fat)
but has since lost weight
and is so much better than me desu, but has such low self esteem that the relationship works

I do truely trust her
she is such a stickler for rules, she loves tidying and cooking and cleaning

I think I am lucky

this guy is winning
i think i need to "fix" that desu if i want to make things fun for everyone

only way it happens now is if England declares independence from the rest of UK.


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Is this guy a closet homo? I have a pretty good gay-dar, and he's off the charts.

scotties being a bunch of fucks again? sounds about right

catholic girls school makes them crazy for cock

I can enjoy the moment while still finding the women unfit for long term relationship.

You are blessed user. Don’t let the bitter lonely devorced women she’ll end up working with corrupt her, they all try to do it, ask any women in a office.

independence would kick us out automatically.

>I can enjoy the moment while still finding the women unfit for long term relationship.
Is this moral?

Sounds comfy mate. I had a girl much like that, she was a real looker, heart of gold, but
thick as pig shit. Didnt know what I had and let her slip away...

For a man in the process of finding a partner, yes.

>enjoying the moment
>getting wanked off under the table during grace


I actually stopped that one. I did enjoy fucking a ‘good Christian girls’ asshole before we went out for dinner tho.

>sodomized a girl
>thinks he's worthy of a good Christian woman

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just one more thing

I actually broke up with mine in first year because I was a little scared of the commitment and how fast things were moving
but it was only a week or so before we were back together

I do feel for you though

In the past when I've posted about her on here people have said that she probably wasn't a virgin and things

but thanks for the positive responses anyway
I am glad you aren't cynical and hope you find happiness

all men dabble in sin user


so why can't the women nibba
double standards are retarded

not sure she's beady enough looking desu

Men and women have different roles in life.

You are free to marry a degenerate whore who’s been pumped and dumped by half the town. I will not.

Okay. It's wedding planning time. Got things ready.

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wow thats edgy

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Som of a bitch i get on /pol and i see columbo you son of a bitch i just creamed by pants LITERALLY ONLY REAL MEN WATCH COLUMBO IF YOU DONT WATCH COLUMBO WHEN YOUR DRUNK KYS

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You are a real man, holy fuck lmfao it looks like a cigar box lmaoooo

way ahead of you


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Colombo is a great show.

*clap clap*

dumb yank

i will get myself a drink though
i feel pleased with how things are going so far

sure, but maybe you wouldn't have such trouble finding one if you hadn't been such a degenerate faggot yourself
gods will and all that

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