The Santa Fe Shooter was booked into Galveston County Jail. Seems he doesnt have much to say now.
Sant Fe High School Shooter Booked Into Jail
All those fat cops.
Jesus Christ why is every American a fat fuck
The High sugar diet wrecks our thyroids.
Why do white people commit the majority of mass shootings in the United States?
that fat faggot didnt kill himself? what a weak ass coward. i hate that, now we have to pay for his life time of nigger dick rape, or was this his plan all along? #niggersbitch
There's a sickly obese body type shared by Americans of seemingly all ages. Don't know what to call it, but it's everywhere.
>that autistic pose and smile
typical brainwashed autist
fb? or is it conveniently removed
He looks like a Puerto Rican I used to work with. He had a brain tumor and had to quit.
mass shooting happen all the time in the hood, it's just not reported
there's one happening right now
it seems like whites do it more because the events are complicated and they used to control your mind
He'll get the death penalty
They don't?
Yeah I really don't know why lefty websites describe this site as white supremacist sometimes. According to Jow Forums, literally no one is white. White people don't even exist, they're a figment of our imagination.
it's texas
he will fry
Idk man Whites have hundreds of years of war in their blood?
>doesnt have a white name
>doesnt have white features
>has light skin so hes white
i guess arabs are white now too
They don't. Blacks are overrepresented in all forms of murder. But white killers ((("capture the public's attention"))).
Mainly because the corn syrup industry lobbies the federal government to hide how harmful their product is.
>doesnt have a white name
>doesnt have white features
The fucking levels of autism on this board
>Has a Greek name therefore has Greek lineage and not immigrant lineage
I guess Greeks are apparently not white now.
"White people" dont fucking exist.There are an assortment of light skinned races that do exist and none of them are called "White"
He's a "minor" No magic needle for him
Well technically I'd say white people are people in certain generic haplogroups.
The media only cares if White students are involved because that's like telling the world that they were actually people that mattered.
Blacks and Hispanics have this issue all the time, but nobody cares because the world is more like Jow Forums than anyone really realizes on this board. That's why liberals are so pissed about society, but it's strangely enough more of a left issue than a right wing issue because right wingers love to hate minorities and constantly point this shit out further making the source of the issue taboo in the media since they don't want to appear right leaning to progressive viewers. I mean, it isn't preferred to be pointed out so crudely, but at least it's talked about to some degree rather than blatantly ignored to appeal to peoples' feelings.
The United States really could stop a lot of crime if they simply stopped treating everyone like criminals.
He let the bullets do the talkin’.
If he was a Muslim (our religion of peace);
That shooting would Not have happened.
Nope they are genetically Turkish at this point, my syrup american friend.
He’s be too busy throwing fags off of roofs.
So JonTron finally snapped.
Peace be upon him.
He's 17 and killed 10 people
He will be tried as an adult and executed
There's a difference between gang violence and shooting innocent civilians in public places
>There's a difference between gang violence and shooting innocent civilians in public places
Because we are better at aiming.
Is Partisan Girl white? She's white enough for my cock, I can tell you. Sometimes she looks hot but other times she looks like she's just taken a fresh shit in the street.
they don't cluster anywhere near turks though.
At least black people have a reason for shooting each other.
Supreme Court says otherwise
Hate the game, not the players
Not really.
Anyone else notice his pin is the bisexual flag?
>The United States really could stop a lot of crime if they simply stopped treating everyone like criminals.
You mean "if we got rid of all the blacks"
Oh shut up. You know damn well people from the tribes of europe are called white so we can be abused by alt lefters.
Whiteness was invented by American Irish immigrants so they could have something to claim superiority over niggers.
white people just cannot go a month without shooting up a school
we need to do something about this
Just a reminder to keep your guns locked up, so you're stupid kids wont get into them
>mutt can't tell what mutt features are anymore
checks out
learn to homeschool
I hate you internet troll, i hate you.
Don't worry, since it was not done with an AR-15 this story will be gone by Monday morning
Was there really a search warrant executed on the shooter's bedroom yesterday?
>source posts
Not usualy. Most victims of drive bys and gang violence end up being random non targets.
It's definitely diet-related. It's sugar. We don't really have corn syrup in the UK (apart from imported American snack treats) but there's an horiffic obesity problem here, too. I do think corn syrup is *worse* for you, mind. I'm overweight, for instance. I cycle to keep the heart pumping, hike in the woods on some weekends and do a physical job, so my body feels strong. But I'm still overweight because I like biscuits (my own fault, I know). The only time I lost a lot of weight was when I was power-walking through the park twice a day and not eating sugar. It's 100% sugar. It's a fucking poison for humans. I'd like to say it should be banned (along with all artificial sweeteners) but that just makes me look weak. But I see no other way to save the West. Apart from fascism.
Says the leaf
No, I mean "The United States really could stop a lot of crime if they simply stopped treating everyone like criminals."
Damn what a fat
Zapping the gay. Mike Pence will be happy.
Get rid of the foriegners and actualy give a shit about the students instead of tenur and muh ball games.
Go away
Sugar is fine, eating it constantly is not.
Helenistic Greeks were white, modern Greeks are the spawn of Turkish rape babies.
Haven't the greeks been guy fuckers since ancient times?
Top zozzle
I stopped drinking sodas and went back to my martial arts stuff. Lost 10 lbs.
overfed, undernourished
people live off of dead, chemically treated remnants of factory farm products
then they wonder why they're always hungry
Based on what? It isnt like gang members are droning weddings lol
Why would you want a terrorist to lick your own arse?
agree i suggest deporting all niggers to a woodchipper that should fix it, we all know its that god damned nigger smell that drives them to violence
Sounds like a dude who was sleuthing once the kid's name came out and was surprised to see an instagram live video and recent posts made
Usualy the violence breaks out in a public place. Even if targeted, bullets have a tendancy to travel. Might be 5050 but the fact remains they usualy end up injuring, robbing, beating, stealing from non gang members.
