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Other urls found in this thread:


Q predicted this

boomers pls go

Fucking jews, I now unconciously rub my hands like a jew in public. I can't fucking stop.

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Cheer up user at least you can apply for unemployment and get neetbux

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the issue is that you cannot consciously become a normie.

if enough people are redpilled (>50%), then you may finally rest knowing that you have become a normie again.

therefore, you should probably print some fliers or something.

have a good day.

literingly whats the isue?

what happened?

iv been a neat since after hi scool an theirs nothing wrong with me

Start your own business dummy

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Jow Forums style rants mailed to HR

I wish.

>Jow Forums style rants mailed to HR

If you're not trying to elaborate, don't post.


not our fault you're a retard

good, neck yourself faggot.

Perhaps you could use a break from Jow Forums, sir.

You work for Walmart. Honestly who gives a fuck?

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No idiots. There is some program that apparently scans for Jow Forums shit you've posted on social media over the years and posts it to your place of employment's HR dept.

Yeah not quite.

You knew better than to use social media user.

>be OP
>too stupid to stay quiet at work
>diarrhea of mouth
>blurt a remark about jews
>get fired
>go on unemployment bennies
>shitpoast on4chan all day instead of looking for new jewb
>get even more blackpilled
>go on welfare
>live in a trailerpark
>cant afford internet anymore
>browse at library and starbucks
>basically trailer trash
>wealthy azn gril sees him at starbucks, feels pity
>they date, marry
>OP is set for life.

Opinions held outside of the workplace shouldn't matter.

well, it kind of goes without saying that you shouldn't post anything on facebook you're not willing to back up in front of the worst possible audience.

make your profile non public, this program is far from new.

consider yourself lucky that everyone throws around the Jow Forums high sign so if they're looking for tips and quotes, they'll get too many hits.

Gas the bikes, race far now!

Maybe don't say Jow Forums shit on social media tied to your irl identity?

screenplay when

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Without meaningful unions, and without any meaningful worker protectors you can fire people at-will.
same reason you're able to make people submit to drug tests even in states where marijuana is legal.

Yeah but in practice they'll scan any social media they can get a hold of. And if you don't use social media they'll think it's suspicious. The best approach is to make an Insta with a few pics to make you look like a normie and then delete all other social media. It's the most efficient way of blending in without giving too much data away.

I love you.

>can never be a normie again
This is for the better, trust me

I get that you're offering relevant advice but stop for a moment and think about how fucking pathetic that advice is.
>be a good goy
>maybe they won't notice you have a brain

So can the same thing happen if your youtube and disqus account have Jow Forums memes?

I'm from your HR department and let me tell you
honestly, we don't give a shit.
If we didn't hire people who tested positive for Jow Forums
we would have nothing but brainlets.
Hell I'm at work right now.

No I'm saying to pretend to be a good goy. You can be anything you want to be in private but you need to put on a mask for the public. Otherwise they'll fucking lynch you like they do to anyone else with opposing views.

How do you know you're going to lose your job? What kind of shit did you say?

Anything with your real name is a risk. Personally I'd carefully and sparingly use social media with your name attached to sculpt a normie persona as described Anything else use a pseudonym.

What state are you in? Curious if you're in a blue state.

Make sure you play the satire card. Only admit that you like to troll, if they get suspicious.

>implying everyone in Jow Forums isn't a normie
Jow Forums is the normie board user, haven't you figured that out yet?

not blue, swing.

ur dumb lmao

Even satire is risky for most. See that one Harvard meme group chat that got everyone in the group rescinded. The best approach is to claim some kind of minority status. Talk about your Jewishness or something.

Congrats on beign a compelte fuckup, OP. All you had to do was realize that this sub is trash and nothing is worth repeating, maybe not even worth remembering. You probably come here because you' think you're "woke". You're retarded OP. Really, congrats.

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Can you openly admit your use of Jow Forums? If not, it isn't a normie thing.

>Boomers flood /pol with no known understanding of board culture
>Doesn't know how to contain himself
>Displays his power level, at work, like a fucking idiot

Listen up boomerfags. There's a reason we hide behind 7 proxies. There's a reason the old generation avoided Jow Forums in the first place. You learned shit the hard way and it's not our responsibility to teach you to keep your mouth shut.

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What makes you so pissed antifa? How is your sex life?

Idk dude, it was some shit I posted when i was drunk. Standard niggers and jews rant after I read about the grooming gangs in London awhile back.

Yeah let me borrow a cool $200,000 and get that going right away.


I refuse to believe a guy with an office job is this retarded irl

That's what you get for being a low IQ, easily manipulated Jow Forumslack.

Hiding your powerlevel is a kike trick. Unless there is some sort of Order 66 thing going out and everyone who has seen the light releases their powerlevel at the same time.

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mailed in by someone else not me

so what should I do guys? double down or talk around it?

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Claim it was a joke or something and make sure you tell them that you're a jew. That way you'll get minority cred. Then you delete your FB.

Be like me. Master everything and be the "go-to guy" so that if they fire you, all their projects go down the shitter.

I drop red pills all day around my liberal boss, but he knows I basically run the show.

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Own who you are. Someone said my location was on.... why would I join a site made for socialize and attention seek if I wanted to be a hermit? If I don't people to think I'm a scumbag I don't do scumbag shit. But regardless you should always be comfortable in your own skin or look into a dermatologist

Fuck dude... how the hell can we help you if you're so passive? You were pretty proactive posting racist shit on facebook. Not enough info to help you.