Itt: post bluepills

Hey, Jow Forums. Redpills have ruined me. Hiding my powerlevel is hard. I want to go back to believing there was nothing wrong with gay marriage, all races are equal, and that fascism is mean and evil. I want to be bluepilled.
itt post bluepills

Attached: WaddleDab.jpg (859x637, 43K)

Diversity is our strength.

We are one race the human bean race

Love is love

Science is real and it’s settled

Show me instances of diversity creating greater trust between people than homogeneity
Different races have different intellectual and physical
Gays have disproportionate amount of diseases
Science is a process, not a belief. Anyone saying otherwise is trying to con you.
Refute these please

>its nothing happening
>stay calm
>look on your smartphone and check 9gag


>Show me instances of diversity creating greater trust between people than homogeneity
Just look at Jow Forums we are the most diverse board yet we all come together to hate the jews.

>Different races have different intellectual and physical
It doesn't matter. We are all humans, those differences can be put aside to hate and put the kikes into ovens.

>Gays have disproportionate amount of diseases
It's still love, and their choice. Just look at Alt-Hype. He's gay and hates the jews for brainwashing the whites of today.

>Science is a process, not a belief.
Yes and we've determined through science that without Jews we were far better off.

Victim hood is the path of least resistance.

Your wife's past doesn't matter

I'm in the same boat as you, being Red-Pilled is RUINING MY LIFE.

- I can't watch TV anymore
- I can't go to the Movies
- I have been boycotting Amazon for 12 months now
- the Dinner Table is a nightmare, if controversial subjects come up, I have to keep my mouth shut
- the workplace is another nightmare, I can't let the cat out of the bag
- when I drive around, I only focus on negativity (obesity in public, degenerate tattoos, single mothers.. race mixing mothers with brown kids...)

I'm at the point now where I can only shop at WalMart from 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., I have to be out of the store before the browns/blacks wake up and show up with their Food Stamps and clog up the store, it's too depressing for me to look at them and to know that their illegitimate offspring is the future of this country.

>Just look at Jow Forums we are the most diverse board yet we all come together to hate the jews.
we have a common goal, something most diverse societies don't have
>It doesn't matter. We are all humans, those differences can be put aside to hate and put the kikes into ovens.
just because you want to microwave some kikes with me doesn't mean that our genetics are the same
>It's still love, and their choice. Just look at Alt-Hype. He's gay and hates the jews for brainwashing the whites of today.
Gays still are disease ridden rats. They also tend to be more into pedophilia. Isn't a coincidence that (((they))) are pushing it?
>Yes and we've determined through science that without Jews we were far better off.
Someone could refute that claim with evidence and that would still be scientific.

reveal your memeflag

Imagine this but you got redpilled and you're a Jew.

Attached: wow.png (365x241, 5K)

That's not called being redpilled, that's called being an autistic faggot

I used to be redpilled until I started hanging out with this Australian drag queen. Getting to know someone who’s morals are completely different from yours opens up a lot of doors mentally. We’re all just people trying to make it to death safely. Talk to people that aren’t like you and actually talk to them. Learn about their family, their past. That’s how you regurgitate the red pill. All that shit is just hate and memes anyways.

so to let go of the redpill, hang out with people who aren't like me? If this is true, thank you.

I tried this the effect was very momentary. I worked in a more diverse area and my max temporary bluepill was like a week before you logically come back around to the truth.

how do i maximize the bluepill?

that would unironically suck

I don't know exactly since I haven't done it. I recommend surrounding yourself with intelligent minorities, instead of dumb ones which would only hate-fuel you. If you surround yourself with enough BASED BLACKS maybe you can be recucked. That or start going to clubs and trying to have one night stands with women.


The smartest people I know, besides me, are both half white. I don't want to have one night stands, because of the risk I run of impregnation/roasties tracking me down/stis

Also, thank you leaf. You are my greatest ally. This will save my mental health.

Since I'm assuming you are non-religious, logically the only other way to go is to eat the blackbluepill.

Basically realize that since there is no god and your side is losing anyhow, embrace materialism and chaos. Why care about the so called redpill when your gonna die anyhow? Just enjoy yourself and do whatever it takes to make you happy. Forget about politics, fuck people, do what makes you happy.

That is my best advice, the fusion of two pills.