How do you know that?
I legitimately feel bad for the kid.
10 less niggers.
ITT: Amerimongrels calling greeks nonwhites
It was him!!
Situations. This is just a for instance.
Like the asain boys shooting in the china town resturaunt.
Had a chat with my buddy Sabo today.
From the deep south.
Everyone is either so fat that they cant stand in line at Walmart and need to sit on the floor while waiting for the cashier or a pilled/methed out junkie who is so skinny that there hair is falling out.
I'll never forget being 11 and reading my dad's Rolling Stone magazine about Columbine and other school shooters, and seeing Kip Kinkel's face and rundown. That day he became my fav school shooter, the OG loner with the alliterative name. He was more authentic than Kliebold and Harris, more rock to their metal.
But Columbine was the perfect storm. The name alone is so memorable, ominous. It seems destined almost. The name is like Columbus, a typical peaceful high school name, but the "bine"adds a weird menace evoking carbine or machines, like a barrel rolled onto the end of Columbus, terminating the word, trapping the students inside the word like fish in a barrel. It's a word that runs cool but seems to detonate. columBINE!
It was the perfect storm. You had these media obsessed kids who were narcissistic. The movie Scream was inspired by them. They had this VHS MTV documentary look later inspiring the movie To Die For. Fashion was immediately synonymous with the massacre: Trench Coat Mafia was repeated ad nauseum. Every high school had a group of blackclad cig-fingered loners. Movies like The Crow, and Nothing Records, and DOOM, literally the id, had dominated the mid 90s, grunge had already spiraled into darker heroin ennui that had mixed in 1999 with computer NEET shit, adding further detachment and voyeurism. Boy bands were being forced on kids, adding to the anger. Kids looking up gore, porn and bomb making online.
Columbine and Blair Witch Project nailed the day/night vibe of 1999. It was murder through the CCTV, Internet, video camera, it was unfiltered, like relics of the present, thus impossible to shake.
I always thought Charles Manson and Zodiac were overblown, Boomer mythologizing, even as a kid, my older brothers said it was pretty gay. But Columbine was our Manson, just as 9/11 was our Pearl Harbor/JFK, and Cobain/Lennon.
Columbine was perfectly packaged. Whereas these other shooters are botched rehearsals.
he goes from a thin to a fat and shoots up a school.
what ssri's and anti-depressants does he take?
Lol implying we don't try minors as adults for even minor offences.
This kid is getting executed fo sho
most "gang violence" is a result of unrestricted tribalism. divisions emerge between gangs, cliques, neighborhoods, blocks, whatever. almost any reason can be used to gun down members of the other tribe, because they might just get you first anyway. even if the "beef" is between one person and another, it can easily turn into a mass shooting because fellow crew or even witnesses have to go too. the stuff that gets highlighted in the news is usually only the definitely innocent bystanders like a child getting a stray bullet.
Slept a really long time after a few days hard work. Can anyone give me a detailed rundown on the shooter and events, cheers.
but the Zodiac wore a costume.
also a columbine is flower
he lives in a trailer park I doubt he could afford 'em
This was a pleasure to read and I don't care if it was an OP or not thanks for sharing that
>"We really meant to just kill those enemy gang guys, but your little kids got in the way. Ooops, sorry innocent civilian people!" Signed, MS-13
Well, that makes it all better. Thank god they weren't intent on harming children like those evil school shooters!!
This is Texas, I'm pretty sure they still execute retards
There really isnt anything particularly special or impressive about Columbine. The allure is mainly based on the rare dynamic of two mass shooter friends and the fact that is was essentially the genesis of the school shooter phenomenon. Cruz not only got the record but was able to walk away 4 miles to have one last meal before getting apprehended but it just doesnt seem to have the same effect as Columbine .....
It's because we're supposed to be looked at in a higher manner. Niggers are animals, so no one cares if they act as such. I think Republicans delay any kind of gun reform because they want niggers to keep killing more niggers.
I never believed that costume and Zodiac are related. Even the Fincher movie includes it as a lark. IMO, Columbine was much more shocking. The backwards caps, the smiles on their faces, they were murdering for cool points and the MSM loved every second. If that Zodiac costume killer left behind Polaroids or super 8 footage, then it might compete.
I guess that's the significance of Columbine though. Zodiac and Manson were covered by magazines and books, entrenched in the unknown that haunted the Boomers. Whereas Columbine kids knew American youth was rotting, we sensed it firsthand. And Columbine was just the affirmation. The known was more terrifying than the unknown. That anger among youth was in the air. You empathized with it. It was like all of the Clinton and Bush lies that were still secret were still poisoning America slowly.
>" One classmate told CNN the alleged shooter was "really quiet and he wore like a trench coat almost every day."
HAHAHAHAHAHA he literally fits the stereotypical fat emo weeb who had no friends. I bet he had no friends, watched anime, and hated everyone because he was bullied.
No one agrees with you. Columbine had
>first ever CCTV footage of a school shooting
>footage that made it online and got discussed in chat rooms
>first school shooting that became synonymous with music like Nothing Records, M Manson, Ministry
>first shooting to have its own aesthetic and fashion
>the symbolism of 1999
>the archives and history of the killers
>first shooting to be synonyms with FPS like DOOM
>first shooting covered by MSM like a goddamn Natural Born Killers type phenomena
Nothing competes. Who was wearing full body armor inside Parkland? Cruz wasn't. Where's the gas mask? He's literally a Deliverance-tier moron.
is it true the fbi visited him at an earlier date?